With much relief, Bambi learned today from L’Orient Today (https://shorturl.at/RVdUa) and L’Orient Le jour (https://shorturl.at/p9ZZC) the following: Mr. Toomoj Salehi who was sentenced to death penalty by the revolutionary court of Isfahan for “corruption on Earth” will not be killed (i.e. decision overturned).
Thanks to all those who defended him, from his lawyer to his peers in Iran, to “independent experts” of the United Nations (UN), and to supporters around the world, including Toronto, Paris, and Sydney (https://shorturl.at/p9ZZC).
Even a Sackville’s deer, called Bambi, joined her voice to all those denouncing this injustice described in more details in the older post shown further below.
What an artist/man of courage and dignity! With the “Mabrouk” song and with his own voice, Bambi congratulates Mr. Salehi and his family. May they be reunited as soon as possible. May he be (truly) safe and free in order to begin his healing journey, following a LONG and likely highly traumatizing stay in prison.
