Mr. Trudeau is right. Dr. Tam should not be fired. He should resign instead… perhaps post-pandemic?

Mr. Trudeau should resign post-pandemic…

Not just because he is aligning Canada too naively to the Chinese axis.

Not just because China is making fun of the world, including (and especially) us.

Not just only because of his carelessness at the beginning of the pandemic with regards to our borders.

Not just because Canada did not stockpile enough personal protective equipment (PPE) AND sent our stockpile to China.

Not just because he did not respect his own confinement measures by visiting his family in another province and at a cottage… Not just because other citizens get fined but not him.

Not just because he refused to pay and organize a quarantine at hotels for much needed temporary foreign workers (like Lebanon has been doing!) whilst now doing it for asylum seekers. Mr. Beaudet (Bloc Québécois) is right on this one ( How strange this contradiction.

Not just because of all his deficits, before the Covid-19 pandemic. Imagine after!

Even if he occasionally takes sensible decisions:

Mr. Trudeau must perhaps consider resigning, at one point, because he has been incompetent before the pandemic: his management of the SNC Lavalin saga, losing two competent women: Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybold and Dr. Jane Philpott whom we badly need now, not allowing Ms. Petitpas Taylor enough time to be able to keep doing her job (replacing her by a more illuminated and less experienced Hajdu), the absurd railway crisis, the continuous accusations of “racism” or hiding behind “diversity”, when he has no wiser words to explain a point of view, etc..

Again today, he is showing us his immature and authoritarian side, by accusing the opposition of being racist:

Mind you, Bambi is saying the above and herself is far from being a fan of Mr. Scheer (even is she is a daily milk drinker!). He is also a symptom of our increasingly mediocre society.

Without going as far as requiring the firing of a competent yet limited Dr. Tam, as a colleague of Mr. Scheer seems to have requested, we Canadians have all the rights of the world to be informed about Dr. Tam’s role within the WHO when it comes to China’s hegemony:

This has nothing to do with racism, Mr. Trudeau.

This has to do with transparency, accountability, competence, and reassurance of a worried population in pandemic times.

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