Ms. Abeer Nehme singing Fairouz’ song on love, which is “as large as the sea”. Isn’t her voice beautiful?

If you are interested in the lyrics, here is a translation for you from Arabic into English (

شايف البحر شو كبير”

Do you see how huge the sea is?

كبر البحر بحبك

I love you as huge as the sea

شايف السما شو بعيدي

Do you see how distant the sky is?

بعد السما بحبك

I love as distant as the sky

كبر البحر و بعد السما

As huge as the sea and as distant as the sky

بحبك يا حبيبي بحبك

I love you my love, I love you

نطرتك أنا ندهتك أنا

I waited for you, I shouted for you

رسمتك على المشاوير

I’ve drawn you

يا هم العمر يا دمع الزهر

You’re all what matters to me in life, you’re like a flower tears

يا مواسم العصافير

You’re like a bird in spring

ما أوسع الغابة

How wide the forest is!

وسع الغابة قلبي

My heart is as wide as the forest

يا مصور عبابي

Your picture is on my door

ومصور بقلبي

And also on my heart

نطرتك سني يا طول السني

I’ve waited for you a year, it was a long long year

واسأل سجر الجوز

Ask the nut trees

وشوفك بالصحو جايي من الصحو

I see you coming

وضايع بورق اللوز

Lost in nut trees leaves

ما أصغر الدمعة

How small the tear is!

أنا دمعة بدربك

I’m a tear in your way

بدي أندر شمعة

I’d light a candle thanking God that you came back to me

وتخليني حبك

And let me love you”.

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