“Mabrouk”/Congratulations to Dr. Roula Azar Douglas!

Bambi has all the reasons of the world to be proud of Roula, her highly inspiring sister. Indeed, some of you may recall that on May 12, 2024, there was a post on this blog devoted to the successful defence of her doctoral dissertation.

Well, with the highest distinction of “Very Honourable”, Dr. Roula Azar Douglas has now officially graduated with a PhD in Humanities (or Human sciences), Specialty in Information and Communication Sciences [“Doctorat en sciences humaines, spécialité sciences de l’information et de la communication”]. This moving moment is captured in the official brief video shared below. The latter will be followed by a musical must: yes, the “Mabrouk” song by the talented Mr. Ramy Ayash.

As a reminder, Dr. Azar Douglas’ PhD dissertation is entitled: The Lebanese press through the prism of gender: from the visible to the invisible. Analysis of the representation of women in an-Nahar and al-Akhbar (January 2019 to February 2020 [“La presse libanaise au prisme du genre: du visible à l’invisible. Analyse de la représentation des femmes dans an-Nahar et al-Akhbar (janvier 2019 à février 2020“]. For more details, and if you are interested, you can consult the earlier post, which is shared at the end of the current one.

With MUCH love, and to conclude this brief yet heartfelt tribute, Bambi has the utmost respect for Roula who had one of the most challenging year at the personal, familial, and national levels. May she keep shining. Lebanon, along with the world, needs her light!


4 thoughts on ““Mabrouk”/Congratulations to Dr. Roula Azar Douglas!”

  1. This is Bambi sharing a lovely comment from Jacinthe to Roula, which is posted on the older post:
    “Bravo Roula! Quel bel accomplissement!!!”.

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