Mr. Kendji Girac’s Christmas song: From Bambi to the Canadian Human Rights Commission

Bambi will start by thanking her “non-Christian” friend who recently shared with her a rather odd article in the National Post, which informed us of the following: “the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which wields broad quasi-judicial powers, argued that a day off on Christmas is ‘discriminatory’ ” (

Interestingly, just the night before reading the above, Bambi read about the same nonsense in the Journal de Montréal, thanks to a sarcastic French article by Mr. Richard Martineau entitled “Christmas is a colonialist holiday! Making Christmas a public holiday would be discriminatory...” ( Of note, Mr. Martineau reminded us of the following: “Every year, it’s the same thing. There is always a group that attacks the Christmas party. You should not say “Christmas tree” because it discriminates against other religions. The focus should not be on Santa Claus, because it is sexist and patriarchal. You should not play the song Baby, It’s Cold Outside, because it is an apology for rape. We should not install crèches in town halls, because this does not respect secularism”.

Related to the above, what do you reply to people who lost the sense of childhood wonder and historical perspective to that extent, regardless of their own family traditions? You do not have to be of a specific spiritual faith to appreciate its beauty, including the magic of Christmas-related decorations or traditionally-based days off. For instance, think of the Diwali light magic celebrations or the sources of joy of Ramadan social gatherings. Think also of the nice Jewish tradition of lighting the menorah candles on Hanukkah? Bearing all the above in mind, why should we sacrifice Christmas’ lovely traditions just because it is historically linked to the silent majority (and to individuals members of visible or invisible minorities in Canada for whom Christmas means the world, whether they are religious or not)?

To conclude this post on a musical note, it is time for the lovely French version of the “Oh Christmas Tree” song now with the uniquely talented Mr. Kendji Girac. Enjoy!

Happiness Cake: a song to Jean.. and all of you!

This is not the first time that Bambi’s friend Jean surprises her with a little attention. Indeed, this blog has an older post on this topic, which is shared further below. For those who do not know her, Jean is a wonderful friend and an inspiring community member who is full of compassion.

What is amusing is that today happens to be the National Cake Day ( Regardless, in Bambi’s mind, only someone filled with an inspiring empathy would do the following: leaving a piece of her delicious freshly baked cake on the house door knob, early in this morning, to cheer her friend up during busy seasons and in times of wars in our world, namely in the Middle East and Ukraine, etc. Thank you dear Jean!

Of note, it has often been said that opening our heart to others would increase our levels of happiness. Clearly, Jean’s heart is wide open. Perhaps it is because, deep inside, she understood the secret to a happy life. With much love, Bambi will thank her now, wishing her more happiness for years to come.

Last but not least, since the gifted Jean is fluent in French, this post will end with the Happiness Cake song. The latter, which is composed by Ms. Brigitte and Jean-Paul Artaud, is performed by a group of talented kids who sing while baking a cake filled with happiness. Bambi will offer this wise song to her friend, first and foremost, and indirectly to all of you wherever you may be. For your convenience, an English translation of Le gâteau du bonheur [Happiness Cake] ( follows the YouTube video.

The cake of happiness
Is not very complicated
You have to put your heart
And then apply well
Make a good dough
And good ingredients
No danger of it failing
By taking your time
A pinch of sweetness
Passion fruit
Taste and flavours
Seeds of emotion
It’s all know-how
When you are a pastry chef
To mix the matter
To balance well
Add colour
Vanilla and chocolate
Garnish deeply
From the melting of joy
Find harmony
Between salty, sweet
Cover with whipped cream
Before tasting
Have fun
By tasting life
Greedy full of desire
It whets the appetite
Cherry on the cake
A hint of tenderness
Filed as required
Add the yeast well
Don’t give up
With ripe fruit
Fishing to ensure
Good cooking
A shared happiness
We are the little mitrons [a bakery in Paris]
Floured hands”.

The talent of the Nehmes: Abeer and Ziad (siblings) offer “The Prayer” to their sister at her wedding

This blog often features the singing talent of Ms. Abeer Nehme in different languages. It seems that this highly talented artist was born in a family of gifted musicians. Bambi has only recently discovered her siblings, one after the other (e.g. George, Ziad, etc.).

Today, she would like to share with you an uplifting YouTube moment related to the Nehmes. Their family wedding event took place most likely on July 5, 2023 in Lebanon. “Mabrouk” [or Congratulations] to the bride and groom who were offered The Prayers song by sister Abeer and brother Ziad. Long live music, love, and gatherings of friends and relatives.

To conclude this musical post, and if she may, Bambi will allow herself to offer the newlyweds the latest shorter and adapted version of Mr. Ramy Ayash’s Mabrouk song, as it was performed in Paris on July 13, 2023. She will also offer the same song to her dear friend Jacinthe who is celebrating her birthday today. Oui, chère Jacinthe “c’est à ton tour de te laisser parler d’amour”, as we joyfully sing in Québec, Canada 💚 :)!

Magic in the skies of Sackville, NB

This post shares two pictures, which Bambi took this evening on the way back to her small town called Sackville.

She does now know about you, but Bambi had a beautiful day from its start to its end. Not any day though. One where her late mom was almost constantly on her mind (since yesterday before closing her eyes to sleep). Indeed, she was still vividly present in her spirit, even while driving.

Clearly, Robine would have loved the view of the skies of Sackville during this drive, especially that she visited this charming Canadian small town four times in her lifetime (with Bambi’s dad). Of note, one of their visits took place in the late fall, or early winter, just like this time of the year. Interestingly, while Bambi was at work, Robine and Antoine drove all over the South-Eastern region of the province, including its charming beaches.

To conclude this brief post on a musical note, Bambi will offer her mom in heaven Ms. Isabelle Boulay’s French-Canadian song entitled “Perce les nuages” [Break through the clouds] (

“Break through the clouds

From here to the open sea

In the open sun

You amaze me

From the horizon

Take your beams

Warm me up

I need it

You, the wind of the sea

Go and tell my mother

How much I love her

And how beautiful she is

Go towards the horizon

Take my song

Sing it

To her ear…”

A picture taken by Bambi on the Trans-Canada highway toward Sackville, NB.

A picture taken by Bambi on the Trans-Canada highway toward Sackville, NB.

To Bambi’s readers celebrating thanksgiving: thank you and take care!

In Canada’s neighbouring country, this season of the year is a time to be grateful for the harvest and to enjoy time with family and friends. Bambi wishes her American friends, relatives, and readers a Happy Thanksgiving! Yes it is today, if you did not realize you have a day off yet :). Have fun everyone!

Happy forthcoming birthday to Mr. Francis Cabrel!

Thank goodness, there is music in life. For those of you who do not know him, Mr. Francis Cabrel is a highly talented French singer-songwriter, guitarist, and composer ( It is already his birthday at his end in France (tomorrow at Bambi’s end). May he have a wonderful new year. May he keep spoiling our ears with his songs filled with an uplifting sensitivity and beautiful melodies!

Mr. Ghassan Rahbani’s “What is left of Lebanon” on eve of its so-called independence

Bambi posted Mr. Ghassan Rahbani’s powerful song, entitled “What is left of Lebanon” upon its release a few months ago and translated it from Lebanese Arabic into English. Today, on eve of Lebanon’s Independence, she is featuring this song again (with its translation), along with a picture of City Hall in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI). She took this picture herself about 20 days ago. In it, you can see the Lebanese flag, which was meant to honour Prince Edward Islanders with a Lebanese heritage. Of note, among the latter, there is Mr. Joe Ghiz who became premier in 1986 (the first Canadian premier of non-European heritage, it seems). Interestingly, his own son who is called Mr. Robert Ghiz also served as PEI premier (2007-2015). On one hand, what an achievement for immigrants. On the other hand, what an open mind of PEI voters who recognized political talent and/or popularity.

To end this post, Bambi sends her love to the people of her birth country. In her mind, they just want to live with dignity and safety. They have been through crisis after crisis lately. They are tired. They surely do not need to be dragged into (another) war. May common sense know how to prevail. May only love have the final word in the Middle East as well as around the world, including our big and beautiful Canada. As for PEI, long live this lovely and welcoming small Atlantic Canadian province. For those who do not know it, it is twice as small as Lebanon and it is the birthplace of Confederation.

“What is left of Lebanon after you took it?”

What is left about Lebanon? Words you did not say yet.

There was some misery and the promise of tragedies.

What is left, what is left for the rest, I hope you will leave.

What is left of Lebanon, I wish you would forget.

And you sleep for two eras, so we can forget what you did.

Because in this country there are people, not herds.

Every time an hour ticks, they walk away.

What did you do in Lebanon, I hope you remember.

Because my little ones won’t forget.

And the humiliated people are the ones preserving Lebanon.

I wish you would leave. Stop the killing.

What is left of this land after you plundered it.

We even dream of a future that you took out of our mind.

What is left of Lebanon, what is left, nothing worth it.

You fight for it until you divide it.

What is left of Lebanon after you ate it?

You stole the light from the sky and the air you breathe.

Leaders on behalf of the sects (or religions), you made your country a farce.

What you stole from Lebanon, it’s time for its return”.

Thank you Charlottetown. A picture taken by Bambi on November 4, 2023.

World Hello Day: hi to all of you

Hola! Bonjour! Hello! Sabaho!

Have you ever heard of the World Hello Day? It has been established in 1973 to recognize “the role communication plays for preserving peace. The day also encourages world leaders to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts”. The World Hello Day started as an initiative following “the conflict between Egypt and Israel”, called the Yom Kippur War“. Who is behind it? Well, two brothers, Mr. Brian and Mr. Michael McCormack came up with this initiative. Of note, they mailed 1360 letters in seven different languages in order to encourage world leaders to get involved in their initiative (

Bearing the above spirit of this day in mind, we can cry now over the current fate of prospects of peace in the Middle East (as well as in other dark parts of the world). Indeed, we are very far from channels of communication between individuals, and by extension nations, which build promising bridges among them, instead of the abysses or walls of the absurdity of violence.

This being said, Bambi will end this post now. It is getting late at her end and even deer need to sleep. So, now is the time to shout “Hello” or “Bonjour” to each one of you while wishing you inner peace, love, and a lot of fun.

Happy Birthday to Mickey Mouse

There are days when our hearts are heavy, namely in times of farewell of beloved ones [good-bye/thank you, DEAREST Myrna, 💜], or when the world seems to be growing darker in the middle of our collectively insane times. Who knows? Perhaps it is on such days that we long for lightness.

Today’s ray of lightness comes to us from a Walt Disney‘s character that stood up the test of longevity for 95 years. Yes, Bambi is talking about Mickey Mouse who is celebrating his birthday.

You may like, dislike, or be indifferent to Mickey Mouse’s charm. However, according to Britannica, he is the most popular character of Walt Disney’s animated cartoons and arguably the most popular cartoon star in the world” (

Well done, cute Mickey Mouse. Thank you for the smiles. Happy Birthday from Bambi!