Bambi was delighted to receive an email sharing the happy news directly from her own sister who happens to be a proud colleague of Ms. Hayek at l’Orient Le Jour!!
Bravo to this francophone journalist from Lebanon for her well-deserved prestigious award! Bambi recalls very well her series of articles on the surrealistic Beirut blast all elegantly written and where the readers could see a light of humanity in the middle of all the losses of this tragedy (Who knows? Bambi may have even perhaps shared a link or a picture in some older posts).
While reading more about Ms. Hayek now, Bambi discovered that she speaks Arabic, French, English, and Italian (https://lb.linkedin.com/in/caroline-hayek-2796a79a; https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Hayek). Below are articles featuring her success story from some of the francophone media in Lebanon, France, and Québec. It is both reassuring and thrilling to see that the beautiful language of Molière and Voltaire remains vibrant in Lebanon (thanks to the talented l’Orient Le Jour‘s journalists and contributors like Ms. Hayek):
L’Orient Le Jour:
20 minutes:
Le Monde:
Le Devoir:
La Presse:
Here are tweets and re-tweet by Ms. Roula-Douglas:

To conclude this post, “mabrouk” and bravo again to Ms. Caroline Hayek! Please keep up the excellence of your work and be safe while covering the news from the Middle East, namely about the Syrian conflict and the multiple crises of Lebanon. If Bambi may, she would like to offer you Mr. Jean-Jacques Goldman’s beautiful song: “J’irai au bout de mes rêves” [ which means I will follow my dreams to the end]. Please keep following your dreams… and, by doing so, keep making others dream, work hard to achieve their aspirations (whatever they are), and aim for excellence and professionalism.
Félicitations et mabrouk à Madame Hayek !
We need good journalism, maybe more than ever.
On a side note, I’m amazed how Bambi is able to stay so productive on a daily basis!
Thanks/merci pour les félicitations! Bambi agrees: We do need good journalism, perhaps more than ever (well said). As for your comment on her daily blog activities, this is a positive/encouraging [and amusing :)] comment. Thank you Achim for reading the posts and for enriching this blog with your thoughts.