Bambi would like to quickly comment on the beautiful article in the Sackville Tribune by Ms. Katie Tower entitled “Brother reunites with refugee family in Sackville after three years apart”:
“Mabrouk” [= Congratulations] to the Hussein family for this happy reunion! Bambi is happy for them! Once again, she says welcome to Nokar, wishing him all the best.
Bravo to the “Sackville Refugee Response Coalition” and the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church for making this story a happy one.
The generosity of Sackvillians (and by extension Canadians) is to be commended.
As for the Middle East that Nokar left behind, Bambi’s heart aches when she stops to think of the sad catch 22 reality of that region of the world, at least in several of its countries. What is the lesser evil: Dictators or Islamists? Is there a way of fixing the Middle East’s issues at the source to avoid human suffering?