Whether we agree or not, why aren’t we using Rebel News’ van as an opportunity to discuss the place of religiosity in public places? Instead, politicians and police prefer to attack the messenger to prevent public debate in the name of Islamophobia

This posts shares the story of a van belonging to Mr. Ezra Levant’s Rebel News and it involved a successful businessman and philanthropist of Lebanese origins, called Mr. Mohamad Fakih.

Bambi recalls the name of the latter well. He did a generous act following the tragedy of the mosque shooting that took place in Québec city a few years ago. Mr. Fakih kindly paid for the fees of the funerals and helped repair this place of worship (https://shorturl.at/RVkHD). Bless his heart for this gesture of love and healing. Years later, he helped with the crisis of homeless people in his charming Toronto, along with a certain Ms. Jennifer Evans. Bless their hearts for this gesture of solidarity and love (https://shorturl.at/Qd4RZ).

During the recent war Hamas-Israel, Mr. Fakih got too passionate about this conflict, like many fellow Canadians to the point of sadly sounding antisemitic. He wrote on social media: “we don’t want your money. Please don’t bring us blood money.” (https://t.ly/WiTMD). How sad to become disconnected from one’s humanity because of a conflict at the other side of the planet. How unwise to also forget about one’s business interests.

Despite this, Bambi can understand that he may have been too blinded with his anger. It happens. At least, on January 27, 2024, he reconnected with his humanity again and tweeted the following: “Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, I encourage members of my community and all Canadians to learn more about the Holocaust- the murder of 6 million Jewish people. Canada is still home to just over 5000 survivors. May the lessons of the holocaust endure past the lifetimes of the last survivor in this country”.

Another of his tweets seems to be human too (assuming he is sincere and not saying what needs to be said to sound fair): “I encourage all my friends to read this and disseminate it far and wide. Charles, May God bless you for writing this. I want you to know that the hostages held in Gaza are also not forgotten by me and those killed on October 7th are not forgotten by me. Netanyahu and his coalition are a blight on humanity that need to be called out by all” (https://t.ly/vw0b8)

In the van story described in Mr. Ezra Levant video below, and reported in all the mainstream media, including the Toronto Sun (https://shorturl.at/n4nhT), we get to see the “hypocrisy” in action: some speech seems to be tolerated, even when occupying university campuses or intimidating Jewish students or folks. Other speech is called Islamophobia.

Maybe Mr. Levant likes to provoke a bit, but he is also speaking in the name of a silent majority. Maybe he does not show all the nuances when he calls all the demonstrations of Toronto as Hamas supporters. Some maybe walking in them not knowing that they are supporting Hamas’ interests or Islamists’ interests. Of course, we also see Hamas and even Hezbollah flags. We sadly see lots of intimidation toward Torontonians of Jewish heritage, as per the video shown below.

Now, what is the role of Mr. Fakih in all this? He offered $25,000 to find the owner of the truck. Mr. Levant is now accused of hate speech and it is considered as a crime. He risks 2 years of jail. Why, can someone tell Bambi? Why doesn’t he have the right to express an opinion, whether his own or by a third party group calling itself “Canadians Opposed to the Occupation of our Streets and Campuses“, on Islamic prayer sessions in public spaces?

We may agree or not with the latter opposition to public prayer. So what? What’s the big deal, even if he said “this is not Yemen, Syria, or Lebanon, this is still Canada. Wake up Canada. You are under siege” or something like that. In Lebanon, contrary to Canada, we are still allowed to express an opinion similar to this one toward any religion. We may find the Christian processions on the street too much. We may find the Muslim call for prayer a nuisance. Bambi happens to be someone who loves the latter from a spiritual and artistic point of view. She comes from a family who has always loved this beautiful ritual. However, she can understand the point of view of Mr. Levant, especially when prayer seems to be used in a public place as a social provocation. What she loves about Canada is that prayer is in your heart. You want to pray, you are free. You do not want to pray, you are free too. Let’s not impose our own prayer on others. Let’s keep it private because it is too precious.

This being said, good luck Mr. Levant in your legal fight. Bambi will make a donation to support you because she believes in freedom of expression for ALL.

As for you Mr. Mohamad Fakih, Ms. Amira Elghawaby (or Trudeau’s government) (https://t.ly/Exgzm), Toronto police and Toronto Mayor, maybe this story seems to be Islamophobic, but even if it was for real, since when is it a crime to express one’s opinion? It is just anti-religious and expressing an opinion about the rise of “Islamism” in Toronto as it is in Montreal and in Europe (not Islam per se!). So what then? Where is the problem? It is a fact and why don’t we discuss it as a society?

2 thoughts on “Whether we agree or not, why aren’t we using Rebel News’ van as an opportunity to discuss the place of religiosity in public places? Instead, politicians and police prefer to attack the messenger to prevent public debate in the name of Islamophobia”

  1. ❤️🙏👌👏🙌

    A good place to start conversations to hopefully make changes worldwide. We all need to have a dialoug on foundations.

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