Good luck to Dr. Frances Widdowson fighting to get her tenured-track position back at the Mount-Royal University. Yes, she was fired by this institution. If Bambi understands well, her arbitration is set for January 16, 2023.
Trust, Frances or Dr. Widdowson, that Bambi will be with you in her spirit on the day mentioned above. Actually, this date is significant one for her family (the eve of Saint-Anthony’s, her dad’s birthday or rather name day). For those who believe in Christianity and the goodness of Saints, they say that Antoine (or Anthony) is your guy to go-to if you lost something. Just pray for him and you may find it, Bambi’s mom used to tell her when she was young. Well, Bambi will take the time to close her eyes on that day to pray in her heart for you. May your arbitration be public, as you wish. Public or not, may it be as fair as possible. May both intelligence and fairness prevail again in the minds of those who did this to you. They lost all their common sense, not just their scientific thinking, work ethic, and humanity.
Anyhow, Bambi has several older posts on Dr. Widdowson’s shocking yet not surprising ordeal, as you can see further below. Dr. Widdowson kindly interviewed her during her own ordeal. More recently, Bambi had the honour to support her in her financial campaign. She encourages you to do so, if you wish and can. Supporting Dr. Widdowson is actually a support to yourself. Today, it is her turn to be attacked for her views. Who will be next?
Indeed, regardless of whether we agree with Dr. Widdowson’s research findings and/or insights, we should ALL be concerned by her ordeal. We should all refuse this circus of intellectual corruption at our universities and public institutions. Everyone has the right to express his/her opinion, including Dr. Widdowson, a Distinguished political scientist specializing in Indigenous politics in Canada.
It is only by coming back to the principles of academic freedom-freedom of expression, respect and, NO to violence/intimidation for ALL that we can dream of universities that would honour again their missions of truth seeking and of smart debates, of a country that truly respects ALL its citizens, and of a society that is and will still be democratic in 2, 5, or 10 years from now.
To conclude this post, bravo to Dr. Frances Widdowson for her dignity and inspiring fight. Thank you Ms. Soos from Rebel News and Dr. Gad Saad from Concordia University for your thoughtful interviews. Bambi discovered a great journalist in you, Mr. Soos, and enjoyed listening to you Dr. Gad Saad, as usual. Please keep up your great work. Canada and the world need it.
I’ve a feeling God is at work in this story, to be honest. Frances Widdowson is a non-believer… she also is a “limited hangout” as far as the information wars go.. we are in an information war.. there is no doubt.
Rebel Media/Rebel News is playing a large part in this war in Canada… I won’t say what side they are on. We really must meet for a glass of wine and perhaps a salad one day in town… I’d enjoy meeting you one-on-one.
Bambi thanks you Sally for your kind words, hoping she will meet you too one day. It is amusing how you and her have not bumped into each other yet even in a small town :).