Maybe Ms. Hafsah Mohammad was “quick to notice that she was one of the few people of colour at the rally” because the others are busy earning a living and sustaining our economy?

Bambi is reacting here to the following CBC article:

Yesterday evening, she reacted to the same topic featured in the New Wark Times:

If this is Ms. Mohammad’s second visit to Sackville only, perhaps she should not be so self-righteous about our community?

Had she looked just across the street, she would have seen the delicious pizza place owned and managed by a Lebanese-Canadian family.

Around the corner, we have other delicious restaurants with ethnic food (South Korean, Italian, Japanese, Chinese a little bit further down, etc.).

Had she driven by the Bridge Street exist, she would have come across the business of a big entrepreneur in town also of Lebanese origins. This without mentioning the university’s, hospital’s, and schools’ own diversity.

As per the title of this post, everyone is busy earning a living or helping sustain the economy in pandemics. This even if everyone also and naturally wants our world to be free of violence, respectful, and welcoming to all.

Bambi does not know about others but she also hopes to keep seeing our community free of the coronavirus. Despite masks, are demonstrations across towns the wisest idea now?

2 thoughts on “Maybe Ms. Hafsah Mohammad was “quick to notice that she was one of the few people of colour at the rally” because the others are busy earning a living and sustaining our economy?”

  1. HI Bambi/[Bambi]:

    I love the song “Die Gedanken sind frei”; we used to sing it in the primary school in Switzerland.

    I have come across the following quote by Noam Chomsky, which seems appropriate for your experience that resulted in this blog:

    “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum….”

    I enjoy reading your contributions!


    1. Vielen Dank Felix! Your words mean a lot to Bambi (Rima too :). Amazing that you used to sing “Die Gendanken sind frei” in the primary school in Switzerland. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful quote by Noam Chomsky.

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