First and foremost, bravo to Lebanon for working on the demarcation of its maritime borders with Israel (deal signed today), Syria (delays on this front), and Cyprus (likely an easier one) in order to facilitate gas extraction in the future (https://bit.ly/3U53LU6).
Bravo to both neighbouring countries for putting their respective economy first, not ideologies or, may God forbid, any future war(s).
Bravo also to the Hezbollah for endorsing this deal, even if Bambi has mixed feelings here. Indeed, deep inside, she cannot help not to wonder what guarantees did the US and France give to this group (or indirectly to Iran) in return.
This being said, a big bravo to the US Biden Administration (i.e. Mr. Hochstein) for making this deal possible. This is a big diplomatic achievement, even there was no official signature in the same place (or on the same page even!), no pictures, and no champagne or sparkling wine cocktails.
To conclude this post, best wishes to both Lebanon and Israel, and especially to the Lebanese people. They BADLY need an economic miracle to get them out of their country’s fiasco. Best wishes also to Europe, which would eventually benefit from the promising gas to survive its colder days. All in all, this is most likely the happiest news of the day… AFTER Bente’s birthday, of course 🙂 (as per the earlier post shown below).
An earlier post on this topic:
Wish the best! ☮️
Thank you, Fatma. “Inchallah” the best!