Mr. Mike Massy keeps moving Bambi’s heart while pleasing her ears since she recently discovered him.
Indeed, she has featured his talent in two posts (as shown at the end of this one).
He sings, speaks during interviews, and even takes the time to reply to his fans on his channels in the same manner: With gratitude and kindness, sensitivity and MUCH talent, and with depth and eloquence [in all languages, including Arabic, his mother tongue, which is rich yet tough to (truly) master]. He is surely an asset to his tiny and bankrupt birth country, Lebanon!
The song in question, which was composed by Mr. Mike Massy in 2016, is called “La Prière de la Boule [“The prayer of a ball”]. Bambi discovered it yesterday night. It is in French, but sub-titled in both English and French. Whether you will like Mr. Massy’s unique song or not, she reassures you that you do not have to believe in “his” God to appreciate his authenticity, sensitivity, and moving voice, as she does.
Thank you Mr. Massy. Please keep singing. Lebanon and the entire world need beauty, along with hearts’ purity, more than ever.
Whatever your prayer, may it be heard. May your country survive its multiple crises, especially the economic one, to preserve, support, and honour its talented youth!