Aimer/To love…

Every day is meant to love and be loved.

Love with a big L or… with a smaller one.

In our minds, some days like this one may be more associated with love.

Sadly, that same day meant for love is also associated with hatred. Bambi is thinking of a certain political assassination, which also killed many innocent citizens in Beirut; as usual with impunity.

However, despite criminality, love remains the most powerful force that can move hearts… and perhaps even mountains. Yes, love in all its forms and shapes, from a healthy self-respect/love to true romantic love, whether it lasts a season or a lifetime, to love of the world and ALL its people… whether we agree with their ideological or political views or not.

If she may, and even if they are sleeping right now, Bambi would like to offer this song to her mom and dad. She wants to thank them for giving her (and her siblings) life, inspiration, continuous support, and especially love.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you, dear readers ❤️. Thank you for visiting this blog, whether silently or with your enriching comments.

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