“When Beirut will come back” and “Are you still there?”: Thanks to Ms. Majida el Roumi and Mr. Mike Massy, respectively

Two days ahead of the third anniversary of the surrealistic, yet still (perhaps forever?) unaccountable, Beirut port double blast, Mr. Mike Massy and Ms. Majda El Roumi both dedicated a new artistic production to the families of the victims.

To begin with, Bambi will introduce the GRANDIOSE El Roumi’s “When Beirut will come back” in Standard-Arabic. The lyrics are a powerful poem by the late and great Mr. Nizzar Qabbanii. May his memory be as eternal as his incredible talent. What an amazing video clip, including but not limited to its artistic delivery with its singing, musical performance, music distribution, dancing, acting, clip direction, and final production. Although you may not understand any word, luckily music and emotions are universal. Bravo to this Lebanese diva and all the skilled team of musicians and other artists.

Last but not least, El Roumi’s song is followed by a HEARTBREAKING AND A HUMANLY AS WELL AS ARTISTICALLY CLEVER brief movie, which was also produced a few hours ago. Thanks to the most talented Lebanese singer-song writer and international actor, Mr. Mike Massy. His movie, which is sub-titled in English, is called “Are you still there?” Its description on YouTube (that Mr. Google Translate turned from French into English for you) reads as follows: “the film offers a casual exchange between a person residing in Lebanon and a friend residing abroad. On the other side of the phone, Ré-Mi is an old friend of Mike’s who also grew up in the period of the destructive civil war and sang for peace in the 1980s as a child. In the film, we indiscreetly listen to an impromptu telephone conversation between the two friends, where Mike awaits the return of Ré-Mi, while the latter asks Mike to immigrate to the country where she has settled. In this uncensored outspokenness, viewers follow this back-and-forth and loop that consists of attenuating the feeling of being a foreigner in one’s own country by projecting hopes of belonging in a foreign land”.

Needless to repeat that Bambi’s heart goes to Beirut as well to all the families of the blast innocent victims. Of course, you can expect that there will be another post on this blog, likely musical too, which will be devoted to the Lebanese capital. Stay tuned on August 4.

This being said, to end with joy, not just sorrow, Bambi will leave you all with warm wishes to her friend Carla. Yes, if “Carcour” is reading, happy birthday to her with MUCH love! ❤️

A screenshot taken by Bambi from YouTube.

If you are interested, you can listen to this new song by using the following platforms, as written on Youtube: ” https://bfan.link/indama-tarjeaa-beirut Subscribe to the official channel of Magida Roumi : https://bit.ly/43PjKua Follow Magida Roumi: Facebook : https://bit.ly/43SMBh0 Twitter : https://bit.ly/3YfpoEG Instagram: https://bit.ly/45brGa2 Keep listening to Magida Roumi on : Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3OjY8Ae Deezer: https://bit.ly/3qa0EkL Apple Music: https://apple.co/3DBzPc3 Anghami : https://bit.ly/3KmikAm Amazon: https://amzn.to/3rTAIKE “.

Garou: his performance of “Belle” is beautiful, isn’t it?

With this VERY brief post, it is Bambi’s hope that your day will be as uplifting as the superb melody, entitled”Belle“, from the Notre Dame de Paris musical. For your convenience, an earlier post about Garou is shared below because it includes English sub-titles.

The passage of time: what does it mean to you, especially as you age?

this picture, which was previously posted, was taken from the internet.

Today, Bambi came across a beautiful song about time. It is performed by Les Enfantastiques [The Fantastikids; Los Fantaschicos; Die Fantastikinder; Xing Ji Shao Nü; as per the official linguistic variants of its name, https://shorturl.at/dgh57).

First, who are those Fantastikids? They are children who are members of choirs that perform songs, in six languages, all composed by Mr. Nô, in creative collaboration with students and their teachers in France’s elementary schools (https://shorturl.at/dgh57).

Second, why does Bambi want to share a song by the Fantastikids with you? To begin with, with or without music, this blog’s readers are daily on her mind. Indeed, you are in her thoughts with each “passing” day, namely when she starts her morning, not knowing in which direction the day’s post will take her. Of note, by “taking her”, she means “taking you with her”. As you know, each daily post stands on its own. The chosen theme depends on what is making Bambi reflect about then. This means the following: Most of the times, the theme may seem like a reaction to an event or a comment to a mainstream media article (where unfortunately readers’ comments are closed). At other times, a theme may be personal, perhaps coming more out of her heart, like on birthdays, in tributes to loved ones, and/or to share a song with you. Of course, regardless of the posts’ focus, the “passage of time” is a central component of Bambi’s adventures while blogging.

Third, it remains possible that the deep yet lovely Fantastikids song attracted Bambi’s attention today because it was “timely”. Yes, she happened to have “taken the time” over the weekend, not only to “enjoy her time”, but also to reflect on it. Indeed, she thought about “the passage of time”, or its flow. Of course, she thought of the days, which usually go by fast. Perhaps this is precisely why she tries to capture, and even archive, them.

Specifically, Bambi thought about the ending month of July. Where did “the time” fly, even if in her mind she made the best out of each of its days, especially her birthday, thanks to her loved ones :)? In addition, the continuing summer season was on her mind. Same for “the fall and winter times”, which need to be planned (due to the nature of her work). Of course, she dreams of beautiful forthcoming familial events. Like anyone else, some of Bambi’s own projects, or dreams, came to an end, naturally yet abruptly. Life has its own ways of reminding us that nothing would happen if it is not meant to be. Thankfully, different amazing projects followed. They have forever enriched her/her spouses’ lives.

Fourth, regardless of our life experiences, perhaps two facts can never be altered: (1). the finality of life. We are all going to die eventually, in one way or another; an (2) even if there is much subjectivity in the “perceived time”, the latter keeps moving forward. Within its movement, there is a “time frame” for everything. As Bambi wrote once on her blog, life will always go on, even upon the death of our loved ones and following our own finality. For Bambi, there is a soothing comfort in “this time”, which keeps its linear progress, unlike us in our own grief journeys. Along with any perceived comfort, perhaps there is also a sense of acceptance. Indeed, the latter may have been well captured in the following part of the song’s lyrics: “we cannot do anything about it no matter what”.

Fifth and last, the “passage of time” changes throughout our lifespan. In other terms, time seems to go faster as we age (https://t.ly/4qe0g). Related to this reality, perhaps Bambi’s preferred lyrics, even if she likes the entire song, is the reference to “the time we have left and which makes us modest” [“Le temps qu’il nous reste et qui nous rend modeste”].

As a conclusion, Bambi hopes you will enjoy the song, with its shared lyrics (English in bold). Regardless of what is going on in your own lives right now, thank you for “your time” while reading this post. May you have “good times”, today and in the week ahead!


 (taken from: Musixmatch; the English translated lyrics are in bold)

There is time and then also time
Il y a le temps et puis aussi le temps

The weather and the time that passes
Le temps qu’il fait et le temps qui passe

Whatever the time since the dawn of time
Quelque soit le temps depuis la nuit des temps

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

The time of seasons and conjugations
Le temps des saisons et des conjugaisons

Childhood time, holiday memories
Le temps de l’enfance, des souvenirs de vacances

The snow time, a little carousel ride
Le temps de la neige, d’un ptit tour de manège

School time, take flight
Le temps de l’école, de prendre son envole

Time for friends, rants, helping hands
Le temps des copains, des coups de gueule, des coups de mains

The time of love, they say it lasts forever
Le temps de l’amour, on dit qu’il dure toujours

The time of life, dreams and desires
Le temps de la vie, des rêves et des envies

When the sun shines, the time it amazes
Quand brille le soleil, le temps qu’il émerveille

There is time and then also time
Il y a le temps et puis aussi le temps

The weather and the time that passes
Le temps qu’il fait et le temps qui passe

Whatever the time since the dawn of time
Quelque soit le temps depuis la nuit des temps

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

The time of pleasures, sorrows and laughter
Le temps des plaisir, des chagrins et des rires

The time of the secrets of the farewells of the regrets
Le temps des secrets des adieux des regrets

The time of mistakes, doubts and happiness
Le temps des erreurs, des doutes et du bonheur

The time of the pouring and escaping rain
Le temps de la pluie qui coule et qui s’enfuit

The time of the storm, of wars and of courage
Le temps de l’orage, des guerres et du courage

The time of a song, of a revolution
Le temps d’une chanson, d’une révolution

The time of cherries, of glory, of mousse
Le temps des cerises, de la gloire, de la mouise

The time we have left and which makes us modest
Le temps qu’il nous reste et qui nous rend modeste

There is time and then also time
Il y a le temps et puis aussi le temps

The weather and the time that passes
Le temps qu’il fait et le temps qui passe

Whatever the time since the dawn of time
Quelque soit le temps depuis la nuit des temps

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

There is time and then also time
Il y a le temps et puis aussi le temps

The weather and the time that passes
Le temps qu’il fait et le temps qui passe

The most important thing is to take the time
Le plus important, c’est de prendre le temps

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

Whether it changes or it passes away
Qu’il change ou qu’il passe

We can’t do anything about it no matter what
On n’y peut rien quoi qu’on fasse

There is time
Il y a le temps

And then also the time
Et puis aussi le temps

There is time
Il y a le temps

And then also the time
Et puis aussi le temps

There is time
Il y a le temps

And then also the time
Et puis aussi le temps

There is time
Il y a le temps”.

Ashoura or not: why are some Lebanese women carrying the picture of the Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei?

To begin with, some of this blog’s readers may be consulting this post from North America or from another location, including Lebanon or even Iran. If you happen to be Muslim, perhaps namely of Shiite Muslim faith, Bambi wishes you a Happy Ashoura. For those who may not know it, Ashoura is significant because it commemorates the sacrifices of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Mr. Hussain Ibn Ali.

This being said, Bambi came across a picture in L’Orient Le Jour (https://tinyurl.com/35azzsc3), which is shown below. It shows Lebanese women in the Hermel area, carrying the picture of Mr. Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran. The latter who served as the former President of Iran (1981-89) is a prominent religious leader since 1989 (https://tinyurl.com/2p8ya8tp). Please make no mistake, these young women are all from Lebanon. They most likely do not have any connection with Iran, except for the spiritual and ideological levels. Yet, they are carrying the picture of an Iranian politician and cleric (https://tinyurl.com/2p8ya8tp). Why, Bambi is wondering?

Before or following their walk in the streets, did any of these women pause, for at least one second, to think about the meaning of the gesture of carrying such picture? Of course, in life and in democratic countries, anyone is free to carry any picture. The issue is not about this. Indeed, Bambi’s question is strictly related to patriotic loyalty: why do these young women allow themselves to appear as being more loyal to Iran than to their own country? Is their choice wise and viable for Lebanon, which has been struggling with its multiple crises, and perhaps even for its existence? As a reminder, the latter is, once again, without a president of the republic and without a government. All this is happening within a devastating economic crisis, which is most likely among the world’s worst ones in 150 years, according to the World Bank (https://tinyurl.com/rbx4se6e). Last but not least, the gesture of carrying the picture of Mr. Khamenei sadly does not help Iranian women who have been recently fighting for their freedom.

To conclude this post, with all due respect to all, when will the Lebanese people put their own nation first, that is before any other foreign country and above any related ideology or interests? When will ideologies, religious or not, be under the banner of Lebanon?

A picture taken from L’Orient Le Jour.

Dr. Frédéric Bastien: Had he still been alive, he would have rejoiced because Ontario court rejected Toronto city council’s $100K pledge to fight Québec’s bill 21 on secularism!

I love good legal news!

In an earlier obituary post shown further below, Bambi promised the late and great historian, Dr. Frédéric Bastien the following: “Dr. Bastien, you will be missed greatly by Bambi, more than you think. She will refrain from saying, as she always does, “May your memory be eternal” now. Instead, she will promise you publicly (in front of all this post’s readers) and not just in her prayer, the following: she will keep your memory alive. She will do so on her blog and in her own drive to keep denouncing the dangers of identity politics (and its resulting divisiveness). Sadly, our politicians and elites are playing with its fire, which could eventually harm us all, including them“.  

Today, Bambi could not help not to have a wink to the sky in honour of Dr. Bastien when she read Mr. Bryan Passifiume’s article, published in the National Post, and entitled “Ontario court quashes Toronto city council’s $100K pledge to fight Quebec’s Bill 21” (https://tinyurl.com/2a8nj3z4). Indeed, according to the Journal de Québec (2020), “Historian Frédéric Bastien, lawyers Pierre Cloutier, Simon Cadotte and François Bouliane, as well as Torontonian Louis Labrecque filed a request for declaratory judgment on Friday to have the payment of of $100,000, which was promised by the Toronto City Council last December, declared illegal” (https://shorturl.at/jlyF4).

Québec’s bills are made in Québec, by Québec, and for Québec; whether the rest of Canada, and especially Mr. Trudeau, likes it or not. As a reminder, Bambi has many posts on Bill 21 on secularism (all archived on this blog). This bill is VERY moderate compared to others in Europe. It came after 10 years of public discussions on reasonable accommodations. It is historically and culturally aligned with what Québec has always been. It was endorsed by all its parties, if Bambi recalls well, including the Liberal Party of Québec. The majority (CAQ) government was also elected by the population, partly based on this bill or at least its spirit of respect for Québec’s culture and vision regarding secularism. For the rest of Canada, this vision may be multiculturalism (sadly now a more authoritarian AND highly divisive one). For Québec it is this (https://shorturl.at/ntHRS), period. Why is it too complicated to grasp? Why can’t we put ideology, political partisanship, and interference with provinces aside for a change?

This being said, as a reminder, it took Bambi time to understand why school teachers in Québec public schools were considered as the state’s figures of authority like judges and police officers. With time, she understood it. Thank Goodness, no one lost his or her job, based on this bill. A contrast with all the propaganda, and/or a false understanding, in the mainstream media around this bill. We even stupidly blamed a crime in Ontario toward an innocent immigrant family (i.e. Muslim) on Bill 21, imagine (https://tinyurl.com/ye9z6557). May the Afzaal family’s memory be eternal. Bambi keeps thinking about its young member who survived the horrible vehicle crime.

If she may, Bambi will go further in her thoughts. She now thinks, especially after the sad news of the suicide of Mr. Richard Bilkszto, in Toronto, that such bill should be perhaps extended to include those neo secular modern forms of religion or set of ideologies (e.g., Critical Race Theory, etc.) . Just like religions throughout history, and like anything else including the internet, they could be used for both good and evil. Bambi is thinking precisely of bullying (ie. what happened to Mr. Bilkszto), censorship, suspension of people from their jobs, public shaming for one’s thoughts, and/or sadly for the creation of divisions among youth and in society; all this in the name of those ideologies. This being said, if you wish, you may consult the sad post about Mr. Bilkszto, which is also shown at the end of this one.

To come back to Québec, one may wonder why doesn’t this province address its own contradictions? On one hand, it came up with bill 21 on the state’s secularism. On the other hand, it keeps funding, to a large extent, private religious schools. Should the state fund these schools and why not other sources of funding? Furthermore, Québec may also see some contradictions occurring between its high schools and its CEGEPS in relation to accommodations related to religiosity (i.e., prayer rooms). One may wonder, why are we getting there and where do we draw the line of accommodations (again and again)? Why can’t people pray in their hearts? or in silent common spiritual rooms? Should we have a room specific for each religion? Should we “make room” for religion in a public secular school? Can’t students refrain from religiosity for a few hours per day when they are busy with learning their course materials in a public school? All these questions deserve to be discussed in a society, calmly and with respect. This is precisely what Québec did for ten years, as a second reminder. It is neither Islamophobia nor other term ending with phobia, if a jurisdiction does so.

In Bambi’s mind, in public as in private life, it all comes down to the live and let live principle. Basically to values of respect and its resulting harmony. It does not matter which cultural model is endorsed by a society (multiculturalism or Québec’s chosen model), as long as there is room for respect for individual rights, as both in Québec and in the rest of Canada.

To the above, Bambi will add the following: Canada, and other countries, have a duty to well welcome their newcomers and facilitate their integration (language, labour market, etc.). However, immigrants must also accept that they came to a new country to embrace it, with its bills, history, culture, etc. We cannot always want to change our adoptive countries to fit us. We must also learn to adjust and be flexible in this process. Bambi is saying so and she realizes that it is often politicians who may be exploiting this point. It is not coming from immigrants (Bambi is an old one while interacting with other immigrants, from different backgrounds, and in different provinces). Wouldn’t it be ideal if we can all continue to enjoy dancing together to the discovery of each other, based on respect and compassion? Not on imposing visions and ways of living on others? Not on using public funds to attack bills in other jurisdictions?

To conclude this post, congratulations or “mabrouk” to the late and efficient Dr. Bastien (may your memory be eternal). Same for the logical Toronto citizen Louis Labrecque as well as all the lawyers involved. Bravo to Ontario court for being reasonable and fair. Is Ottawa taking note of this legal decision before further legal attacks on Québec Bill 21?

In elevators: do you enjoy greeting people, replying to their hello, or even engaging in a small talk with them?

Did you know that, in addition to being the Hepatitis World Day (highly important) and the Chocolate Milk Day (yummy), today happens to also be the National Talk in an Elevator Day (https://tinyurl.com/3ehkn8z7)?

To begin with, it is absolutely necessary to take care of one’s liver. Sadly, sometimes liver infections occur due to three distinct viruses who are spread in different ways. Indeed, in Hepatitis A, B, and C , the liver is affected differently despite the similar symptoms. If you are curious about hepatitis, this is the day to read about it. As for chocolate milk, what can Bambi say about it? She is a heavy milk drinker while adoring chocolate. Combine the two and this would definitely be one of her favourite drinks in life.

Regardless of taste and personal preferences, this post will put aside food to only focus on the so-called National Talk in an Elevator Day. As mentioned in an older post (not shown below), Bambi is unsure who comes up with those days. Some are highly important, raising awareness about health conditions or other critical topics. Yet others seem trivial, and at times funny, even if very dear to Bambi’s heart and belly, like the national ice cream day. Again, let’s forget about ice cream to highlight elevators and the talks that could or could not occur in them.

If Bambi may, she will raise the following questions: when was the last time you took this machine, called elevator (“ascenseur” in French), to be transported to another level of a building? Do you have a vivid memory about what happened there? Did you greet people (if any) when you entered the elevator? Did they politely reply to you? Did they smile? Where they friendly? Did you have any small talk? Was the encounter enjoyable?

Stated differently, are you someone who tends to like talking to strangers? Some of us do actually whereas others may prefer to stand as far away as possible from the next individual, especially in a small or crowded elevator. If you have broken the silence yourself or if it was another person, what happened? Perhaps someone smiled, said hello, talked about the weather or even joked about something. According to National Talk in an Elevator Day, chatting with others could be an unexpected way to “make a new friend or a business acquaintance on the lift” (https://tinyurl.com/3ehkn8z7).

Of course, there are stories we hear about in songs, or watch in movies, like people falling in love in an elevator. Freaky stories, under crazy life circumstances, can take place too. For example, imagine being stuck in an elevator with someone in the darkness and under a sudden heavy shelling. This is what happened to Bambi and her sister Roula once in Beirut. She will always cherish this frightening moment of her life, as described in an older post, which was a tribute-obituary to a VERY dear family friend deceased during the Covid-19 pandemic (shared at the end of this post): “First the dramatic memory: Bambi and one of her sisters got stuck in your elevator in the darkness under the sudden and heavy shelling. The incident was scary, especially for two young girls. It is your voice Khalil and your tenderness that kept us hanging on. Thank you!” May your memory be eternal Khalil ❤️.

Another scary memory during civil was was when Eliah, Bambi’s “jeddo” (or grandfather) almost lost his life in the space box of the elevator. The latter was unlocked, even when the machine was not on the floor, following a power outage. The incident occured in Beirut in 1982, which was his last year among us. At the time, Bambi was 10 years old.

Of course, there are happier stories in elevators, with nice encounters with neighbours, tourists, fellow citizens, and/or colleagues in different workplaces, etc. Bambi will always remember having met an inspiring man to whom she spontaneously expressed her appreciation. Yes, she once bumped in the elevator into Dr. Réjean Thomas whose biography reads as follows: “family physician at l’Actuel, a centre in sexual health, which he has created and chaired since 1984, a medical advisor at the Center hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, a member of the McGill AIDS Center, former special advisor of the Québec government to International Humanitarian Action, Dr. Réjean Thomas also pursued philosophy studies. Founder of Médecins du Monde Canada, he has contributed to the establishment of humanistic medicine in Canada and abroad, participating in humanitarian missions in Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Malawi and Vietnam” (https://shorturl.at/imqF2).

Besides fascinating encounters like the above, Bambi has funny elevator-related memories with childhood friends who also migrated to Montreal in 1990, but sadly later lost their lives too soon. Did Bambi say funny? Maybe not when in pain due to a fall together, which took her to the emergency while scaring her mom. Yes, Firas, now is the time for a friendly wink to heaven for you. You know why and most likely our other common friends who may be reading this post now and remembering the story :).

Before leaving you with elevator-related music, Bambi has two additional stories from her neighborhood in Montreal, which she will happily share with you, if you are still following: First, since she loves number 13 (like her birthday), Bambi was a bit shocked when she noticed that Montreal buildings, at least during her time there, did not have a 13th floor. Indeed, the floor numbers went from 12 to 14, imagine. This could be because 13 is considered, at least by some, as a doomed or unlucky number.

Second, a couple of years following her stay, at first with her family, in this building lacking the 13th floor, Bambi moved to live on her own. She first lived for a year in another building, which also did not have a floor called thirteen. However, in her second apartment building, which was not as tall as the first one, she made an unforgettable small, yet huge, talk with a neighbour in the short elevator ride. Of note, Bambi loved this building in which she stayed for almost ten years. Most of her neighbours, including the latter, were good-hearted middle-eastern immigrants. For instance, they were sweet and generous. They even kindly brought her Lebanese pastries on religious events. However, there was a senior lady who was perhaps more socially conservative than the relatives she left in her birth country (immigrants often remain too attached to some traditions or ways of living). Indeed, she could not understand how Bambi (or the younger version of her) seemed polite, and even family-oriented, yet she was independently living on her own. When Bambi entered the elevator, she greeted her neighbour. The lady did not reply. Immediately after, she asked her: “don’t you have a mom? Don’t you have a dad?” Bambi understood the why of this question (at that time, her parents had moved back to Beirut). She waited a few seconds until the elevator arrived to the ground floor (the ride included two levels). Calmly, she replied while leaving the elevator: “We all have a mother and a father. This is how we come to the world. Bye-bye”. Sometimes, one can be slow in replying to unexpected questions or comments. That was surely not the case in this example. Well, up until her middle-age, Bambi remains proud of her prompt answer :).

With this anecdote, this post will come to an end now in order to leave you with music. If you wish to listen, below you may find French, English, and instrumental pieces, which are all related to elevators. Some of them are romantic, thanks to Mr. Fady Bazz (French). Others are amusing, thanks to New Zealand police officers (instrumental). Many thanks also to Mr. Jean-Louis Cormier (French), Mr. David Archuleta (English), and Mr. Rudy Mancuso et al. (instrumental). All the shared pieces are filled with talent. Bravo.

If you wish to share your own elevator stories, please feel free to do so anytime. You may wish to post a comment on this blog or write privately to Bambi. This being said, if you happen to be taking an elevator today, please enjoy the ride. If you are reading this post from out Lebanon, Bambi urges you to be safe in case of unpredictable power outages.

The apocalyptic Beirut double blast, ahead of its third anniversary, through the continuous courage of Judge Tarek Bitar and the beauty of a poetic song

In eight days, that is on August 4, 2023, Beirutis will commemorate the third anniversary of their surrealistic port explosion, which destroyed much of Beirut. Of note, the double explosion was “the largest non-nuclear blast in history” (https://rb.gy/e6k5z).

Indeed, this human-made tragedy resulted in the following outcomes: 218 deaths, 7500 injuries, 300, 000 instant homeless people, 150+ permanently disabled, over 3/4 of massive destruction of Lebanon’s capital, 4 hospitals totally destroyed, and US$15, 000, 000, 000 worth of damage. All this without forgetting all those who have been traumatized; many of whom migrated around the world, including Canada.

As you may likely recall (or guess), Bambi has MANY older posts about this topic, all archived on this blog. In this post, she wants to simply share with you two pieces of: (1) information, filled with integrity as well as courage; and (2) music, entitled “Beyrouth souveraine” [The Sovereign Beirut] with Ms. Thilda Moubayed as the poet-lyric writer, Ms. Louise Molinaro as the singer, Mr. Pierre Abou Jaoudé as the videographer, Ms. Molinaro and Mr. Alain Dubart as the composers, Mr. Dubart as the recording and mastering professional, and Ms. Molinaro, as the producer.

First, let’s start with the media information: L’Orient Le Jour (OLJ) informed us today of the following (https://rb.gy/nbzlp): “The investigating judge at the Court of Justice, Tarek Bitar, wants to continue his investigation into the double explosion at the port at all costs, several judicial sources tell OLJ. In office for two and a half years, the magistrate was only able to conduct his investigation for six months because of the obstacles of the political class. A few days before the commemoration of the third anniversary of the tragedy of August 4, “he is determined to sooner or later reach the end of his investigation which, it seems, has been three-quarters completed”, assures a senior magistrate who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the file. “Despite the smear campaigns, moral pressure and threats to his life, he does not want to drop the case unless the CSM and the Minister of Justice who appointed him decide to revoke him,” he adds”.

Judge Tarek Bitar, Beirut’s hero, who deserves a Nobel Peace Prize instead of threats to his life.

Following this piece of information, now is the time for music. The YoutTube video, which you can watch below, will be followed by a quick English translation of the French poem (shared at the end of this post). As usual, thanks to Mr. Google Translate whose English words are shockingly powerful, even without rhyming, like in the original French poetry.

Where is the truth for Beirut, almost three years later? And will there ever be justice, and a resemblance of healing, for the families of the victims? Bambi will not end this post, as she usually does. Instead, she will invite you to come up with your own conclusion about the hope of change in the land of impunity.

“It is true that my land was the object of a desire
Princess coveted by delirious princes
Swearing by her beauty but they’re way the worst
Oh you flower of the world with the petals that we tear

After all this noise and these bodies spread out
On your beloved land explored
The body of your children torn apart
And you breathe in a jerky beat

Beirut the unusual Beirut the warrior
Succumbing a thousand times under the weight of a thousand wars
Rising to the challenge, haughty sovereign
Embraced and carried by our arms in prayer

Here you are now carried on a stretcher
Framed in flags, torn, angry
Can you tell us a word that lifts us up
And how to get you out of this sordid ordeal

I have seen so many nations present their offerings
But what can the present do when the pain floods
The hearts of these parents gazing at the remains
Bloody, burning with their flesh that we defile

They come to help us, each doing their rounds
In the midst of vultures, ours which abound
Only a mother would know, she has the goodness of the world
Embalm your children with incense and lavender

And where are they who are swallowing up my land
Has anyone seen them crying or angry
Their heads in their hands raise a prayer
But no, they empty the pockets they pierced a while ago

Haunted by power and business acumen
They strip the spoils rummaging in their viscera
They’re still tinkering behind iron walls
Consulting in turn only the voices of hell”

BEYROUTH SOUVERAINE (lyrics taken from YouTube)
” Il est vrai que ma terre fût l’objet d’un désir
Princesse convoitée par des princes en délire
Jurant par sa beauté mais ce sont bien les pires
Oh toi fleur du monde aux pétales qu’on déchire

Après tout ce vacarme et ces corps étalés
Sur ta terre citée adulée explorée
Le corps de tes enfants déchirés éclatés
Et toi rendant ton souffle sur un rythme saccadé

Beyrouth l’insolite Beyrouth la guerrière
Succombant milles fois sous le poids de milles guerres
Relevant le défi, souveraine altière
Enlacée et portée par nos bras en prière

Te voici à présent portée sur une civière
Encadrée de drapeaux, déchirée, en colère
Peux-tu nous dire un mot qui nous soulève éclaire
Et comment te sortir de ce sordide calvaire

J’ai vu tant de nations présenter leurs offrandes
Mais que peuvent les présents quand la douleur inonde
Le cœur de ces parents regardant les dépouilles
Ensanglantées, brulantes de leur chair que l’on souille

Ils viennent nous secourir chacun faisant sa ronde
Au milieu de vautours, les nôtres qui abondent
Seule une mère saurait, elle a la bonté du monde
Embaumer ses enfants d’encens et de lavande

Et où sont-ils ceux-là qui engloutissent ma terre
Quelqu’un les a-t-il vu en pleur ou en colère
Leurs têtes entre leurs mains élever une prière
Mais non ils vident les poches qu’ils ont troué naguère

Hantés par le pouvoir et le sens des affaires
Ils dépouillent les dépouilles fouillant dans leurs viscères
Ils traficotent encore derrière des murs en fer
Consultant tour à tour seules les voix de l’enfer”.

Halifax Public Gardens: If flowers could talk, what would they tell us?

In memory of those who lost their lives in the NS floods…

Obviously, there are no words that could describe the DEEP sadness of the loss of lives in the Nova Scotia (NS) floods, namely of two children, a youth, and an adult; from what it is known thus far; https://shorturl.at/gDYZ7). With a silent prayer for the grieving families and friends (https://shorturl.at/cxCGI), Bambi’s post will aim to rise above the sorrow of the capital of the Canadian province of NS by focusing on its floral beauty.

To begin with, many thanks to Khaldie for her talent and generosity in sharing pictures she took in Halifax Public Gardens and maybe in one of its community gardens. While looking at these beautiful pictures, Bambi could not help to wonder: if flowers could talk, what could they tell us? And would we be receptive to their message, whatever it is?

Perhaps the above questions stem from the realization that flowers are present in almost every season or chapter of our lives. For instance, we can find flowers in our gardens, whether in backyards or on balconies, and/or in our indoors spaces. We can find them sometimes in our hair, in bridal bouquets or on tables at restaurants, in buttonholes (“boutonnières“) or flower lapel pins on men’s suit jackets, and at times on our plates like in tasty salads. In sum, flowers seem to always be part of our lives, namely in our times of love, joy, and sorrow. Indeed, even our deceased ones receive flowers at their funerals.

What do you think about the questions raised above? Any thoughts? If so, please feel free to share your insights either on this blog or privately. Bambi would love to hear from you.

This being said, and to conclude this post, Khaldie’s pictures will be followed by: first and foremost, Ms. Céline Dion’s “Fly” song as a tribute to the two NS kids, the youth as well as the adult who tragically left our world in the floods. May their memory be eternal; and to leave you on a less dramatic note, Bambi will also share five other songs about flowers in French, Arabic, German, and English. As for you dear readers, may you be having inner peace now. May the flower inside you always bloom to spread beauty around you.

A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.
A picture taken by Khaldie in Halifax.

Ms. Linda Lemay: Happy Birthday!

Those of you who love the French language, whether at home or abroad, would most likely know one of Canada’s greatest singer-songwriters and guitarists: Ms. Linda Lemay who was born in Portneuf,Québec, in 1966. This post is meant to highlight her birthday.

Of note, according to the English-speaking Wikipedia, Lemay was born on July 25 (https://shorturl.at/ixG18) whereas the French Wikipedia page tells us it is July 27 (https://shorturl.at/kquBG). After reading both pages, Bambi was confused and curious to know which date of birth is the accurate one. She tried to find this information from other sources. It turned out that there seems to be an internet confusion about Ms. Linda Lemay, with some even explicitly wondering: when is her true birthday?

If you are still reading this post, you may be perhaps thinking right now: what difference does it make, except for Ms. Lemay and her loved ones? In other terms, who cares about her precise date of birth, really? Well, Bambi does :). Indeed, in addition to being one of Ms. Lemay’s fans, she is into dates and surely into birthdays, anniversaries, and memories; as you can guess from her blog. The latter may be, just like her childhood friend Rita described it once, a sort of a social diary. Who knows? Maybe it is a virtual follow-up to her childhood diary during civil war?

Anyhow, to come back to Ms. Lemay, regardless of her accurate birthday, we know that it is soon (maybe today?). So, Happy Birthday to her! Long live her creativity and unique talent. The themes of her songs are universal like singing for moms, dads, children we bring to the world, those experiencing perinatal bereavement, and for guests we do not feel like having over because the apartment is unclean or we are in a bad mood.

Lemay sings touchy topics like fear during the pandemic, the guilt of mothers who beat their children, the “frustrated women”, the husband who snores, etc. Her lyrics are simple yet deep, even powerful. They are serious, always moving, quite sarcastic, and at times just hilarious. In our collectively insane times of much political correctness, fear, and self-censorship, Lemay’s style feels like a breath of fresh air. Her texts’ authenticity resembles Linda Lemay herself.

Talking about authenticity, Bambi could sense Ms. Lemay’s genuine way of being during an unexpected 2-minute-random encounter. Here is the when, along with the how of this incident: she does not know why, but she often bumps into famous people in pastry shops, at hotels, at airports, and on airplanes. This is what happened to her, for instance, with the following folks: the late and great Ms. Denise Bombardier, the inspiring Honourable Mr. Roméo A. Dallaire who is the retired Lieutenant-General who led the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda during its genocide, Ms. Céline Dion’s mother who is the late and friendly, Ms. Thérèse Tanguay-Dion, famously known on TV as “Maman Dion“, Mr. Marcel Khalifé who is a Lebanese composer, oud player, and singer… and, last but not least, Ms. Linda Lemay.

Yes, believe it or not, Bambi bumped into Ms. Lemay on a bus taking them both (with many others!) to an Air Canada airplane at Geneva Airport. She was on her way back home from Beirut, through Europe as usual (no direct flights allowed yet). Lemay happened to be standing just next to Bambi; the latter got so excited to see her. She did not hesitate one second before telling her how much she is loved by many folks, including herself, and others; precisely in the country she just left, namely Lebanon, and of course in the rest of Canada. She encouraged her to consider visiting both Beirut and New Brunswick. Ms. Lemay showed interest in Bambi’s words, was kind not just polite, and receptive even on a bus filled with passengers and driving fast.

With the little happy story about this amazing coincidence in Switzerland, Bambi will end this post. She wishes Ms. Lemay the best again. To celebrate her music, she will leave you with some of her songs (the last one is sub-titled in English). These YouTube videos will be followed by the Happy Birthday song. May Linda Lemay and all of you have a good one!

Kadisha Valley: thank you, Roula Douglas for sharing Lebanon’s beauty!

The Kadisha valley, located at 120 km north of Beirut, is on the UNESCO world heritage list since 1998. This means that this superb natural site is considered to be of “outstanding universal value” (https://shorturl.at/lpuw6).

Where is the Kadisha Valley located precisely? According to Wikipedia (https://tinyurl.com/ykt3a25t), “this gorge lies within the Bsharri and Zgharta districts of the North Governorate of Lebanon. The valley was carved by the Kadisha River, also known as the Nahr Abu Ali when it reaches the city of Tripoli”.

The term “Kadisha” literally means “holy” in Aramaic, which was Jesus’ mother tongue. Thus, the valley is sometimes called the “Holy Valley”. Its history dates back to the 6th century with many monasteries, sanctuaries, churches, and caves (all spread around the gorge). Of note, it has “sheltered” Christian monks for several centuries (https://tinyurl.com/ykt3a25t). For instance, it is a place where “Christians used to hide from the Ottoman’s authorities” (https://shorturl.at/goH36). “The valley is located at the foot of Mount al-Makmal in northern Lebanon” (https://tinyurl.com/ykt3a25t).

Interestingly, the Kadisha Valley is in close proximity to the forest of the Cedars of God, “survivors of the ancient Cedars of Lebanon, the most highly prized building materials of the ancient world” (https://tinyurl.com/ykt3a25t).

Lebanon‘s cedar (Cedrus Libani) is referred to, in ancient botany manuscripts, as “the oldest tree in the world”. It is well known that “the Israelites brought it back to build the first and the second temples in Jerusalem” (https://tinyurl.com/ykt3a25t).

To conclude this post, bravo to Roula and Doudou for their five-hour-hike in the middle of this little piece of paradise on earth. Immediately following this text, you can see Roula’s superb pictures [unless Doudou also contributed to this collection :)?]. You may also watch her brief and nice video. To honour “Wadi” Kadisha, this post will end with a Lebanese-Arabic song. It is entitled “Aam behlamak Ya Hilm Ya Libnan” [I am dreaming of you, Lebanon]. In the YouTube video shared below, Ms. Majda El Roumy’s old song is performed by two talented artists, Mr. Mike Massy and Ms. Tanya Kassis. Thanks to them!

A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.
A video shot by Roula in the Kadisha Valley, Lebanon.