Laila, Carla, Selim, and Fred: Happy Birthday!

Four loved ones on Bambi’s mind today!

Family and old friends.

Family like friends.

Friends like family.

None of you live in the same city, or even time zone, of the other. Yet all of you, each in a unique way, together live in Bambi’s heart. This is true today more than ever.

With love, your cousin/friend, like sister, Bambi wishes you a Wonderful Birthday!

Yes, Happy Birthday to each one of you! Have fun ❤️❤️❤️❤️!

4 thoughts on “Laila, Carla, Selim, and Fred: Happy Birthday!”

  1. Merci à Bambi et ton équipe à l’Ambassade. 🙂
    It’s a great way to start this happy day!

    1. Bambi et al. are happy you like it :)! Joyeux Anniversaire Fred! Oui, “c‘est à ton tour de te laisser parler d‘amour“ ?!

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