What Mr. Mario Dumont is describing Bambi understood a while ago.
First, she voted for Mr. Trudeau’s government the first time, precisely in the hope of seeing Canada re-playing a role in the international scene.
Second, despite this, she was quick to see the superficiality of that balloon burst before the second elections (i.e., she did not vote for Mr. Trudeau again, which is contrary to her usual voting pattern).
Whether we (fully?) agree with Mr. Dumont’s thoughtful article, it is refreshing to read a deep reflection by a journalist (a luxury nowadays).
The night before the UN vote, Bambi thought about all this in her mind. Even if she saw the above, she prayed in her heart for the best interests of Canada (it may seem odd to pray for our country. She usually does so for Lebanon only… but, these days, she is concerned about us).
Anyhow, Bambi thought to herself (and asked God): If this UN seat is good for Canada, let it be. If not, please let it be. That was her wish for Canada, even if the federal government invested our tax money and much efforts to make this UN saga a success story for Mr. Trudeau. On the contrary, it was a fiasco for Canada (congrats to Norway, the winner).
Without much of Bambi’s blahablahblah, here is a quick translation of Mr. Mario Dumont’s article published on Saturday, June 20, in the Journal de Montréal.
Mr. Trudeau reads French. It is Bambi’s hope that he will read Mr. Dumont’s article one day, to learn from it:
“Oh ! It doesn’t look very serious as a title. However, no image can better represent what happened to Justin Trudeau in Canada this week. A beautiful big pink bubble … which bursts. And everyone realizes that it was only air.
The vote to bring Canada back to the UN Security Council was to become the consecration of Justin Trudeau’s great success on the international stage. The story was well presented: Canada, which had become despised in the world because of the evil Harper, was finding the way to universal love. Animated by the generous Justin, bearer of all good causes, the “most best” country in the world would once again become the most loved.
But it was all just porridge for cats.
Canada has never come down as low under Stephen Harper as what the Trudeau team said with the help of some media. And the supposed comeback of Canada pulled by superhero Justin with his cape never happened. It was all a story, wind, air.
Catastrophic result
Several analysts have pointed out: Canada’s result has been worse this year than the slap of ten years ago. Fewer votes for Canada against much smaller adversaries. Yet Justin Trudeau ran a campaign, made promises, distributed our money, hoping to convince poorer countries to express their love for Canada.
Justin Trudeau’s supposed return policy to the world is therefore a failure. But what exactly was this policy based on? Basically one thing: fashionable themes. Justin Trudeau donned fashionable socks to bring fashionable causes to the international stage.
The environment, multiculturalism, feminism, we can be sympathetic to the themes. But let’s be serious. The great political leaders on the world stage look at the issues in depth, they measure the credibility of their counterparts, they weigh the interests of their country. They do not allow themselves to be touched by empty words on good causes.
Taken seriously?
Justin Trudeau made a strong impression in his early months by the freshness of the speech. However, all of them later clearly understood that many of his good intentions were not based on a fundamental reflection or on a results strategy. Words, words and more words. Ah, yes … and also a photo! One wonders if he is still taken seriously by other leaders.
Hopefully at least this week, the Trudeau government will have learned its lesson. Canada must no longer be the kind dreamer who joins all the movements to be in the wind. Canada must pursue a strategy of international relations based on its interests, its economy, with allies and other countries before which it is better to stand up for its principles.”