All seasons are beautiful.
Even if Bambi loves the summer (in which she was born), she adores the fall season, especially in our part of North America with its magical colours.
Even if she can “tease” the fall by telling it that its only problem is that it announces winter, she remains under the charm of our Canadian winter even after 30 years!
Of course, when something ends we may feel homesick or sad. The beauty of life is that the cycle repeats itself. There is comfort in this repetitive reality of life.
There will be another summer, hopefully minus the coronavirus. Without being too philosophical, Bambi does not want to end this Labour day without highlighting the new beginning ahead, that is the incredibly beautiful autumn season.
She hopes that the season ahead will bring a new hope to everyone here and abroad, especially to her loved ones in Beirut.
For many, the forthcoming season will be a continuation of projects, along with a new chapter of life lessons. Some lessons will be fun or challenging in a good way. Others may feel brutal or cruel (i.e., losses, destruction, or grief). However, even tough life lessons will end. Yes, they will become history, even in doomed countries like Lebanon. There is a sunshine hidden between the pages of the book of life.
To conclude this post, Bambi would like to offer you a French song celebrating the beautiful fall season, with its forthcoming “Indian summer” (like a mini second summer). Thank you Mr. Joe Dassin/Merci Monsieur Dassin for “having existed”, even if you did not live long enough to sing for more fall seasons at our end. At least, you left us your immortal song about our country (with its French and English versions)!