The “Moncton Lebanese Association” stands peacefully alongside the Lebanese people who are asking for a dignified life

Standing peacefully alongside the Lebanese people

Bambi just received the following message by email (thank you Lamia and thanks to the Moncton Lebanese Association):

“Good Evening Everyone,

  في ظل ما يحدث في لبنان ودعما للشعب اللبناني الذي يطالب بالعيش الكريم بما يضمن كامل حقوقه، تدعو الجمعية اللبنانية في مونكتون جميع المهتمين في

 نيو برنزويك الى مشاركتها في التظاهر سلميا يوم ٢١ ت١، الساعة١١:٣٠ صباحا امام مبنى السيتي هول، مونكتون. 
نتمنى عليكم المشاركة لدعم اللبنانيين من نيو برنزويك في مطالبهم المحقة. 
نامل ان نراكم جميعا

In light of what is happening in Lebanon and in support of the Lebanese people, who are demanding a more dignified life that guarantees their rights, the Moncton Lebanese Association invites all those interested to come join us on Sunday, October 20 at 11:30 a.m. at Moncton City Hall to stand peacefully alongside the people of Lebanon. 

Please come in numbers to show our support from New Brunswick, as this is an issue that affects us all inside and outside Lebanon. 
Hope to see everyone there. 

En vue de ce qui se passe au Liban, et afin d’appuyer le peuple libanais qui revendique une vie plus digne et plus respectueuse de leurs droits, l’Association libanaise de Moncton invite tous les intéressés à venir nous rejoindre dimanche le 20 octobre, 11h30 à l’Hotel de ville de Moncton pour pacifiquement manifester votre solidarité avec le peuple libanais.

Veuillez venir en grand nombre pour démontrer l’appui provenant du Nouveau-Brunswick, puisque cet enjeu nous touche tous, soit à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur du Liban.

Nous espérons bien vous voir.


Lamia Chami (on behalf of the Moncton Lebanese Association)”

A video from Lebanon (the second day…):

A video created by Bambi’s nephew, Nicolas Douglas on his Instagram:

Created by Nicolas Douglas

Sadly, there have been casualties today :(.

As you can see in the picture below this one, peaceful protesters courageously stood up between the police and those committing vandalism (infiltrating crowds):

From L’Orient Le Jour
From L’Orient Le Jour
From L’Orient Le Jour

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