What is your favourite flower?

As shared further below, Bambi has an older post about the lovely balcony of her mom and dad. Today, she would like to thank her dad for sharing two beautiful pictures of their balcony in Beirut, Lebanon. Bravo for her mom’s green thumb!

If Bambi is not mistaken, the flower featured in the pictures seems to be a rose. However, she is absolutely not knowledgeable and talented in gardening like her mother. If she is wrong, she urges you to please correct her.

As for her parents, she will tell them bravo for contributing to make their beautiful green residential neighbourhood more beautiful. During daytime, birds visit their lovely balcony. At night, a pregnant wild cat comes to sleep on one of their comfortable chairs. She seems to enjoy her “free-of-charge hotel“, as they joke.

Assuming that the picture’s beauty is truly called a rose, Bambi will end this brief post with two songs: (1) the first Arabic melody (with English sub-titles) celebrates a woman’s love for roses; and (2) the second song celebrates “Life in Pink” [“La vie en rose“]. Yes, this is the state of mind, or spirit, when we live with a positive outlook on life. We are happy and we appreciate daily beauty around us. This is similar to how we feel when we (first) fall in love. It is called seeing life through rose-coloured glasses [“voir la vie en rose”], as per Ms. Edith Piaf’s eternal song.

Whether your favourite flower is a rose or not, Bambi wishes you happiness, hoping that your inner well-being will bloom like a flower to shine externally, all around you.

A flower from the beautiful balcony of Robine and Antoine in Beirut, Lebanon. A picture taken by Antoine.
A flower from the beautiful balcony of Robine and Antoine in Beirut, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Antoine.

5 thoughts on “What is your favourite flower?”

    1. Wow– thank you for sharing Fred. Bambi took a look at your link. Absolutely beautiful indeed! How nice that you have wonderful childhood memories of your neighbours teaching you to garden. Hang on to them… and just to make you smile now, do you still remember all the lessons :)? If so, maybe you can teach Bambi some tricks in the future. She just keeps watering her plants, even when clearly dead, and… guess what happens? They often resuscitate.

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