Bambi just asked her spouse the following question: “for you, what is happiness?” His answer was: “Wow, this is complicated. Can I take the time to think about it and get back to you later?” “Sure!”, was Bambi’s reply, hoping he will provide an answer by midnight to enrich this post :).
Well, maybe happiness is hard to define. This, even if many philosophers and scientists tried to define it, throughout history, and we can measure it too. A bit like stress or (romantic) love, even if we can tell if we are stressed, joyful or feeling blessed, and in love. Regardless of personal definitions, luckily there are many songs, and sometimes different versions of a famous song, to remind us of the value of happiness in life.
In conclusion, if you feel like sharing your insights about your own meaning of happiness, please feel free to post a comment. If you wish, you can also tell Bambi, and this blog’s readers, which version of Mr. Gérard Lenorman’s “Happy People” song [or “La ballade des gens heureux“, in the original French], you prefer? Of note, these versions are in English, French, Dutch, and German (some with sub-titles in English and Spanish). Alternatively, at all times, you can share your opinion more privately.
P.S: by the time Bambi was about to publish this post on her blog, she had her spouse’s answer, which he kindly accepted to share with you: for him, “happiness is a blend of liberty (or freedom), love, and not many worries“. Interesting insights! Indeed, for Bambi too, freedom is a key ingredient of happiness. Thankfully, freedom begins in our own mind; from there, it extends to underlie our way of being (authentic self) and of loving (i.e., respecting and loving ourselves first, before others). Stated differently, (true) love is rooted in liberty. As for the worries, which are part of life, they could be a question of quantity, frequency in time, lucidity, and attitude. An attitude, which stems from lucidity while being enriched by creativity and courage, results in decisions and actions, contributing to our happiness. An example may be to make a certain critical change in our lives like becoming active or improving our diet following a certain health crisis. In facing our worries, when the room for manoeuvre is too limited, we adjust our attitude (mindset), with the help of lucidity, courage, and creativity (with faith, for some). In turn, this would contribute to our happiness too. An example of the latter may consist of accepting what we cannot change in our lives, including the death of a loved one or an unwanted breakup. Despite such most stressful journeys of grief, one day at a time, we can learn to turn this into a life learning experience and even grow through this tough process.
featured in an older post, which is shown at the end of this one. This song has stood the test of time.
in English, in addition to Spanish and French.
gens heureux“. Bente and Salome, this is for you from Bambi :).
and French duo version of “La ballade des gens heureux“.
Fatma und Laila: Entspannen Sie sich… und Genießen Sie es :).
heureux“, along with a group of talented young singers.
was shared on this blog, as shown below.

What a beautiful post! I am very touched by the Dutch version of this song.
Before listening to the Dutch version my answer would have been; I like the french version the most because it’s the only one I’ve ever known and it feels very nostalgic. Now, having heard the Dutch version, listening to the song with a smile on my face: I like both versions. I am not familiar with the dutch singer but it’s very pleasent to listen to.
And as for what I think happyness is? I think it is being with the people you love, being free and being able to be yourself.
Thank you for this special post Bambi! 🥰
«Dank u well» Salome for your sweet words! And time listening as well as your replies. Noted all this. Bambi TOTALLY agrees with your beautiful and wise personal definition of happiness. She shares it. Right now, she is deeply happy in this moment of connection with you (loved one ❤️😊) and in enjoying the freedom of being herself and appreciating your free self too in our most precious family-like life friendship. She is sure Louis will be smiling too (happy) when he will read your comment :). Enjoy the rest of the summer while being with your loved ones AND being who you are (the lovely you!)!