“How to stop the panic?” (by Mr. Mike George from Soaring Families)

First, here is the Soaring Families website: https://www.soaringfamilies.com/

Second, below you can find the latest video entitled “How to stop the panic?”

Thank you Mr. Mike George for your generosity. Bambi is honoured and delighted to share your video, hoping it can contribute to inspire and help other worried families.

She is happy Ben is virus-free, thank Goodness.

Cheers to our Dear Ben, to his devoted family, and to his amazing “Team Ben”, to use his dad’s own words (= team of 6 professional caregivers). Be safe and well everyone!

To conclude this post, below the video, you can see two pictures of Ben. Check the one to the right :). Happy and proud moments in Ben’s life. Bravo again :)!

The picture to the right shows Ben on his graduation day (UNB Saint John)!

Why are our mainstream media not reporting on Canadian airports during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Bambi found the video below on the Internet, published on… April 8, 2020, imagine.

Thanks to Mr. David Menzies, from Rebel News, for keeping us informed on what is happening (or not happening!) on the ground. Is this normal? Is this wise?

Compared to us in Canada, Lebanon has been repatriating its citizens in a more thorough manner. Can you imagine the irony :)?

On the first day, no one tested was infected. Yet everyone had to be quarantined until the results came out. The global results were shared on the government’s Public Health Ministry’s website. On the second day, two travellers were found to be infected, even they did not show high temperatures. Again, all the results were globally shared with the public. The two persons in question will have to stay quarantined at the hotel for 14 days.

If tiny bankrupt Lebanon is doing all this, why aren’t we Canada? And how come no one is double-checking what is happening besides this journalist? Is this normal?

Why is this not news whereas Trudeau’s Lego figurines are? Does that make any sense?

Mr. Mathieu Bock-Côté: A revenge of nature [«Une vengeance de la nature?»]

First, here is the original article by Mr. Bock-Côté, published today in the Journal de Montréal:


Second, Bambi hopes you will appreciate this thoughtful article, translated below.

If not, she hopes this piece will make you stop to reflect, learn something new or different, and perhaps even allow yourself to challenge your own beliefs.

“While our societies are engaged in an exceptional mobilization to confront COVID-19, which destabilizes them and from which they will recover painfully, we find some in the radical fringes of the ecological movement, but also in certain intellectuals who we would say politely enlightened, to take an excited or tender look.

Their speech is roughly as follows: humans would have done great harm to the planet in recent decades. They would have martyred it by over-exploiting it. And today it would take revenge, throwing down a world that had become insane. In its own way, and in its own language, it would counter-attack with a virus and does herself justice.


How can we not see in this a form of morbid poetry, that of exalted prophets who consumed a little too much hallucinogenic ideological substances?

These remarks also testify to the resurgence of a certain pantheism in our societies, which believe themselves freed from religion, except in their margins.

Pantheism, let us remember, consists in deifying nature, in lending it a form of global consciousness, which is done in their own way by those who call the earth “Gaia”.

Nature “wants” things, it “acts”. This virus is said to be part of planetary self-defense.

It is a particularly primitive form of religious feeling, prior to its civilization by the great spiritual traditions which have shaped humanity, among these, Christianity, of course. Let’s make the necessary distinctions.

Without a doubt, the development model of recent decades was untenable. The global tourist invasion, for example, was certainly catastrophic.

The environmental rampage was undeniable, and our societies were about to undergo immense upheavals if they did not reorient themselves.

But the truth is, it is not the earth that humans has been harming. It is themselves, by making the world less and less habitable.

The earth doesn’t care about what happens to it. It was there before humans were there and it will survive them if they die. But it will be nothing more than an inanimate pebble, turning in the universe. Human beings are the ones driving it, leading its exciting adventure there.

What is revealed here is an unspoken hatred of humanity, and more particularly, perhaps, of Western civilization, guilty of all wrongs.

In our living room or country house, we meditate on Gaïa’s revenge by putting into perspective the thousands of human losses and the immense suffering of those who lose their loved ones. We pontificate on the formal notice from Mother Nature, who would take the opportunity to heal herself by condemning human beings to forced rest.


We forget about the economic crisis that will follow and will force us not only to sacrifice the superfluous, but to ration on the necessary. Will our virus applauders then have the nerve to poeticize misery?

Undoubtedly, this crisis is indicative of a generalized civilizational dysfunction, which will force us into immense reforms.

However, I find it hard to respect those who thank “Nature” for punishing an evil human.”

Mr. Burke, new CAO of Sackville: What a surprise!

Thank you, Mr. Wark, for keeping us informed:


In the article above, entitled “In 7-1 vote, Sackville Town Council appoints Jamie Burke as CAO”, we learned what we already knew:

First, Mr. Burke will be the continuity of Mr. Phil Handrahan and his gang that specializes in shenanigans.

Contrary to what our Mayor wrote: “No, he will not bring any innovation”, as it will be rather “more of the same old”.

Second, Councillor Bruce Phinney is faithful to himself. No one is perfect. So, surely not him neither. However, one thing seems to be a consistent, regardless of the story: Councillor Phinney is one of those rare principled politicians and public servants. Bambi is saying this, with all due respect to everyone in our town, province, country, and even beyond…

Councillor Phinney is an independent mind. History will remember it… Thank you.

Third, sometimes (especially after a certain age), new fulfilling roles in life offer an opportunity to some to become better human beings. They may surprise us with a good learned leadership, especially when we would be expecting the worst (power abuse). They may even surprise themselves before surprising us all.

It is Bambi’s hope that Mr. Burke will be one of these people who will discover that they can lead towns with respect (+ transparency). Yes, true leaders do not need to abuse, if not they would be anything but leaders.

Like anyone else in life, including deer, Mr. Burke has the potential for goodness, at the same time as a potential for harm.

May he remember that manipulation works both ways: Those who think they are manipulating to please others or in the name of others (perceived as being more powerful) can wake up one day to discover that they are pawns.

Pawns can be cleverly used, even by those they have called “friends” or “allies”.

Bambi hopes that Mr. Burke will know how to become more and more independent. It is never too late in life. This may be his chance to break away from older unhealthy patterns.  

It is also her hope that he will not allow himself to become even more disconnected from citizens.

One good action Bambi noticed coming from Mr. Burke over the past months was his efforts to be a good communicator online (in the name of our town).

It may not be the most impressive achievement, but it is one where he seemed to have worked on improving his communication with the public (even he did not officially apologize to two citizens he may have insulted in the past… unless Bambi has missed the follow-up).

Bambi hopes he will expand this skill and… perhaps, with some miracle in this holy week, generalize it to his mandate as the CAO of Sackville.

Even Nasrallah followers have not done what is featured in the CBC about Trudeau :). Even Mr. Nasrallah is fighting the coronavirus better than Mr. Trudeau. It is even acknowledged by Israeli Media

Here is the CBC silly article on a lego version of our PM Mr. Trudeau (CBC is our public media financed by our tax money):


Also reported by other mainstream media:


Here is a smarter article, only if people want to think:

Bambi has posted on this topic in the past (see below).

Further below you can find links to Israeli media on Mr. Nasrallah, for fun ?:



Why are these comments by French medical experts considered racist?

First here, here is the exchange sub-titled in English:

Here are English articles reporting the story:



Here is a French article:


Why are we encouraging people to be that easily triggered?

This can be a dangerous political and public health game.

We are in 2020 and, thankfully, our Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) have strict ethical guidelines, even when expedited during pandemics!

The WHO does not have anything more urgent to do in life than to please African corrupt leaders by playing this game of political correctness?

The words of these French experts have been taken out of context and clearly misunderstood. Perhaps they should have not apologized?

Lebanon has been a French colony. Thankfully, France behaved well there, better than in Algeria, for sure… and, perhaps even in Algeria, French colonial behaviour was better than by other countries (e.g., Belgium) in Africa.

I bet Lebanon would be honoured to be an additional site to this ongoing study in several countries, if the principal investigators think of offering it this opportunity.

Please, let’s get over stupidity for once, at least during a pandemic, to think more scientifically and rationally (not with our tribal emotions).

Let’s look at the amazing work related to COVID-19, to AIDS, or to Ebola. All this great work in Africa has been done by our own great Canadian men and women (e.g., Mr. Stephen Lewis, Dr. Michel Yao, Dr. Joanne Liu, Dr. Jane Phillpott, etc.).

Are these names cited above all racist?

Why would the French experts be racist then? They simply speak their mind in a more direct way. This is the beauty of their culture.

What is this obsession with racism?

Even Bambi was accused of being racist in our town, mind you ?; hence this blog (as per its ABOUT section).

Talking about racism, here is the level of intellectual poverty and culture of victimization we are at in the West today, including Canada ☹:


No further comment about the article above, as it would be a waste of Bambi’s time.


Republic of Lebanon’s Public Health Ministry: If this is not efficient, even if not perfect, what is it then?

As you can see below, the testing results of stranded passengers who arrived to Beirut yesterday are all out and the global results are shared with the public (all negative). This applies to airplane passengers from Lagos, Abidjan, etc.


Plus, Lebanon urgently requested quotation for PPE from interested suppliers, with a deadline of 3 days ONLY:

In English:


In Arabic:


Lebanon has lots of issues, from corruption/poverty to regional/domestic instability or… internal matters, like other countries. People who visit Lebanon often joke about its somehow cute (yet functional :)!) chaos.

However, one thing is sure: this place is historically used to crisis management. It seemed to have learned fast how to deal with a Covid-19 pandemic. This does not mean that things may not become a catastrophe like other places (or worse?!). Perhaps the peak of the curve has not been reached yet? Not everyone is respecting the physical distancing measures, although most are (bravo). Most are terrified by the coronavirus. Fear-related stress is good for survival. At the same time, people there find ways to entertain themselves with silly songs about the virus or about them in these times, etc. Of course, they also have public health safety cute songs. Bambi enjoys listening to them on an internet radio, broadcasting from LA, whilst working :). They have even created daily variety shows between folks located in the LA, Dubai, and Beirut, called “Stay at home“.

To conclude this post, Lebanon seems to be working as efficiently as possible in the circumstances. Bravo and… please keep it up!

Covid-19 pandemic: Is Canada the third world of the West? How come so-called third world countries are being more thorough than us in their fight against the coronavirus?

How come all the countries of the world, from New Zealand to others… to tiny bankrupt Lebanon were thorough with their travellers returning home? And we have not?

Look at Lebanon, even if you will not understand the language!


English text here:


The Lebanese government developed a QUICK plan to bring over 21, 000 citizens stuck abroad (some lost their jobs in Africa or Saudi Arabia… etc. Others from Europe, will be brought back in the next couple of days). One man sadly died in Ghana.

A Lebanese airliner paid for people’s tickets (the government is considering paying students’ tickets who will come soon).

See the video link above. Look at the thorough medical testing upon arrival to the airport.

Immediately after testing, travellers were taken to hotels to be quarantined, until the test results. First night for free. Then, if no place to go to (no homes), they can stay longer at excellent rates. However, they STRICTLY do not have the right to leave the hotel for 24 hours until their test comes back negative!

They were provided with meals in their rooms. Public health teams were awaiting them at the airport to take all the needed information.

Look at the gloves and masks everyone is wearing and full protection to medical teams.

Bravo to Lebanon for being that “covidwise”!! It is reassuring for Bambi to watch.

Why aren’t we as thorough in Canada, by the way?

If Ms. Hajdu is truly competent as Health Minister, why are so many Canadian media articles trying to convince us of her competence that hard?

One may even wonder if this is the product of an orchestrated paid campaign by our government ??

Or does this stem from journalists themselves, so eager to get their cheque from the government during this crisis that they lost any remaining critical sense to that point?

Or could they be too keen to reassure us to the point of contributing to deceiving us?

If we keep hearing it, we will start believing it…

Are we in Canada or in Syria where they keep praising their Mr. Assad’s government even in pandemics?

Bambi finds it worrisome when all the media of a given country seem to go in the same direction… and when they aren’t, we do not give them permission to daily PM press conferences (i.e. Rebel news of Mr. Ezra Levant, it seems).

We may or may not agree with Mr. Levant all the time on all the topics (isn’t this normal in life?). However, at least, we know one thing about him: He does not receive a penny from the federal government. That could explain why his journalism may be more independent.

Anyhow, here is a non-exhaustive list of mainstream media praising Ms. Hajdu:

Globe and Mail, the National Pos, Global news, CTV news (watch the same exact title, likely picked up from a press release from the government, according to Bambi who may of course be wrong):



Interestingly, only the Toronto Sun has two articles criticizing her rather… mmm maybe they will not get their bailout then?

One local Ontario newspaper published a letter the Editor, written by Ms. Hajdu’s own mom. Perhaps not the most elegant piece written by a parent about her daughter. This text tells Bambi two things: 1. Their parental relationship does not seem to be that joyful or healthy (this is not our business though!) and 2. Either the mother or the daughter, or perhaps both of them, are lying (dishonesty may become our problem one day; how come no journalist picked that up?).

Here is the Letter to the Editor in question, found online. Bambi was not able to find the original article cited herein: https://www.chroniclejournal.com/news/local/hajdu-faced-life-s-trauma/article_6d89f81a-0fbb-11e8-80a5-fb7e4dd7d930.html:

After Saudi Arabia (in 2019), the UN appointed China to its “Human Rights Panel” (in April 3, 2020). Are these wise choices?


As described above, “by joining the UNHRC panel, China will be able to influence the selection of at least 17 UN human rights mandate-holders over the next year, known as special procedures [sic], who investigate, monitor, and publicly report on either specific country situations, or on thematic issues in all parts of the world, such as freedom of speech and religion”.

Talking about freedom of religion, in 2019, the UN appointed Saudi Arabia to the same panel. Isn’t that another UN-joke?


Does all this make any sense? Bambi bets that Mr. Raif Badawi ‘s family in Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) was not that impressed by that choice at the time ☹.


Luckily, Saudi Arabia has shown a few promising social changes in recent years. This is not enough for sure, but it is a start that should be commended.

To come back to China, without punishing it for being a dictatorship (especially that we depend too much on it), we must neither reward it nor sell our souls to it. Between the two extremes, there must be a political middle ground. Isn’t it, Mr. Trudeau and “team of leaders”, namely Ms. Hajdu?

If not, without intending to, we would be insulting both the Chinese people striving for more freedom and the intelligence of Canadians.