To Antoine, Bambi’s “baba” or papy, with much love: of course, you are being honoured every day, not just on this Sunday. However, today is all yours. Enjoy it ❤️!
To Robert, Bambi’s father-in-law, with tenderness: today is also your special day, have fun ❤️!
To Bambi’s readers with positive vibes: have a lovely day too. Some of you may be fathers, grandfathers, expectant fathers, and/or aspiring fathers. Some do not wish to have children while for others life did not make paternity possible. Perhaps your own father and/or father of your children are in this place called heaven. May their memory and love legacy be eternal.
To conclude this post on a musical note, Bambi would like to thank her friend Spencer for introducing her to the second lovely (English) song. Happy Father’s Day to his inspiring dad!

Happy Father’s Day to your baba and your father in law wish both of them all the best ???
Many thanks; How sweet of you, dearest Diana ???. Same to your amazing dad! Please send him warm regards from Bambi et al. ❤️?
I’m glad you liked Loretta’s song.
Many thanks for this discovery, Spencer! Bambi’s dad will appreciate the song too. She wishes you and your beautiful family a great day. As for her, she is grateful to have you in her life and thanks you for the inspiration ❤️.