Zum Geburstag viel Glück liebe Fatma ?! Yes, Happy Birthday to you ?!
Bambi thanks you for reading her blog and for taking the time to comment in different languages. You even understand the essence of French songs :)!
Before concluding this post with your two birthday songs in German and Arabic respectively, Bambi sends you her love across the miles ?! If she may, she will add that you should be commended for who you are (i.e., your uniqueness and humanity) AND for being a devoted mother. Yes, bravo for having raised a wonderful and much talented daughter!
Indeed, is there anything more precious in life than seeing our young adult children with roots (i.e., deep connections with their ancestry) ALONG with efficient wings to freely and responsibly fly as far/high as they aspire to? May your – and her- forthcoming year/s be filled with Love, Happiness, Health, Continuous Success, Peace of Mind, and dreams/projects to enjoy!

Herzlichen Dank liebe Bambi für deine schönen Worte und Songs!
Dein Blog ist sehr interessant und informativ, liefert aktuelle Informationen, Neuigkeiten und Unterhaltung á la Feinesten. Danke dafür!
Deine Worte über Sarah haben mich sehr bewegt. Danke dafür!
Wish you all the Best too, love, happiness health and success ☺️ bleib so wie du bist einfach ein Sonnenschein ☀️?? ☀️
Fatma, Bambi ist sehr froh von deinen netten Worten zu ihrem Blog! Sie freut sich sehr, daß dir die Worte gefallen haben, die aus ihrem Herzen kamen. Vielen Dank! Yes, she is very happy you enjoyed your birthday post and those words that came out of her heart :). Bless you for your sweet words about her blog (” bleib so wie du bist einfach ein Sonnenschein ☀️?? ☀️”). Bambi loves you!