In this post, you can hear Fairouz singing for the following: Her love/lover, grand-father’s mill in the middle of the magical nights, little house in Canada, beloved Lebanon (a song that could have easily been for Ukraine or… for any of your preferred places in the world), a beautiful girl from a certain era, faith in the coming spring bringing a new hope, and for a charming, devoted baker woman.
Bambi hopes you will enjoy them as much as she did while listening to them (and singing with her frog’s voice)!
The first song is indeed about a love larger than a vast ocean…
The following song is about the magical nights… and the mill:
Next is the moving song about Canada!
Followed by a song to those who care about honouring their country, whichever it is:
Then, Bint El Shalabia that Bambi wants to dedicate to her dear friend Alexis because he likes it :):
Then a song about faith in humanity, in life, in a creator, in love or simply in the capacity to keep hoping… As you can see in the older post shown at the end of this one, this song was offered by Bambi on Thanksgiving to ALL her supporters to thank them for their kindness.
Last but not least, this is the baker woman’s song with its joyful melody about how she wakes up VERY early to start baking.