What makes life beautiful?

Life is always beautiful: in happiness, sorrow, and in or despite adversity too. For Bambi, this is an evidence.

However, what makes life beautiful, despite its apparent or real cruelty at times? Is it love? Is it friendship? Is it hope (from faith or from other sources)? Is it our shared humanity and support of one another in adversity or in times of grief?

Or is it nature’s beauty or a happy moment like bumping into adorable babies [for those of us who like them] or cute dogs?

An what about the healing power of music? And arts in general? What about the books we read and how they can change something in us or inspire us?

And the influence of our own mindset and outlook on life (or death)? Here, Bambi is specifically thinking of her late mom’s wise words shared earlier on this post: “replace your dark thoughts with beautiful thoughts and life becomes more beautiful“.

The above is well said, but to what extent do factors like our will or capacity to appreciate simple gestures of humanity or kindness, have a sense of humour, or to indulge in creativity influence life’s beauty, at least in our eyes?

Finally, what about gratitude, health , or money? Do they make our life easier or more beautiful? What about dreams, goals, projects, diligence, or simply mindfulness of the present moment and respect of our own needs and rhythms?

In conclusion, this post raised too many questions. Yet there is uncertainty about any final answer. Who knows? Maybe all of the above, to different degrees, at different times of our life stages. Bambi will stop here, she promises. If you wish, you can comment your own thoughts about life’s beauty. She would be delighted to hear from you, whether publicly or more privately. As for her, she will conclude this post by first sharing a picture, featuring the fall season post-sunset, which she received today from out of the province of Québec. Thank you Louis :). Following this beauty, if you wish, you may listen to a deep song by Mr. Nicola Ciccone entitled “Le survivant” [“The Survivor“]. Its translated English lyrics follow the YouTube video. Thank you Mr. Google Translate for assisting Bambi in sharing the beauty of the French-Canadian lyrics/music with her dear readers.

A picture taken by Louis in Saint-Faustin–Lac-Carré in Québec’s Laurentian
(or Laurentides) area in the North of Montreal.

I spent my entire life

Counting the injuries

Facing troubles

Overcoming the walls

I received contempt

I received insults

I have seen dark days

I’ve had some tough times

Today I spend my life

Pretending to smile

To everyone who told me

That it was better to die

I have a heart that has learned

That stopped suffering

That brought out the evil in it

To make way for the future

I am still alive

Even if life hurt me

I am still alive

Even though the world is unequal

I am still alive

Even if the time is deadly

I still live

I’m holding on, God I’ve come a long way

I spent my entire life

To fight against mountains

To repress my desires

To repress all my anger

I grew up in oblivion

I grew up on drama

I screamed

I shed tears

Today I spend my life

To give me pleasure

Even if all my enemies

Would rather see me moan

I have a heart that has grown

That stopped suffering

That faces life

And that doesn’t want to run away anymore

There are days when I fall

There are days when I do not see the world anymore

There are days when I’m wrong

But I’m moving forward”.

4 thoughts on “What makes life beautiful?”

    1. Many thanks Zeina for your kind and supportive words. It is amazing how we can be that close yet so geographically far. Bambi has always thought that is is the distance between the hearts that matters the most in life.

  1. Definitely for me its hope, gratitude and love that make life enjoyable and precious. Thanks for being a positive and happy human – your posts are always welcome and give us food for thought. You do benefit others that visit the blog you created to share your musings. Thank you again for just being you and being here in this town at this time. You honour your beloved late mother well by choosing to be joyful and thoughtful.

    1. Bambi thanks you Sally, from the bottom of her heart ❤️, for your words full of humanity, compassion, and kindness. Much appreciated, especially your tribute to her mom. Bambi will say the same: thank you too for being whom you are in a world where people are often afraid of being their genuine selves. You have the courage and the authenticity. You also have the willingness to engage in a discussion. This is a sign of an open mind (and heart, as per your comment). Bambi appreciates your time reading her blog and enriching it with your insights. Take good care, please.

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