Mr. Richard Martineau: We want to know everything [“On veut tout savoir”]

Can someone explain to Bambi what our federal government is trying to achieve with this?! Look at what it is doing with our PRIVATE companies using the Statistics Canada agency (mission, channels, platform, infrastructure!)!! The government “wants to know everything” about us indeed, Mr. Martineau is right!

Even the Catholic church of Québec before its “Quiet Revolution” did not resort to this level of interference in people’s private lives. Well, even Lebanon’s Hezbollah with its Iranian-based hegemony, did not think of doing this… to the best of Bambi’s knowledge (Oups, Bambi should not give them ideas now!).

Before translating M. Martineau’s article for you, please keep in mind the following:

Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada’s economy, society and environment that they require to function effectively as citizens and decision makers” :

This means that Statistics Canada is supposed to serve citizens allowing them access to public information to “function effectively as citizens and decision makers” . It is not supposed to be used, like the mainstream media have being instrumentalized by our government through public funding. It is not supposed to be politicized or religiosized (i.e., the ideology of wokeism). Can our government tell us why they are trying to achieve with our own tax money?!

Keeping this in mind, now is the time for Bambi to shut up (hard to do, as she is upset). Below you an find a quick translation of Mr. Martineau’s informatively shocking article…. but first, here is a link to his original French piece. Thankfully, the Journal de Montréal still publishes independent writers like Mr. Martineau, Dr. Facal, Ms. Durocher, Mr. Bock-Côté, and others:


To find out how Canadian businesses are doing during the pandemic, Statistics Canada sent a long questionnaire to several entrepreneurs across the country.

The large-scale survey, which ran from January 11 to February 11, aims to measure the impact of COVID-19 on businesses in Canada.

“By participating in this survey, you bring invaluable perspective to governments, chambers of commerce and business associations by providing them with up-to-date information to design strategies that will support the survival and sustainability of Canadian businesses. “


Here is what you can read at the end of the questionnaire …

“Question 28: What percentage of this business is owned by women?

Question 29: What percentage of this business is owned by First Nations, Métis or Inuit?

Question 30: What percentage of this business is owned by immigrants to Canada?

Question 31: What percentage of this business is owned by people with disabilities?

(Include visible and non-visible disabilities)

Question 32: What percentage of this business is owned by LGBTQ2 individuals?

(The term LGBTQ2 refers to people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or two-spirit)

Question 33: What percentage of this business is owned by visible minorities?

(In Canada, a visible minority person is a person, other than an indigenous person, who is not of white race or colour, regardless of his/her place of birth) “


I imagine the owner of the company behaving like a good citizen and who wants to fill out his questionnaire correctly…

“Hey, Pedro…

– Yes?

– I have, uh, a question for you.

– Yes what?

– Where are you from?

– What do you mean, where am I from? Because my name is Pedro, I’m not a real Canadian, is that it?

– No, no, I just want to know…

– I was born here and my father was born here, OK? I’m as Canadian as you are!

Okay, Pedro, okay, don’t get upset… Uh, I have another question.

– What?

– Uh… do you have an invisible disability?

– Why ? Do you think I’m doing my job badly?

– No, no, but… Aren’t you dyslexic? Or deaf in one ear?

– No, I’m doing great!!!!

– OK, last question, my Pedro … Uh … Hmm … I don’t know how to ask you that…

– Go ahead, I’m in a hurry!

– Are you gay or bisexual?

– WHAT???? How does that concern you, who do I sleep with?

– Uh, I’m sorry, it’s the government that wants to know, not me…

– It’s none of your business, okay?

– You’re right … But … Are you allosexual, by any chance?

– What is that?

– Do you think I would know that myself?”


There was a time when we didn’t care where you came from, if you were disabled, who you slept with.

Now we are compiling these data. The society is cut into small, thin slices.

What percentage of black blood is in your veins? What are your sexual practices?

We’re there, folks.

And something tells me that this is just the start.

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