Climate Strike: So many contradictions for a single day!

Yesterday, on September 27, 2019, an impressive number of Canadian youth (and older folks) walked for the climate.

Many were of course likely happy to skip school. They were paradoxically encouraged by their school boards/teachers to do so (usually we do not strike in conformity but rather in opposition!).

Others may have been genuine carers for the environment, simply keen to show their care. Bravo to them in that case, perhaps even more so to those who took the initiative to clean the mess after the walk (like some did in Montreal).

Yet other folks walked to score political points, to signal their virtue, and to perhaps gain a few more votes (in French, we can say, they aspire to be or appear to be *VERTueux*/*VERTueuses*).

Who knows? Maybe others walked without knowing precisely why they did so. Perhaps they did not want others to take a guess neither.

Last but not the least, other walkers almost received a dozen eggs on their heads (oups not a vegan projectile; how daring). Aye for this gesture!

That egg incident in Montreal reminded Bambi of a trip she made to Beirut in 2000. On that same trip, she visited Lebanon, Syria, and France. In each country, a historic event happened: In Lebanon, Israel withdrew its army after 20 years of occupation. Wow. In Syria, Assad the father (BIG dictator who has occupied Lebanon as well) died. Yes, even dictators die too. In France, their national soccer team (“Les Bleus”) won the European Championship. Bambi still recalls how she has naively (OK stupidly) cheered by standing up and applauding to a German goal (the opponents of the French, her favourite team in the world). All this happened at a pub of a small village filled with excited soccer fans. Wrong team or wrong country ?. Aye for Bambi who managed to return safely to Canada!

Anyhow, to come back to the eggs that Mr. Trudeau almost received on his head yesterday in Montreal, well, Bambi saw a sort of an avalanche of eggs from balconies meant to fall on the heads of Hizbollah militia parading in their tanks in a Beirut neighborhood after the historic withdrawal of Israel mentioned above. The irony of the contradiction then was that people seemed to be thrilled yet they did not appreciate seeing Lebanon being oriented too much toward Iran. Plus, they would have preferred to see this group return their weapons like all the other groups who participated in the ugliest civil war.

Anyway, as our Prime Minister, Mr. Trudeau represents all the contradictions we have been observing in our country lately, not just during an electoral campaign. In Bambi’s mind, he also represents a lack of efficient leadership for all sorts of reasons beyond this post (although somehow related too).

Perhaps the apparent contradictions that has attracted Bambi’s attention the most were four other interesting events:

1. Mr. Legault, Prime Minister of Québec published an open letter to the youth of Québec reaching out to them on this important day (when they were going to be on the streets). A smart gesture by a pragmatic man who seems to behave like a leader of a real country would:

2. An article informed us of Prince Harry’s eco-anxiety:

Bambi will not comment!

3. Mayor Valérie Plante, who has been saying that Montreal is an unceded indigenous territory, even a Mohawk one (considered a controversial sentence in December 2017), came up with a platitude that goes like follow: As adults *we do not inherit* earth from our ancestors but we rather *borrow it* from our children. Doesn’t the later contradicts the former? In other terms, our ancestors/elders do not matter any more now? Only kids and babies… oh no, babies YAK to them when we are going toward a mass extinction! Many young women have been deciding not have children anymore. A large number came together to sign a document and put pressure on politicians.

4. Last but not least, perhaps the most ironic (disturbing) message Bambi heard today whilst working in her office was the chanting of young kids outside: “Stop the violence, stop the hatred… keep the oil in the ground… no pipeline on stolen land…”.

Violence and hatred. Did Bambi hear well? Is this a song by strikers in the Middle East or in Congo? Oups, no. It is in Sackville, NB, Canada, one of the most peaceful places on the face of earth!

What are we teaching (brainwashing?) our young kids? Plus, what is meant by stolen land? What about first nations folks who work or aspire to work in the oil industry anywhere in Canada? Don’t they deserve to have their voices heard too? And wouldn’t their opinion be perhaps different from the spirit of this chant?

If we keep going down this road of radicalism (“à la Greta” with her apocalyptic message at the UN), we could/would risk one day silencing dissident voices; just like the Hizbollah can at times do to folks from its own community who do not believe in its methods of fighting potential occupations or wars with Israel.

To conclude this post, what really and seriously worries Bambi is to see the beautiful, noble, and necessary ecologism being hijacked by radicalism (a bit like how Islamism hijacks Islam).

In Montreal, Greta T. talked again about the need to listen “to the scientists. Which ones? Bambi wondered to herself? Only those who would say: Transfer those funds, keep that oil in the ground, trash “economic growth”, limit people’s freedoms, add taxes… because the end is near? What if their scientific studies and predictive models do not yield similar results? Or what if they keep in mind the bigger picture of the climate in connection to the economy and… reason? What if they stand up to tell Greta and her movement that this does not seem to make sense anymore? Would Greta tell them at the next UN meeting: “How dare you too?”.

Oh, one more question: Why doesn’t Greta ask us to listen to engineers too? After all, it is them who will be innovating solutions in order to transition to other forms of energies one day.

At the pace things are evolving in our world, it will surely take many years to de-radicalize our young people’s brains, unless people will start opening their eyes.

As one of the smartest men Bambi knows said once: If we keep moving in this direction, it is Alberta who would risk leaving our beautiful Canada… before Québec. The latter, despite its impressive electrical power and potential for more of it, as Mr. Legault pointed out to in his letter to the youth.

UNacceptable UN tragicomedy

UNacceptable UN tragicomedy

Wise Lebanese grand mothers used to tell their grand kids: Jesus himself came on earth and did not rally everyone behind him. In other terms, some folks saw in him the Messiah (or saviour) whilst others did not believe in him.

Keeping this spirit in mind, it is interesting to read articles about Greta’s speech at the UN by two journalists Bambi usually thinks highly of, Ms. Sophie Durocher and Ms. Emanuelle Latraverse, from the same Journal de Montréal (La Traverse was initially working for the French CBC):

Too bad Bambi does not have the time to translate, not even to check the translation after her friend Google ?.

The title of Ms. Latraverse’s article is: “Greta, the magnificent”.

The title of Ms. Durocher’ is: “When Greta loses it”.

We are reading about the same Greta who appears in this video:

Bambi can only sadly agree with Ms. Durocher on this one. It is heartbreaking to see Greta like that at the UN.

Bambi cannot help not to think how *UNacceptable* it is to see a 16-year-old youth with autism (with comorbid depression and anxiety!) being weaponized at the Assembly of Nations in front of the eyes of people around the world.

Like Ms. Durocher, Bambi thinks that Greta is in danger but not from the global warming… she is in danger of tragic consequences of this adventure ☹.

So are maybe generations of youth around the world who are skipping schools and believing that they are saving the world (her disciples).

We have created a world-wide phenomenon of propaganda out of the good-intentioned, talented Greta that can backfire not only on her but also on all our youth.

Why are we doing this to our children? And why has the UN turned into a melodramatic platform?

Why can’t we talk about environmental issues with calm, using our rational brain (prefrontal cortex, for God’s sake) instead of our out-of-proportional emotion of fear (amygdala of our limbic system).

Where are the scientists? The real ones, not the kids?

Where are the world politicians, the balanced or wise ones; not the ones who have totally lost their mind or sold their soul to this scary totalitarian-like youth movement, which looks more like a blind religion than anything else. 

When Bambi was a younger teenager than Greta, she mailed out a letter to the Pope, out of their shelter, with one of her now deceased friend who escaped to Beirut from occupied South Lebanon. Together, they denounced the Israeli occupation and violence. They asked the Pope to pray for peace and to act to save the children of Lebanon.

They have never ever shamed adults (nor did any of her fellow child citizens who called for the end of the absurd civil war).

They truly saw adults behaving like children: fighting on the streets or killing innocent people (i.e., snipers) or kidnapping them or kidnapping innocent foreigners.

The kids and their parents had all the reasons of the world to believe that Beirut would not rise after 15 years of sustained total destruction. Yet, they kept their hope and perspective in life.

See for yourself if you do not believe Bambi that Beirut has been rebuilt (it has been destroyed and rebuilt 7 times through history, mind you):

Beirut 7 times destroyed and rebuilt…

Bambi’s point is that there is ALWAYS hope in-between what seems like black and white in a moment of despair or anxiety.

The planet has seen more extreme over millions of years and humanity is still here. Our earth is more resilient than we think. So are we.

To come back to Greta, Bambi wishes her well and wishes us adult wisdom.

Has your sense of humour been surgically removed or not yet? Test yourself with this Québec political cartoonist’s drawing of Greta & Mayor Valérie Plante

La caricature d’YGreck by Mr. Yannick LeMay (Journal de Montréal; September 20, 2019)

On September 27, 2019, Mayor Valérie Plante will welcome Greta at Montreal City Hall and give her the keys of the city.

Mr. Lemay is referring to the famous yet controversial “Vive le Québec libre” (= Long live free Québec) proclaimed by General Charles de Gaulle, President of France on July 24, 1967 (during a state visit to Expo 67) from the balcony of Montreal’s City Hall.

General Charles De Gaulle, President of France (Montreal City Hall balcony, June 24, 1967)

With all due respect to those who truly care for the environment, we cannot help not to smile at all the contradictions (driving OR even flying in/out to the demonstrations, overusing their cell phones, eating their air flown food, all this whilst lecturing us about the bad free market/capitalism and guilting the earlier generations).

This whole global climate strike movement is somehow reminding Bambi of a 2008 movie called “The Wave” or” La vague” (“Die Welle” in German) by Dennis Ganzel:

Over a week, a high-school teacher offers his students an educational experiment designed to help them understand how a totalitarian regime can start and how it operates. It turned the school into a police state, leading to tragic consequences…

The Wave movie

What does the word “racist” really mean nowadays?

Recently, our own Prime Minister was accused of being racist over something he did many decades ago in different times.

Clearly in Bambi’s mind, Mr. Trudeau is not racist. He may be an amateur Prime Minister but he is surely not a racist. He was perhaps hoisted by his own petard because he has been acting hypocritically by accusing others of being racist.

He has apologized and even over-apologized. Bambi just listened to that video and wondered why he is self-flagellating to that point? He should move on to something else now because too much may sound like not enough in the end.  

Anyhow, anyone can be accused of being *racist* against any group. Sometimes, people are accused of being racist by two opposing groups who may be in conflict.

Another example of so-called racism is the following: When the rest of Canadians accused Quebecers of being racist JUST for having a different cultural approach to secularism.

Yet another example can be radical Muslims (this is not a race… it is just a religion or perhaps a culture for those who are not observant). Many have been likely brought up to hate Jews and amalgamate Jews with Israelis, Israeli soldiers with innocent Israeli civilians, Israeli politicians with young soldiers just following orders, etc.

Same for the Jews (again not a race…. It is just a religion and perhaps a culture for those who are not observant). Some may have issues with Muslims (radical ones at least). They also have their stereotypes, etc. Israel has a history of occupation or abuses toward Palestinians (all of them, regardless of their religion).

Bearing this in mind, Bambi felt the need to weigh in on two articles below about Ms. Nancy Mercier, PPC candidate in Beauséjour, accusing her of holding “racist” views:

English CBC:

French CBC:

Bambi has met Ms. Nancy Mercier in person and she has even interviewed her after her sad saga in Sackville: (

Why is Ms. Mercier accused of holding racist views? Simply because she is against Sharia Law in Canada. If this is being racist, then Bambi is also racist because she agrees with Ms. Mercier on this one. She is not the only one. MOST of her immigrant friends, Muslim Arabs or Muslims from other countries chose to come to Canada because of its secularity.

To be clear, only our Common Law (and Code Civil in Québec) should apply to all Canadians, whether Muslim or not, newcomers or old immigrants like Bambi.  

Only our laws can protect Muslim women from honour killing or forced marriages (the tragedy of the Shafia family in Kingston ☹ or, more recently, a story about a forced marriage of a teenage girl in Québec;

Now, Bambi is not an expert of security but at the same time she is perhaps less innocent than average good-hearted Canadians who may not allow themselves to have opinions like Ms. Mercier because they do not want to see themselves as being “racist”.

We may agree or not with Ms. Mercier.

We may vote for her or not.

However, for having interviewed her, I can assure that she is far from being close-minded and racist.

Bernier does not accuse Trudeau of racism but rather of hypocrisy

In each of us, there is a good and bad side.

Same for our politicians.

Talking about politicians, what Bambi appreciates in Mr. Maxime Bernier is his fairness, especially in the following tweet about Mr. Trudeau and the story of blackface in 2001 ( OR

“I’m not going to accuse @JustinTrudeau of being a racist. But he’s the master of identity politics and the Libs just spent months accusing everyone of being white supremacists. He definitely is the biggest hypocrite in the country.”

Bernier summarized the tragic situation in our country so well, even in those limited words.

Bambi does not know if the blame for this would only be on the Liberals though… Although she could be wrong, Bambi thinks that our whole society is guilty of this sort of collective stupidity described above by Bernier.  

It is hard to govern when we desperately try to please everyone, instead of taking tough decisions or instead of knowing when to push back.

imagine for one second the following scenario: Had Mr. Bernier worn such costume (and coloured his skin like that), even at age 3 (not 30) he would have been accused of being a Nazi.

Same for Sheer or anyone else. Same for May.

Perhaps this is old news for Bernier as some called him racist just for having policies on taboo topics such as immigration.

Bambi was born in the same part of the world as Aladdin. She was not offended by Mr. Trudeau’s old picture… Like Mr. Bernier, what bothers her the most in life is hypocrisy and the double-standards.

Plus, Trudeau’s costume is not an accurate illustration of Aladdin, let’s say. Who knows? Aladdin may have been blond with green or blue eyes (like Bambi’s maternal side of the family).

Anyhow, poor Mr. Trudeau— the Genie (or Jinn) could not come to help him today. He had to act with courage and fast.

He did well by apologizing to all those who have been offended (luckily, he is experienced in apologies). For this, Bambi thanks him.

Let’s move on now to more contemporary stories.

More importantly, let’s take the time to think about Trudeau’s promises (all his “sunny ways”). Did he keep them? Did he deliver on them?

These are the questions that Bambi prefers to focus on before voting, more than on a bad costume in 2001 (Vancouver) or in 2018 (India).

Is the Mediterranean Sea the most beautiful sea in the world?

Is the Mediterranean Sea the most beautiful sea in the world?

Today, upon waking up, Bambi saw that she had an SMS from one of her sisters, sharing two pictures she took before starting her 8 AM- lecture at the Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Libanaise, Tripoli campus (Lebanon).

By mid-day Atlantic time, Bambi received a third picture taken by her sister from her own balcony upon returning back home in Baabda (suburb of Beirut).

After 29 years in Canada, Bambi remains convinced that the most beautiful sea in the whole world is the Mediterranean Sea :)! Of course, she is saying this whilst appreciating the stunning beauty of Atlantic Canada’s beaches… and yes, she may be a bit biased here. After all, the Mediterranean sea is not only in her soul, so to speak, but also in her genes and… on her plate too (thanks to Talented Chef Luigi ?)!

OK, enough of philosophy. Here are the pictures. See for yourself! Maybe you can help in objectively answering the question in the title of this post?

Picture # 1 taken by Roula Azar-Douglas, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Libanaise (the Lebanese University, Tripoli campus)
Picture # 2 taken by Roula Azar-Douglas, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Libanaise (The Lebanese University in Tripoli)
Picture # 3 taken by Roula Azar-Douglas from her balcony (Baabda/Beirut, Lebanon)

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Thank you Roula for allowing Bambi to share some of the beauty of Lebanon.

Michael Lifshitz will drop off a building in Halifax to raise funds for “Easter Seals Nova Scotia”!

Michael Lifshitz will drop off a building to raise funds for Easter Seals Nova Scotia in Drop Zone Halifax

Bambi would like to share a link to support an inspiring man (+ friend!), Mr. Michael Lifshitz travelling all his way from Ottawa to Halifax for his challenge… and what a challenge!

If anyone would like to donate for the cause as Bambi just did, here is the link:

Yes, Michael will be supporting “Easter Seals Nova Scotia” in “Drop Zone Halifax 2019

Easter Seals Nova Scotia advocates for “a barrier-free Nova Scotia and provide top-quality services promoting mobility, inclusion and independence for Nova Scotians with disabilities”.

Easter Seals Nova Scotia has “served Nova Scotians with disabilities for more than 80 years”:

Bambi FULLY and FONDLY supports Michael, even if she admits that she worries about him dropping off buildings (she can’t help it because she cares for him ?).

OK, now who is this inspiring Michael?

His bio ( tells us the following:

“Michael was born with a condition called Multiple Congenital Musculoskeletal Abnormalities. In addition to wearing an artificial leg, he walks with a cane and uses a wheelchair for longer distances. Contrary to what many would believe possible, he became a chartered accountant and also obtained a MBA from Edinburgh Business School.

He has built and sold successful accounting and financial planning practices. Today, in addition to continuing a successful career in finance and accounting as CFO and co-founder of Breakaway Experiences, a gift experience company, he uses speaking, comedy and writing to not only educate people as to what people with disabilities can do, but to also inspire them to overcome their own challenges and live their life to the fullest of their abilities”.

Michael is not only a skilled financial consultant (an entrepreneur in private practice who has worked as a financial advisor with Investors Group and with McGill University, over many years). His is also a talented comedian!

Bambi looks forward to seeing Michael soon. She dreams of welcoming him in Sackville, NB (not NS) one of these days. After all, we now have a high-rise (freezer) building in town…Oh no, maybe Bambi should not give Michael this idea ?!


Picture taken from the CBC

Talented young Lebanese made their dreams come true in the United States and Britain

Talented young Lebanese made their dreams come true in the United States and Britain

Bambi usually follows the news from Lebanon and the Middle East with much interest.

Sadly, every day, we hear stories about security threats or violence here and there.

Today, Bambi read and watched two pieces of good news related to Lebanese youth talent.

First, she read about a student, called Georges Kennan, who completed a summer research training at the NASA. Bravo!

Georges Kennan, picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour (Sept 15, 2019)

Second, Bambi’s sister shared with her the video below. Wow–Bravo to these talented Lebanese young female dancers whose team is called Mayyas. They participated in the Britain Got Talent show (earlier, Mayyas was the winner of the golden buzzer on Arabs Got Talent, AGT)!  

Mayyas charmed all the judges of Britain’s Got Talent, as you can see in the video below (if you take the time to watch).

May peace, prosperity, and… talent prevail!

No life is not black or white: Let’s help youth see the light of hope between the shades of grey

No life is not black or white: Let’s help youth see the light of hope between the shades of grey

Bambi’s current post is a quick comment to an article by Naomi Klein that she just read in the Toronto Star (Sept 14, 2019) and entitled “Maxime Bernier attacked Greta Thunberg’s autism. Naomi Klein says autism made the teen a global voice of conscience”:

Bambi cannot help not to weigh in on the conclusion of Klein’s article before commenting on its introduction because, in her mind, encouraging a black and white view in youth is worrisome. This is even a bigger threat than climate change or Maxime Bernier’s clumsy yet possibly hurtful words. Bambi will explain in the following paragraphs: 

It is surprising how Naomi Klein, a brilliant middle-aged writer/activist and a mother, forgot how teen brains are not fully developed yet.

Whether with high functioning end of the autism spectrum disorder (i.e. Asperger syndrome) or not, all youth go through adolescence.

Adolescents typically have trouble understanding all the nuances or complexities underlying experiences and behaviours.

Thus, adolescents typically tend to see the world in black and in white or in good and bad. In other terms, they have a simple view of what is good and bad, what is right or wrong, etc.

To add more complexity to the above, adolescence is a time of dramatic and rapid biological in addition to psychological and social changes.

There is an increased risk of depression, regardless of any complex care need like autism spectrum disorder.

Plus, child and adolescent epidemiological data generally agree that before puberty the rates of clinical depression are similar in girls and boys. However, gender differences tend to begin to appear during adolescence.

Greta is an adolescent girl with autism. It is well known that teens with autism spectrum disorder often experience medical mental health disorders, such as anxiety and clinical depression (depression usually goes hand in hand with anxiety). They may also have medical physical problems and challenges in transitioning to adulthood.

All this is of course independent of any climate change crisis (or breakdown, to use Klein’s term). Imagine with concerns about it then?

Thus, adults have the duty to simply support youth during their adolescence journey and transition to adulthood.

Of course, like Greta, youth with similar conditions can teach us about life. They can inspire us in many ways with their intelligence and ability to focus on matters for a long period of times (obsessions).

Furthermore, let’s not forget that we all have a bit of Greta in us. By this, Bambi means that we can all have autistic traits. This being said, Greta’s story of mental health issues is not a secret. It is actually public: her mother published a book and Bambi has read her mom’s tweets or interviews.

In a clinical depressive episode, people (young and old) may have a black and white view of the world.

Once again, it may be unwise to encourage both Greta and her young peers to remain trapped in this view.

Bearing this in mind, Bambi would like to comment now on the introduction of Klein’s article. The author started by writing about how Mr. Maxime Bernier “insulted” Greta (in one tweet out of a series) by stating her mental health struggles in order to score a certain point.

Yes, he did not choose the most sensitive words, Bambi sadly agrees. However, he had the humility to clarify his thoughts afterwards. How many politicians have the courage/humility to do so?

Bambi watched/listened to the video of Klein with Greta and her other talented peers. What a smart, friendly, and funny girl this Greta ?!

 Klein was excellent in general and happy to meet Greta. However, at one point, she took the time to mention Mr. Bernier’s story to Greta and her American audience, without any apparent consideration for Greta’s feelings. Perhaps she asked her privately before if she can ask this question? Who knows? Luckily, Greta seemed to joke about this story. Perhaps she has already learned to develop a thick skin like politicians? Good for her then!

As for Bambi, she would have preferred to see Klein debating with Bernier about Greta’s comments: “To solve the climate crisis, we have the money in the banks. Just give it away”.

Anyhow, it surprising how an experienced writer, like Ms. Klein, omitted to cite her references properly. Specifically, she started her article by informing us that Mr. Bernier is the “leader of the *extremist* People’s Party of Canada”. However, instead of inserting a link to his political party and letting us see for ourselves his extremism, she inserted/cited an article in the Toronto Star about him. Instead of showing the readers the bio of Mr. Bernier, she inserted a link to another (biased) article about this politician.

Mr. Bernier’s words may have been interpreted as being insulting to Greta. Klein’s words could be said to be insulting the Toronto Star readers’ intelligence.

To come back to Greta, Klein added: “In fact, a big part of what has made Thunberg such an inspiring figure, is the fact that she is a living proof that diversity — in her case neurodiversity — is absolutely key to the survival of our species”.

Well said… but what about the (intellectual, political, and scientific) diversity? Doesn’t this matter anymore?

Furthermore, Klein noted that people on the autism spectrum disorder are “intensely vulnerable to bullying” because of the neurodiversity.

Interesting point with which Bambi agrees. However, what about their intensive vulnerability to political child use (abuse?)?

Anyhow, Bambi worries about how Greta will fare in the long-term given all this premature fame in life. Is she really equipped to deal with it? Of course, her parents are there to protect her. However, they can also end up suffering from fame by proxy or from their own fame (as activists or as artists). Indeed, numerous examples of young Rock or Hollywood stars teach us that fame is challenging. After becoming famous, it is hard to turn back. The pressure can become unbearable for all, especially for an adolescent (with autism and/or co-occurring other medical problems).

Klein also wrote about how, “at age 15, she decided to stop doing the one thing all kids are supposed to do when everything is normal: go to school”.  Is this an insinuation that it is OK for other kids to stop going to school now to be like Greta.

According to Klein, “pretty much *every aspect of our economy* would have to change if we were to decide to take climate change seriously, and there are many powerful interests that like things as they are”. Isn’t this solution too extreme (not Bernier then ?)?

Klein concluded her article as follows: “Because if the emissions have to stop, then we must stop the emissions. To me that is black or white.”

This white and black view scares Bambi. Although she may be wrong, it can lead to an intolerance for any developing nuance in one’s own thinking and… in others’ diversity of opinions.

It is one thing to lecture adults. It is another thing to play the same game with adolescents. Indeed, Bambi is concerned not about the climate problem per se (although this is important) but rather by the whole world-wide “circus” or drama around Greta/the climate. Even someone as accomplished as Naomi Klein seems to be inflating her own public image with Greta’s brand name.  

Teens usually have existential questions concerning values, love, friendship, parents, the future, society, morality, religion….and justice. They naturally question everything. They judge adults. Sometimes they do so very harshly because, as mentioned above, they cannot see the nuances yet. They are also searching for and building their own identity. They remain vulnerable, despite their increasing autonomy.

To conclude this post, school is usually important for children’s education all the time, not just from Monday to Thursday. Plus, it costs money to skip all these Fridays. Instead of strikes (where many kids are just excited by skipping school), let’s help youth keep focused. They will need their focus and hard work to graduate. Some of them will eventually train to become the scientists of tomorrow. Those scientists who will innovate solutions to the world’s climate change problem.