How interesting. Even the Lebanese “Naharnet” focused on our Canadian debates in an article entitled “Trudeau called compulsive liar in last election debate” (Lebanon has a large diaspora in Canada, one must recall):
The article above features Trudeau, Scheer, Singh, and May.
No word about Blanchet & Bernier.
How ironic. For Bambi, Bernier and Blanchet were the real winners of these two debates.
Perhaps Blanchet expressed the most significant sentence of the whole campaign: “No nation should put its fate in the hands of another one”. He said this in replying to a First Nations Canadian citizen in the audience. He added “neither the First Nations nor the (English) Canadian Nation nor the Québec Nation”.
Clearly, the Bloc is doing a great job in this campaign. It would be nice to see Québec being well represented again in the Parliament, regardless of the party in power.
Of course, Bambi says this, recognizing that it is much easier to be in the opposition than to govern. Plus, this party is yet to show Quebeckers concretely how they will proceed on important issues.
Blanchet’s comment was particularly meaningful given the unacceptable, non-professional English debate. Indeed, what a shame and waste of time, especially with Trudeau-Scheer’s cacophony on top of the biased journalists’ questions (i.e. on Bill 21). Journalists seemed disrespectful toward Québec. Same for our federal politicians (although they may simply reflect the tendency in the population).
Perhaps all this was a staged drama that would make our Prime Minister appear like the Aladdin’s Genie, that is a saviour protecting Canadian citizens from the “racist” Quebeckers (i.e., challenging Bill 21 in federal courts, etc.). Could it be?
Funny how we tend to walk on eggs with all minority groups and sub-groups (ethnic this or that, Jews, Muslims, even Islamists, First Nations, extreme ecologists blocking bridges, etc.). Ironically, and sadly, no one cares about wearing white gloves with the 70% of one of our founding nations who supported this Bill. The latter being simply a different historic-cultural way of conceiving secularism (separation of religions from the State). Plus, there was no word on the existence of such laws elsewhere in Europe (France, Switzerland, etc.).
Bambi knows MANY Montreal citizens who support this bill, even among Muslim and Arab communities. No one talks about this in the media. We hardly hear about these people in articles by the CBC, mind you. Things are not as black and white as they want us to think (even if there may be a discrepancy between Montreal and the rest of the province on this matter).
In Bambi’s mind, disrespect is perhaps more digestible than hypocrisy mixed with disrespect and inept leadership.
Hypocrisy is Trudeau’s strength.
Indeed, Trudeau had a contradictory message in the two official languages.
Singh almost successfully imitated Trudeau’s hypocritical style with a totally opposite message in French versus English (Bernier cleverly pointed out to this).
Bernier was the clearest of all.
He succeeded in focusing on presenting his platform and he spoke directly to those who would be personally electing him (or not?). He attacked the least. He knew how to listen. He earned our interest. He also came up with several good citations.
We may agree with him or we may not. However, we cannot accuse him of one ounce of hypocrisy. In other terms, with him, what you see seems to be what you will get. He is congruent in his messages on all platforms and in all languages from Coast to Coast to Coast.
Of course, he made mistakes. Of course, he will make more in the future. However, he is a smart leader. I am sure he can learn. Plus, he has a solid political expertise and an experience in the private sector.
Bambi liked how Mr. Maxime Bernier spoke against supply management (she would like to see the prices of milk and eggs go down). He did that even at his own political risk. Like him, she is also against corporate welfare.
Of course, balancing the budget in 2 years seems to be appealing, to say the least.
At one point, when Bernier was cornering Sheer, the latter told Bernier that “he will not be imposing anything given that he will lose (his seat) in the Beauce”. Many of our media seem to dream of this outcome (i.e., numerous titles and articles’ contents). Who knows? Anything is possible, although Bambi has a good vibe.
What Bambi admires is how he put all his national party together in less than a year.
Bambi wonders if Trudeau would be personally elected rather, even if his party would remain in power (likely a minority government… but who knows?).
Perhaps Ms. May is also a principled leader, like Bernier. Bambi likes her, even if she loses her when she cites Greta’s “house on fire”, although she admits that her “Comment osez-vous?” (= How dare you?) sounds cuter out of her mouth.
A part of the French debate that Bambi enjoyed was hearing Singh and May agreeing with Bernier (even joking about it). These were nice, collegial moments.
Same for the courageous and moving question from a lady in the audience about assisted dying. We had the impression that our politicians have truly worked together with this legislation that seems to need refinement now.
Of course, there were other boring moments in those debates or moments of cacophony or of joint attacks toward single persons (Bernier and even Trudeau and at times Scheer).
We also had good quotes, almost by all.
As well, bravo to those debating in their second language. It is particularly challenging under the stress of time.
Talking about stress, the French debate was well organized (3-way-debates, not six like the English one and an efficient time management). All in all, Bambi tips her hat for the highly professional Mr. Patrice Roy (Radio-Canada) for his excellent moderation.
He did not hesitate to cut the microphones of everyone to force them to be disciplined. What an efficient Moderator!
French debate (original):
French debate (in English):