Bsharri, hometown of Gibran Khalil Gibran, will be isolated to contain the coronavirus

Bsharri, Lebanon

Lebanon has now 27 new coronavirus cases, which raises its total to 609 (as of today).

It seems that the village of Bsharri will be isolated by the army, as of tomorrow, to try to contain the outbreak. Good luck!

In the short video above, you can see the charm of Bsharri.

Bambi was lucky to visit this region three years ago, thanks to her parents. She cannot describe the beauty of those mountains filled with snow until June sometimes. The air is pure. Nature is filled with spirituality… not surprising that the valley surrounding Bsharri is called “Kadisha Valley” ( Kadisha means “holy” in Aramaic. The latter is the language Jesus spoke.

Talking about Aramaic, well here is “Our Father” in Aramaic, intepreted by a great Lebanese singer called Majida (Majida El Roumy). Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Bsharri, hometown of Gibran Khalil Gibran, will be isolated to contain the coronavirus”

    1. Bambi is so happy (+ honoured) to read your words, Dearest Maya. The sun will shine again on Lebanon’s villages and towns, mountains and beaches. Yes, tourism will recover after the pandemic :)! Until then, please be safe!

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