“I teach, therefore I am”: France honours Mr. Samuel Paty

A picture taken from Mr. Bertrand Guay for the Agence France Presse via the Limited Times & Le Figaro.

It takes courage to stand up against terror.

While chatting with her friend in France last week, Bambi learned that a large number of schools did not have the courage to honour Mr. Paty, including an elementary school in her region and a college in another region.

However, in the Alpes-Maritimes, a French nursery school accepted to be renamed “Samuel Paty School” to honour this 47-year-old Professor who was killed in the most horrible way (i.e., decapitated). This honour came despite the initial reluctance of (some) parents who were paralyzed by fear (who can blame them?!): https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/dans-les-alpes-maritimes-une-ecole-maternelle-rebaptisee-samuel-paty-cree-des-remous-20210716 .

Bambi has extensively posted on this tragedy. May Mr. Paty rest in peace. Long live academic freedom and freedom of expression in France… and in our world. Bravo to France for honouring its values and its teachers. By doing so, this country paid tribute to both Mr. Paty (with the approval of his family) and, by extension, the French Republic.

To conclude this post on a musical note, only one song comes to Bambi’s mind. Of course, it is “Adieu Monsieur Le Professeur“.

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