MAFA is the Mount Allison University Faculty Association of about150 full-time and 60 part-time faculty and librarian members.
CAUT (ACPPU in French) is the Canadian Association of University Teachers or the “Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université “.
CAUT was established in 1951 and its website describes it as “the national voice of the university body. CAUT represents more than 72,000 professors, librarians, researchers and other academics and is committed to academic freedom and is actively working in the public interest to improve the quality and accessibility of post-secondary education in Canada“.
Thus, Bambi is BOTH honoured and delighted that CAUT is supporting MAFA in her grievance, as per its bulletin of September, 2021.
The CAUT statement in both official languages is shown in the two screenshots at the end of this post.
Alternatively, you may wish to read the same texts directly in the CAUT bulletin. The English statement can be found in the first link and in the top left of page 9 in the second PDF link. The French statement appears on page 11 of the second PDF link:
In addition to her continuous gratitude to MAFA…
Bambi thanks CAUT from the bottom of her heart!

Oui, merci ACCPU du fond du coeur!

[Bambi] , ton integrite et tes bonnes valeurs sauront vaincre cette injustice ?
Merci “Valo”
– Tes mots me touchent profondément!
Trop contente pour toi ma chère Bambi?????? la justice et la vérité finissent toujours par vaincre sur l’injustice et le mensonge!!!
Tout sera bientôt clarifié et que justice soit faite ???
Merci infiniment Maya!!!