In a few hours, it will be midnight here in New Brunswick. Technically, we can start projecting ourselves into tomorrow– August 15, 2022. So, we can already say “Bon quinzou”, National Day/fête nationale of the Acadians :)!
Talking abou the Acadians, here is Mr. Michel Fugain’s famous 1975 song offered from Bambi to all of them with much love. It is nicely interpreted below by Ms. Natasha St Pier and it is entitled “Tous les acadiens et les acadiennes“! ❤️ ️
Bambi cannot complete this post without the following additional messages:
(1) Happy Birthday to her childhood friend Fadi! Bambi is making him slightly wiser (as older), a few hours ahead of August 15 🙂 ❤️
(2) Happy Name Day to all those called Maria, Mary, Maryam, Marie or composed names with Marie, including you Mabelle (as your birthday is on the 16 :)). Yes, Bambi is thinking of you and Nicolas ❤️❤️ :)!
(3) Last but not least , a Happy continuation of the “Feast of Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Long Weekend in Lebanon (as well as in Cyprus and parts of Europe)!! Yes, she is particularly thinking of he cousin Elham and her spouse, our dear “Abouna Elias”, along with their lovely Saint-Mary’s church in Beirut. In addition to church bells and Byzantine chants (with Father Elias’ fabulous voice), she can imagine the smell and taste of all the delicious Tamrieh being cooked, tonight and all day tomorrow, outside of the church. Mmm!
English Tamrieh recipe:
French Tamrieh recipe:
https://cuisineduliban.com/tamriye/ or
Well, thanks to her cousin Rana, Bambi and her family had the chance to indulge in this desert on July 20 [another feast in Lebanon, namely Saint Eliah’s Day :)] ❤️.
Tonight, Bambi’s dad reminded her of the famous “Hrisseh“, “a traditional Lebanese porridge consisting primarily of wheat and meat lamb”. It is especially cooked on the Assumption of Mary’s Day in the Bhamdoun village. Mmm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrisseh)! Well, Bambi cannot mention this charming place without thinking of her friends Mary and Mounir ❤️ ❤️. Seing them this summer was a pure joy and a blesssing. By the way, Happy Name Day, Mary :).

To conclude this post, back to its start: Happy National Acadian Day again to all, including you Gina et al. :). ❤️

my dear Bambi always pleasure reading your notes and thank u for your memories sharing. Amale is doing the yummest Hrisseh on this day yearly . tfaddale ❤❤❤❤
Wow–Bravo to your mom [Bambi’s dear aunty :)]!! Bambi will add her picture to the text of the post now (thank you!). So happy to read you, Rana. Have a wonderful day off! ???
Bambi you are just amazing. ????
Rana, you are cute for saying so [and look who is saying it :)]. Thank you/Bambi loves you.
Thank you Dear Bambi.. I am looking fwd seeing you with your lovely Hubby my dear Louis… love you both. A lot
Ohh Thanks Fadi for your kind words! Bambi is so happy to post your comment! Take good care and much love to your familia/you too!!