This post will raise one question, as per its title: Why should shelters for women, victims of domestic violence, be segregated by religion now in Winnipeg, Canada? Is this a good thing in our societies in general and for these women in particular?
Bambi will spare you her questions and thoughts, hoping this post and the video below will encourage you to think and make your own opinion.
To end this post on a musical note, and out of solidarity for ALL victims of domestic violence, in Canada and abroad, Bambi will end this post with two beautiful songs: The first, entitled “Khalas” [“Enough” in Arabic] by Ms. Karol Sakr (subtitled in English) and the other, entitled “Chanson pour Marie” [“A song for Mary” in English] by Mr. Nicolas Ciccone (subtitled in French).
I think the government of Canada should be aware of that Moslem community and Moslem sensitivity she is talking about. Aufwachen!
Liebe Grüße!
Liebe Grüße, Fatma! Vielen Dank. Yes, many thanks for your insights.
Very topical for me especially as my mother and I could have used a shelter like that 40 years or 45 years ago in Laval, Quebec. None were offered to Jewish families like ours so I guess that’s a way of artifically creating segregated shelters reserved for the families that got them, somewhere.
Included in the abuse was an invented story that I was addicted to Dungeons & Dragons, a story the police bought instantly and held against me with threats of violence. To this day, I have *never* played D&D not even once, but the lies, inventions and abuse still trouble me.