Good-bye Annette Khachigian

The picture to the right was taken from HyeTert

She battled for her life at a hospital in Zahle (in Lebanon) for 24 days since the Beirut explosion. Five of Beirut major hospitals have been totally destroyed. The others were overwhelmed. She had to be rushed miles away. A medical team did the utmost to save her.

Sadly, she died yesterday morning at age 58.

Bambi’s heart goes to her brother and to the rest of their family. She hopes he will get the help needed to fix his destroyed place.

If she may, Bambi would like to dedicate this Amazing Grace interpreted by Mr. Andrea Bocelli (at his virtual “Music for hope concert”) to the memory of Annette. Through her, to all those who lost their lives in the surrealistic explosion.

Who knows? Ms. Khachigian may have enjoyed watching Mr. Bocelli’s international virtual concert a few months ago during the covid-19 lockdown (like Bambi’s family).

May you rest in peace Annette… May your memory be eternal.

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