Why does one of our top universities seem to drive Canada’s human, intellectual and social decay?

Thank you, Mr. Jonathan Kay for publicly sharing how some of our top Canadian universities are now recruiting members into one of their key committees. Instead of focusing on research merit or teaching expertise, see below for yourself what they are doing, along with Mr. Kay’s thoughtful comments and questions.

With all due respect, Bambi does not know if she should cry or laugh after reading such level of human, intellectual, and social decay. Contrary to any stated or unstated noble motivation, this could be considered as a potential insult to the intellect of the new potential member.

To conclude this brief post, one song comes to Bambi’s mind. It is Mr. Charlie Chaplin’s “Nonsense Song” from Modern Times. Aren’t our collectively insane times sad in addition to being absurd?

2 thoughts on “Why does one of our top universities seem to drive Canada’s human, intellectual and social decay?”

  1. I think back to the Montreal suburb where I grew up in the 1970s and 80s and what we used to think of as the most cosmopolitain city in Canada and where we never knew anything about such things, only whispers of these topics from imported American tv shows like . More and more, I strain to recognize the Canada of today as the best parts are swept asie and I fear what lies ahead.

  2. Sad state of affairs… i question my sanity in encouraging my son to go there and study. What have I done? Isn’t this racist and sexiest in and of itself?

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