Bambi does not know what to write about today. So many shocking news from around the world, including the following:
In Iran, from a tweet by Beirut-based L’Orient Le Jour journalist, Ms. Roula Douglas, Bambi learned that a young woman in her early twenties was shot dead two days ago during the unfolding protests in Iran. She is not the only victim on top of that. Iranian women (and anyone supporting them) are HEROS who deserve our utmost admiration. They are fighting for equality between men and women, for women’s rights, and for democracy in their country.
May your memory be eternal Ms. Hananeh Kian (same for all the other victims). Bambi’s heart goes to your parents and loved ones. She cannot dare to imagine their sorrow right now.

The second set of tragic AND unacceptable news come from out of Syria and it is about Lebanon’s so-called “death boats“.
First, there is this sinking Lebanon boat with (https://bit.ly/3dDHcq7) more than 90 dead migrants on the way to Europe (likely Cyprus first?)! They were “mostly Lebanese, Syrians and Palestinians and included children and the elderly“, according to UN sources as reported by The Guardian (https://bit.ly/3xRpM0).
Can you imagine how you would feel had you been a worried relative or a grieving loved one?! Thanks to the Lebanese Red Cross for providing “two hotlines for the relatives of migrants to call for information“. Thanks also to those who helped in searching for survivors… or recovering human bodies.
From the same L’Orient Today article cited above, Bambi learned that “the Lebanese Army announced Saturday that it had arrested a suspected smuggler who allegedly organized the ill-fated boat journey. Investigations are continuing to arrest others involved“.
Second, from Naharnet, it seems that another illegal boat,with illegal migrants from a very poor neighbourhood in Tripoli, Lebanon, is missing. It was on its way to Italy (https://bit.ly/3r5n1Va). Worried relatives are urging powerful folks of their country to intervene to help find the boat.
Sadly, history seems to be repeating itself in Lebanon. Boats sinking. Hopeless people losing their lives in the beautiful Mediterranean sea that they could have been enjoying, eating seafood from, swimming in and having fun, writing poetry about, falling in love or getting married on its beaches… not dying in its waters!
Bambi will stop here. She will spare you the rest of her thoughts about those human tragedies and about her birth country that has failed both its citizens and residents/hosts. Once again, she sends her solidarity, along with her fond regards, to the women of Iran for their inspiring courage. By the way, where are our so-called domestic feminists? Perhaps Bambi missed hearing their voices on this one.
To conclude this post, one moving song comes to Bambi’s mind now. It is called “Bghanilak ya Watani” [“I sing for you my country”] by Ms. Hiba Tawaji, lyrics by Mr. Ghadi Rahbni and music by Mr. Oussama Rahbani. It is sub-titled in English.
May everyone’s memory be eternal ❤️…
Earlier posts on Iran: