Bambi would like to share a link to support an inspiring man (+ friend!), Mr. Michael Lifshitz travelling all his way from Ottawa to Halifax for his challenge… and what a challenge!
If anyone would like to donate for the cause as Bambi just did, here is the link:
Yes, Michael will be supporting “Easter Seals Nova Scotia” in “Drop Zone Halifax 2019”
Easter Seals Nova Scotia advocates for “a barrier-free Nova Scotia and provide top-quality services promoting mobility, inclusion and independence for Nova Scotians with disabilities”.
Easter Seals Nova Scotia has “served Nova Scotians with disabilities for more than 80 years”:
Bambi FULLY and FONDLY supports Michael, even if she admits that she worries about him dropping off buildings (she can’t help it because she cares for him ?).
OK, now who is this inspiring Michael?
His bio (https://illumabilities.com/about-michael/) tells us the following:
“Michael was born with a condition called Multiple Congenital Musculoskeletal Abnormalities. In addition to wearing an artificial leg, he walks with a cane and uses a wheelchair for longer distances. Contrary to what many would believe possible, he became a chartered accountant and also obtained a MBA from Edinburgh Business School.
He has built and sold successful accounting and financial planning practices. Today, in addition to continuing a successful career in finance and accounting as CFO and co-founder of Breakaway Experiences, a gift experience company, he uses speaking, comedy and writing to not only educate people as to what people with disabilities can do, but to also inspire them to overcome their own challenges and live their life to the fullest of their abilities”.
Michael is not only a skilled financial consultant (an entrepreneur in private practice who has worked as a financial advisor with Investors Group and with McGill University, over many years). His is also a talented comedian!
Bambi looks forward to seeing Michael soon. She dreams of welcoming him in Sackville, NB (not NS) one of these days. After all, we now have a high-rise (freezer) building in town…Oh no, maybe Bambi should not give Michael this idea ?!