Bye-Bye, beautiful summer, to begin with.
When Bambi first arrived to Québec, about 32 years ago, there was a funny French-Canadian joke circulating at her CEGEP (or college): “How many seasons are there in Canada“? Answer: “There are two of them: this winter and the past one“. Although funny or scary, especially for new immigrants from warmer countries (even if Lebanon has snowy mountains), this joke is of course untrue. Indeed, Canadians are blessed to have four fabulous seasons, including a magical North American fall.
Yes, the fall is absolutely charming in our country. She does not know about you, but Bambi loves it so much. Mind you, she is still under the charm of the winter too. If she may, she would like to wish you all a smooth transition of seasons now. She will do so by offering you a French song she adores. It celebrates Canada’s beautiful fall season. Some of you may guess that it is Mr. Joe Dassin’s “L’été indien“.
May your memory be eternal, Mr. Dassin. Thank you for all your beautiful songs, including this one!