How can we be sweet with each other?

Have a sweet one!

Once again, Bambi is unsure who comes up with national or international days of this or that. Regardless, today is called “Sweetest Day“, which is all about being “sweet by sharing a kind thought, a small gift or a gesture of kindness” (

Of course, there is nothing sweet in wars and terror. Same for the violence of mobbing, bullying, or any aggression to any innocent people. However, even in such extreme situations, humanity, generosity, and kindness can manifest itself.

To conclude this brief post, Bambi will leave you with the words of the Persian poet, Rumi, who wrote: “Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart”. Food for thought for the day, which will be followed by a matching song on friendship. Of note, we do not have to be close friends, relatives, or from the so-called same tribe to treat others as our friends in humanity. This being said, have a sweet one everyone!

Happy National Louie Day to Louis!

Cheers to all those called Ludwig, Louie, Louis, Lewis, Lou, Lew, and… Louisa!

Did you know that today is the National Louie Day ( Yes, today is the day “on which everyone gathers to praise and honour every person with the name Louie that exists” (

Given the above, and because he deserves it [and no she is not biased :)], Bambi would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Louis, her spouse!

Louis’ name is pronounced like Louie, but written with its French variant, Louis. The choice of his beautiful name was a loving compromise between his anglophone dad and his francophone mom.

Indeed, “Louie is a slight variation of the name Louis. This is a name of French origin, Latinized from the German name ‘Ludwig,’ which means “renowned warrior.” The most popular variants of Louie include Lewis, Lou, Lew, and Louisa, a feminine form of the name [hello to Luisa, if she happens to be reading now :)!] (

Of note, “Louie’s are found primarily in English-speaking areas, such as England, New Zealand, and even the Dutch-speaking country of the Netherlands. Its popularity has also risen significantly in the nordic country Sweden” (

For some of you who love fiction, you may perhaps already know that the Simpsons include a mafia member called “Louie”. Same for one of Donald Duck‘s nephews (

As far as Bambi is concerned, she is a fan of French actor/comedian Louis de Funès ( Of course, indepedent of comedy, the name “Louis” means a lot to her since it is the street where her dad’s store is located in Lebanon. Long live Azar Electric on Saint-Louis’ street in Beirut, as per the older post below.

French actor Louis de Funès.
A picture found on the internet.

To conclude this post, Bambi would like to offer Louis two songs and a brief YouTube video featuring Louis de Funès in both English and French. Happy national name day, Luigi!

Kids United with Corneille: Heal the world

Today, more than ever, our world needs both healing and love.

Spreading love and indulging in healing; not in violence or hatred.

Thanks to Corneille who knows the true meaning of healing, personal growth despite the horror, and love in his private and public lives.

Thanks also To Kids United for their beautiful voices blending together to increase the potential healing power of music.

Mr. Oscar Wilde’s wisdom: still timely?

Mr. Oscar Wilde (full name: Oscar Fingal O’Fflahertie Wills Wilde) was born on October 16, 1854. He died on November 30, 1900. For those who do not know him, Mr. Wilde was an Irish poet and playwright.

From now on, Bambi will think of Mr. Wilde every year when she will highlight the birthday of Nicolas, her nephew, who was also born on October 16 [she hopes he had a wonderful day :)!].

To conclude this brief post, if you wish, you can read some of Mr. Wilde’s quotes. The latter will be followed by an uplifting Egyptian song, by Ms. Yasmin Ali, on a positive outlook in life. In case you had a tough day or week, may you find some comfort in those words or melody.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

Life is too important to be taken seriously.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

 Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

In this world there are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

Ultimately the bond of everything, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation”.

Happy Birthday to Nicolas!

In the past, Nicolas has been featured on this blog in a post where Bambi shared his school and professional high achievements related to architecture and to entrepreneurship. Of note, the latter goes hand in hand with his athletic, artistic, interpersonal, and communication talents, including wedding speeches :).

Since today is Nicolas’ birthday [OK in Lebanon, it is already October 16 :)], his aunt and godmother wants to wish him a Wonderful New Year filled with Safety, Happiness, Health, Prosperity, and MUCH Love ❤️. She looks forward to seeing him as soon as possible!

Skies of Beirut through the lens of Roula Azar-Douglas

Although there is a famous Lebanese song, by Mr. Wadi El Safi, which refers to Lebanon as a piece of sky [Sama in Arabic], Bambi shares her sister’s picture, along with a French-Canadian deep song called “Le Ciel est à moi” [“The Sky is Mine”]. It is performed by the most talented Ms. Marie-Élaine Thibert. Thank you Roula for capturing this magical moment from out of your balcony. Have a lovely evening!

A picture taken by Roula Azar Douglas in Lebanon.

Kids United: thank you for wishing us all the happiness in the world

Especially in a world lacking wisdom and love, it is refreshing to listen to the talented Kids United singing Tout le Bonheur du Monde [All the Happiness in the World]. An English translation of this uplifting song appears following the melody (

We wish you all the happiness in the world
And that someone may stretch out a hand to you,
That your path may avoid bombs,
That it may lead towards calm gardens.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today as for tomorrow,
That your sun may illuminate the shadow,
That it may shine with love, every day.

Because the future belongs to you,
Because we don’t control your destiny,
‘Cause your flight leaving home is tomorrow –
All we have to offer you wouldn’t always be enough for you
In this freedom to come –
Because we won’t always be there
As we were, for your first steps.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
And that someone may stretch out a hand to you,
That your path may avoid bombs,
That it may lead towards calm gardens.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today as for tomorrow,
That your sun may illuminate the shadow,
That it may shine with love, every day.

All of life is offering itself in front of you
So many dreams to live through to the end
Certainly full of joy at meeting
Free to make your own choices
To choose what your way will be.
And wherever that way leads you
I hope simply that you will take the time
To make the most of every moment.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
And that someone may stretch out a hand to you,
That your path may avoid bombs,
That it may lead towards calm gardens.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today as for tomorrow,
That your sun may illuminate the shadow,
That it may shine with love, every day.

I don’t know what kind of world we’ll leave you –
We do our best; only sometimes
I dare to hope that it’ll be enough
Not to save you from having to be careful,
But to appease our conscience.
Would I have the right to trust you…

We wish you all the happiness in the world
And that someone may stretch out a hand to you,
That your path may avoid bombs,
That it may lead towards calm gardens.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
For today as for tomorrow,
That your sun may illuminate the shadow,
That it may shine with love, every day.

We wish you all the happiness in the world
And that someone may stretch out a hand to you,
That your path may avoid bombs,
That it may lead towards calm gardens”.

On the eve of Ms. Nana Mouskouri’s birthday

Bambi often features Ms. Nana Mouskouri on this blog. Last year, she honoured her on her birthday, as per the older post shown further below.

As birthdays come year after year, and since Ms. Mouskouri currently lives in Switzerland (, in only a few hours she will be celebrating her birthday again. Yes, on October 13; may she have a happy one with her family and friends!

With much love, Bambi would like to offer Mouskouri’s first song below to Michael & Stéphanie (“les amoureux” ❤️!) as well as to Khello, Zeina, Rana, Jad, and Louis [they know why :)]!

Lebanon through the eyes of Alan from Canada

Bambi had the pleasure in interviewing Alan from Atlantic Canada who recently visited Lebanon for the first time of his life. Before sharing the interview with you, a few words about Alan. He is wonderful guy with excellent general knowledge and impressive linguistic skills. Indeed, this English-speaking Canadian from New Brunswick speaks and writes perfect French. He even has a sharp sense of humour in the beautiful language of Molière. Of note, Alan speaks a little bit of a few other languages, including “shway Arabic, “poquito” Spanish and “cupla focal in Irish. The joke is that he can say “a little bit” in various languages when asked if he speaks them! 

1. Welcome back from Lebanon, Alan. In general, how was your trip?

Lebanon was a fantastic experience. Really unforgettable. There is a lot to do and to see, a lot of historical sites and architecture, a vibrant cultural scene and nightlife, and the food is exceptional. I really should emphasize this last point. Whether you’re dining on traditional Lebanese food, or more modern delicacies like sushi, good food seems to be everywhere. Restaurants all seemed to have a good ambience or a great view, or both. You can get alcoholic drinks in most places, and the bartenders seem to be quite innovative and experimental with cocktails. As a Canadian, I appreciated the lower prices on booze. You asked me a general question about my trip, and my first response was to talk about food and drink. I must be hungry!

2. What did you enjoy the most and the least? And why?

If you’re Canadian and going to Lebanon, I would advise against driving, if you can avoid it. Traffic in Lebanon is controlled chaos. There are a lot of vehicles and not a lot of enforced traffic regulations. You see a lot of people driving Vespas and motor scooters, almost never wearing helmets, weaving in and out of traffic. Sometimes there are two people on a Vespa, even three or more, often a man with a few kids crammed onto the vehicle. Drivers will even be using their phones while driving. “Safety first” doesn’t seem to be the prime consideration. Yet after a week or so, I started to see some method in the madness, and I was much less on edge while travelling on the roads. That was key, because afterwards I felt freer about travelling and so was able to see and do more. It helped that I was in Lebanon with my partner, who is Lebanese and a very competent driver.

At the top of my experiences in Lebanon was visiting the Roman temple complex in Baalbek. Check it out online here: It’s like something from a fantasy film, an enormous structure that you’d think was built by giants. We had a guided tour, and generally the guided tours of the important historical sites are quite informative, and I recommend them. To a North American, such an enormous structure, so ancient, is mystifying. It doesn’t make sense. You hear about that kind of thing in Egypt, Rome, Greece. It’s a bit surprising to see it in the Bekaa valley, far from the centres of power in the Roman Empire. We visited a lot of other historical sites too; the palace of Beiteddine, the Crusader castle in Tripoli, the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos. I was also impressed by the National Museum of Beirut; less so by the lack of parking in that area.

3. What was the most surprising fact or observation about Lebanon?

Most surprising about Lebanon is how economically developed it is. While it has problems, it is very developed and modern. In French, when we talk about developed and developing countries, they are pays développés and pays en voie de développement. As an attempt at wit regarding the economic crisis currently affecting Lebanon, I remarked that maybe it is un pays en voie de sous-développement (a country in the process of under-development), but of course, this is a joke. I’m not an economist, and certainly not an expert on the country, so I don’t know how the current situation will end. But my gut feeling is that the Lebanese people can weather this storm and come out of it with a renewed sense of determination to build a shared prosperity. The consensus among Lebanese people seems to be that the country requires new leadership, maybe even a new political culture and political class. This feeling that I have is one that could only come from visiting the country in person, because when you talk to Lebanese emigrés, you often get a sense of despair and cynicism about their homeland.

4. What were you not expecting to find at all and you did? Can you tell us about it?

I was expecting that everyday communication might be a problem, as I speak very little Arabic. While one should always learn at least a little of the language of the country you’re travelling in, a lot of Lebanese institutions, especially in education and tourism, use English and French. Many Lebanese are bilingual or trilingual. As a Canadian, I was able to negotiate my way through several situations by using English and French, and my limited Arabic. Most documents and signs written are in English and French, which is helpful. But there is no substitute for having a guide in Lebanon who is Lebanese and speaks the language. It makes it all the more fun. My impression is that Lebanon is not really one of those places where you can go as a tourist and all the desirable activities and locations will just be indicated to you. It’s not Las Vegas, with bright glowing signs pointing to every attraction. You need to know the country as an insider or at least have insider knowledge of it to have a really good time. Luckily, I had such help and so I had a wonderful time. Other than that, I tried not to go to Lebanon with expectations and preconceptions. That’s a general rule for travellers. You don’t want to be disappointed and caught off guard by a new country. 

Another short answer to this question: The beaches! Lebanon has lovely beaches, and why shouldn’t it? It is in the southeastern Mediterranean, after all. But in North America, most people simply don’t associate the two. I have never seen such beautiful sunsets as I did on the beaches in Lebanon, and I felt very grateful to be able to swim in the sea.

5. Any other thoughts, Alan?

I hope I have answered your questions in a satisfactory way. I suppose I used them more as a cue to talk about my experience, and to say the things I want people to hear about. Lebanon is a lovely country. It has problems it needs to solve. But those are beyond me, and it’s not my place to offer criticism, however well-intentioned. I’m not Lebanese. There’s a quote I saw written in French on a poster at a hotel in Jbail. It translates roughly, “If you understand something about Lebanon, then it was explained to you wrong.” Though I have far to go in terms of really understanding this complex country, I can still appreciate the experience it gave me. I’ll end on this note with a quote from the poet Khalil Gibran: “Vous avez votre Liban avec son dilemme. J’ai mon Liban avec sa beauté” [“You have your Lebanon with its dilemma. I have my Lebanon with its beauty”].

What an enriching interview! Many thanks, Alan for sharing your valuable insights about Lebanon. Bambi is delighted that you enjoyed your touristic travel to her birth country. Welcome back home (safely)!