“Ce n’est qu’un au revoir”: Thanks to your family, Mr. Jean Béliveau, for the moving memorial

Que la mémoire du “grand homme” qu’était Monsieur
Jean Béliveau soit éternelle….
Obituary of Mr. Jean Béliveau (1935-2022; Trois-Rivières, Québec)

Virtually, and along with your siblings and nephews/nieces in several locations across Québec, New Brunswick, and abroad, Bambi is honoured to have paid tribute to you Jean (Jean-Claude) or Mr. Béliveau.

While doing, she discovered in you a man even more inspiring than she has ever thought. A man described as having a big heart, a sense of responsibility, dignity in facing and embracing adversity, loyalty, creativity/humour, and family. All this in addition to being a man of a few yet loving words to his family, friends, and staff.

Bravo to you Jean (or Jean-Claude) for all your achievements in life, both personally (i.e., your loving family) and professionally (ie., your long-term business success). It seems that you loved your work so much that, even at the end of your life and with much morphine in your blood, you expressed your will to go to your office (your second home!). Your latest brainchild was your company Belitec:

This being said, Bambi would like to extend her heartfelt thanks to your devoted daughter Christine, to her beloved spouse Michel, and moving daughter Félixe for their tributes… and for choice of songs to celebrate your life, Mr. Jean Béliveau. Bambi would like to post these songs, as her own way to honour you (as she did in the older post shown below).

Thanks also to the priest who honoured you (Bambi is sorry as she cannot recall his name). He had beautiful words and a sense of humour. Indeed, he said, and Bambi will allow herself to borrow his own words: “last week we paid tribute to Mr. Guy Lafleur and years earlier to Mr. Jean Béliveau, the two hockey legends. Their T-shirts are hanging up high at the Bell Centre. Maybe we should also fly a T-shirt of Belitec”. What a great idea. Let’s do it, please :)!

In addition to the priest’s sermon, Bambi appreciated the professionalism of the funeral home, Centre Rousseau (https://centrerousseau.com/avis-de-deces/beliveau-jean).

Her heart now goes to our entire family, especially to you Christine et al., but also to you Claire, Bernadette, Robert, and to you Louis as well as to all your dear cousins wherever they are (all the Béliveaus, namely Simon, Diane, Richard, and Jimmy)!

May Mr. Jean Béliveau’s memory be eternal. May he be with “his” Liliane (spouse), Marie-Claude (daughter) as well as Maria and Arthur (parents) somewhere in this place called heaven… May his family, friends, employees/former staff (still on earth) find comfort in his love for them (and theirs to him). An inspiring love transcends death. Yes, it does, Bambi is convinced. How could it not to given Ms. Ginette Reno’s most beautiful song L’Essentiel c’est d’être aimé [“What matters is to be loved”]. The wise priest even added: “… and to love too“.

To conclude on a musical note, Bambi will share the three songs that were played at the memorial service. The first one is Ms. Ginette Reno’s song mentioned above (subtitled in English and Spanish). The second famous melody is My way (Bambi chose Mr. Omar Kamel’s version). Last but not least, the third melody is Mr. Nicola Ciconne’s beautiful French song for his late dad (with subtitles in French). For Bambi, it is always moving to hear the beautiful voice of Mr. Ciconne, especially in these sad circumstances. Indeed, she is honoured to have gone to graduate school with an artist of his calibre who is filled with humanity, not just talent. Bravo to the family for having chosen his song to honour its beloved dad and grandfather.

Au revoir, Jean (ou Jean-Claude ou Jack). Que votre âme repose en paix et que votre mémoire d’amour soit à jamais éternelle dans nos coeurs…

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