Here is a Reuters‘ article entitled “Exclusive: Lebanon’s leaders were warned in July about explosives at port – documents“:
Will anyone say who owned those chemicals, asks Reuters again?
Lebanese people are usually far from being stupid.
Was their political leaders’ negligence mere stupidity?
Was it corruption-related as well?
Was all this linked to Hezbollah et al.?
Until when will they stick their heads in the sand?
Didn’t they have enough of sticking their hands in people’s pockets?
Why did they take people’s souls, kids’ bodies, houses, healthcare centres, workplaces, restaurants/pubs…. and Beirut’s soul? WHY!?
Maybe because they are used to getting away with things ????
Impunity is commonplace depending on who you are
Were Rafik Hariri’s murderers ever taken to court and judged ?
Indeed. Well said… impunity!