NB: Does the fear of a virus justify social over control, even in supermarkets?

Why is our government now asking supermarkets to ensure physical distance OR use proof of vaccination?!

If they are afraid of the new variant of the coronavirus, why are they banning non-vaccinated people from supermarkets?

Wouldn’t this new Omicron variant be transmitted by vaccinated travellers coming to Canada rather?

Does this measure make any sense to you? If so, please write a comment to this post to help Bambi understand.

NB Government website:


CBC article:


If our government wants to resort to such an extreme measure, the least would be to show us the evidence of a high transmission in supermarkets or retail businesses? Where are the data, please?

And when will we finally learn to live with the risk of coronavirus and with our fears?

3 thoughts on “NB: Does the fear of a virus justify social over control, even in supermarkets?”

  1. This is yet another point too far, as if we haven’t had enough of those already. What we have here is a “Conservative” government enacting the wet dreams of the far-left: “Comply, or starve!”

    The Holodomor[1] comes to mind. Closer to home, so does how some natives were dealt with: Indian Agents “withholding food until bands not yet signatories to treaties signed on”[2]. What a great way to get buy-in. It makes for a lovely society where everyone feels included!

    Why, in giving the option of open “with physical distancing of 2 metres” *OR* “can require proof of full vaccination” does this ignore that those vaccinated can very much transmit (and get) this illness?[3] Frankly, the obvious conclusion at this point is that it will raise the rate of transmission by *vaccinated* individuals.

    Why? And what does it really mean?

    Firstly, anyone who is too afraid to go into a supermarket or other retail business can arrange for delivery or curbside pickup. It’s about time that the onus be put on people who want to avoid the virus more than others to engage in measures that they consider appropriate for themselves, instead of mandating everyone else’s behaviour. It also brings the question which Bambi asks: How many cases of transmission have actually happened in retail environments? The NB Potential Public Exposures list certainly lists a few supermarkets… lost amid a sea of vaccinated-only establishments such as restaurants[4], but we don’t know how many of these “potentials” turned into actual infections.

    Secondly, what will this mean in practice? What will actually happen?

    Will we end up with supermarkets for the Smug Vaccinated, and supermarkets for the Great Unwashed? That sounds bad enough.

    Will we end up with “enforcement” on “social distancing” at “unvaccinated” supermarkets as pressure to “convert” to vaccinated status only?

    Are they actually trying to starve people into submission?

    Are they effectively even worse than in Austria[5], where as a
    “redeeming feature” they’re at least up-front about being

    It sure looks like it to me now.

    Wake up!!!

    [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

    [2] Daschuck, as quoted in https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/indigenouseconomics244/chapter/chapter-9/

    [3] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext

    [4] https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid-19/potential_public_exposure.html#1

    [5] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/19/austria-plans-compulsory-covid-vaccination-for-all

    1. Many thanks for your insights, questions, and references. Food for thought (or do we need a “passport” to think now?). Mind you, perhaps this measure was not thought of OR perhaps it is too punitive without being evidence-based or just reasonable. Bambi wonders if our government does an assessment of its continuously changing policies from time to time, re-adjusting them as needed. If so, this one does not seem to be a good keeper, in Bambi’s non-expert citizen’s opinion (and you seem to agree too, Louis).

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