The contradictions of Mr. Trudeau et al.: To be “masked” or not to be “masked”?

Well in Canada, when posing for a picture, even outdoors, they are masked.

However, when they are abroad in a room filled with people from all over the planet, all of them responsibly masked, our Prime Minister and his colleague, Mr. Steven Guilbeault, are the only ones non-masked.

Plus, in Canada, in some municipalities and some provinces, masks are mandatory by law for public servants (

However, it seems that this health-measure works only for those public servants who are not at the top of the hierarchy.

Of course, Mr. Trudeau is always more important than laws, ethical rules, and us the little people.

At least, his is true to himself… His attitude/behaviour has a name: elitism (and no it is not much better than populism).

Mr. Trudeau’s new cabinet 2021. A picture taken from Radio-Canada/CBC on October 27, 2021
Mr. Trudeau and his spouse, Ms. Sophie Grégoire, on October 27, 2021 arriving to the
cabinet swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall, Ottawa.
A picture taken in Ottawa from the New York Times
Mr, Christia Freeland and her family on October 27, 2021 arriving to the cabinet swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall, Ottawa. A picture taken from the CBC (by Mr. Sean Kilpatrick for The Canadian Press )
A picture taken from the National Post showing Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Guilbeaut at COP26 in Glascow on November 1, 2021

2 thoughts on “The contradictions of Mr. Trudeau et al.: To be “masked” or not to be “masked”?”

  1. I haven’t worn a face diaper in Sackville. I have no plans to wear one. My friend Greg Hallett in the UK has a quote I like to share about the facemuzzledfolks… if I may? Its a good reminder that our healthcare is ultimately OUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY because we are the ones who will suffer if we make bad choices that prevent our body’s ability to function properly. … something I told Shawn Mesheau by phone not too long ago.. “please stop promoting face mask wearing I want you and everyone else to be healthy” but he ignored me and my advice…. .. “Wearing a mask is identifying you as one of the 95% to be killed, because you’re identified as stupid and not reacting to save your own life… wearing a mask is dressing the same as the pedophiles dress so that the pedophiles feel at home.” – Joseph Gregory Hallett, King John III

    Please take care of yourselves in this small town with very limited employment opportunities for blacklisted troublemakers. I would love to buy you a glass of wine some evening at the Painted Pony.

    1. Glass of wine– how sweet and generous of you. Thank you! Do you know that Bambi is a deer who has exchanged a free alcohol ticket into a free ice cream ticket, at a party (their Lindor ice cream is to die for!!) :)? As far as she is concerned, she looks forward to meeting you, along with your dogs. She heard a lot about them too :). So, you are welcome to come over too (see email).

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