3 thoughts on “Even non-free Lebanon has not banned demonstrations like NS… and why the double-stantard, Canada: Blocking railways OK but showing support to truck drivers banned?”

  1. There is a great segment (about 1:05:00 onwards) in Jordan Peterson’s recent interview with Brian Peckford that discusses the degradation of civic involvement in Canadian society. Many people have increasingly relinquished their individual soverignty to the state. To paraphrase Mr. Peckford, when there is a problem, people ask: “what is some politician doing about it?” instead of “what am I doing about it?”

    Immigrants who moved to Canada because of the freedom she offers, myself included, have the blessing (or is it a curse?) of witnessing what’s transpiring having learnt that liberty cannot be taken for granted. It is making me feel uneasy.

  2. Funny how Justin, who likes to open his mouth about Quebec legislation, has nothing to say on this one, eh?

    Then again, he’s very quiet these days in general… leave it to the Indian media to make fun of him for it:
    Canadian PM Justin Trudeau keeps mum on trucker protest in Ottawa | Latest World News | WION

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