This is why Bambi jumped from Sackville to Moncton today

When Bambi was growing up in war-torn Lebanon, she has never ever participated in any demonstration.

As an adult in Canada, she participated in one demonstration in Toronto 15 years ago.

Today, Bambi felt the urge to jump to Moncton, along with her spouse, in solidarity with about 1000 fellow citizens from all walks of life. Some had signs against vaccine mandates (+loss of jobs). Others against vaccine passports (many signs read as pro-vaccine, yet against passports). Yet others wanted more freedom in churches. Regardless of the sign, everyone walked in peace and harmony, all in solidarity. Everyone longs for more freedom.

As far as Bambi is concerned, the sign in the picture above is hers. She walked because she is against vaccine passport in essential businesses like supermarkets! She is against discrimination in life (food being essential for all of us). As a reminder, at the end of this post, you can see her older post on this topic.

Bambi was reassured by the large number of participants (adults, kids, dogs, etc.). She was happy to see diversity of signs and motivations. She may not agree with all of the latter, but she has the utmost respect for people who think for themselves and who have the courage to express their opinion. It is also heart-warming to see our beautiful Canadian flag carried by some demonstrators with love and pride, not with shame or hatred.

To conclude this post, MOST of the drivers honked in solidarity! Only two people gave the demonstrators, including Bambi, the finger. Today, Bambi felt proud to be a New Brunswicker and Canadian!

4 thoughts on “This is why Bambi jumped from Sackville to Moncton today”

  1. The Freedom of speech and expression should be preserved and respected by all means regardless of the subject . That’s what makes Canada unique and different from other countries . Keep up Bambi & spouse ??

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