What a joyful song…Thank you Mr. Hicham El Hajj!

Bambi just heard this happy song on her internet radio. It is simply a call to dance!

In this brief post, she will share it with you, hoping you will like it. It is in Arabic and it is all about family and/or friends coming together to be happy/celebrate (maybe a wedding? Maybe a graduation? Maybe just a social gathering?). Not surprising that it is entitled “Yalla Nefrah!” and it has the word Mabrouk in it toward the end 🙂 [Come on, let’s rejoice!].

Thank you Mr. Hicham El Hajj for cheering the people of your country up. Bambi is happy she discovered you/your song today :)!

“Yalla (= Come on!) let’s be happy, dance, and have fun (twice).

The world will become more beautiful because we are happy.

The atmosphere will become merrier because we are rejoicing together.

Let’s laugh and let our laughters embellish this place.

Yalla, yalla, let’s have fun!


2 thoughts on “What a joyful song…Thank you Mr. Hicham El Hajj!”

  1. The world will become more beautiful because we are happy ? Almost a philosophical statement ? Yalla nefrah!

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