Bambi is not an expert of glyphosate use or abuse, but she has always been allergic to censorship in New Brunswick (NB), Canada, and beyond. This is why, she has been honoured to support Professor Cumberland, as per all the earlier posts shown below.
Today, if she may, she would like to invite you to quickly read the titles of these posts (assuming you are too busy), at least the following one: “If Bambi was called “a proponent of rape culture” by those who did not like her blog, who is surprised that “the trial heard that Cumberland made sexist and derogatory comments to students”?“.
To begin with, Bambi came across an article in the Times & Transcript entitled “Ex-instructor fired by N.B. college launches appeal” (https://rb.gy/s7vr0). Once again, she read about how “he made homophobic slurs and sexist comments to students…”. However, for Bambi, the most important piece of information here is ONLY the following (hence his appeal!):

Regarding the above, Bambi wrote the following in her last post: “For those who do not know it, our province is 85% forested. Thus, the hot issue of glyphosate use is critical, regardless of the point of view about glyphosate use or abuse. In a place truly free of moral or even intellectual corruption, such an issue is supposed to be considered a scientific opinion. No more, no less. Sadly this was not the case in this story in which we forgot that Professor Cumberland is a scientist with integrity who was simply doing his job. We now know that he is also a man of courage, given his incredible ordeal and his spine. What an inspiration!
Anyhow, one thing was clear in Bambi’s mind last month was that Professor Cumberland deserves full justice as well as a MUCH higher compensation than what he got at the end of his trial ($48,645 in severance and $6,700 from his former College toward his legal costs).”
This being said and even repeated, now is the time for the question raised in the title of this post: why aren’t NB academics and environmental groups publicly supporting Professor Cumberland? Are they paralyzed by fear? Are they too indifferent? Or do they feel reluctant to defend his right to academic freedom, even if they share the same side, so to speak? If so, maybe the following hypothesis can help address Bambi’s question: perhaps they do not perceive him to be ideologically aligned, or compatible, with their mindset. Could it be? Specifically, they may be perhaps more into leftism, even taking the views and beliefs of the latter too seriously. Who knows? By doing so, perhaps they forget to focus on the essential in life: their shared humanity with another individual who has experienced much adversity. If there is truth to this hypothesis, once again, it is the basic principle or value of academic freedom-freedom of expression that is being collectively neglected after its initial attack.
Thankfully, Professor Cumberland received much support. However, Bambi still wants to know the following: why aren’t we all publicly co-standing up for the principle of academic freedom by publicly supporting his legal battle? Are we too afraid to do so? Are we too busy with our lives and/or indifferent? Or, again, are we blinded by our divisions?
For Bambi, it is very simple: academic Freedom-freedom of expression is supposed to be for ALL. This means no to censorship for all. No job suspension or firing for anyone (to silence and/or punish them?). In other terms, there must be room for everyone’s voices in our colleges, universities, and society by extension. This must include Cumberland’s voice, that is his scientific opinions and/or findings. This should also include any other voice that may disagree or perhaps even find opposite findings.
Even if Bambi is totally wrong in her hypothesis or analysis, Professor Cumberland could still be considered, by some at least, as being from a different academic, or maybe even social, species. Think of it. He is a man of Christian faith (“Yak”, some may even think nowadays), in addition to his inspiring scientific integrity and merit. In other terms, at least in Bambi’s mind, he does not seem to be a trendy ideologist, like many Canadian politicians and elites. He is simply genuine and, once again, filled with humanity. Despite this, and regardless of his personal values or attributes, as a biologist and as a college professor, doesn’t he deserve our public support? And what about our respect and gratitude for his integrity, along with his courage?
Of note, this post’s question has been on Bambi’s mind for a while. However, she is publicly raising it now after reading an NB Media Coop article, by Mr. David Gordon Koch, entitled “High levels of glyphosate in most patients with ‘atypical neurological diseases’: open letter ” (https://shorturl.at/CDOUX). As you can guess like she did, this article did not mention Cumberland’s case, even if it informed us of an open letter, which is closely related to his battle. The latter was “signed by several medical students and academics, along with the environmental group Stop Spraying NB and dozens of concerned citizens“. According to this letter, “over the past 8 years, over 200 New Brunswickers have developed worrisome, atypical neurological diseases, most of whom also had high urine levels of glyphosate and other pesticides“. Interestingly, Koch’s journalistic work was funded by the Government of Canada [via the Canadian Association of Community Television Stations and Users (CACTUS)].
Of course, it is necessary to resume the investigation of the mysterious neurological diseases, consider all risk factors, including glyphosate, and be transparent with patients and their families (Bambi’s heart goes to them) as well as the general public. For this, Bambi thanks Mr. Koch for his report.
To conclude this post, fingers crossed for Professor Cumberland and Lawyer Paul Champ who will be representing him in the appeal (https://shorturl.at/belR4). Independent of any possible impact of glyphosate on our health or even any role in the awfully tragic cases of NB patients with atypical neurological diseases, Bambi stands in solidarity with Cumberland. She does not know about you, but she wants FULL justice for him in his appeal. Yes, this is her heart’s prayer for him and his family ❤️!