Mr. Joseph Facal’s article was published today in the Journal de Montréal. Here is a quick translation for you:
“Take one of those countries that is typically called a banana republic.
In this kind of country, the head of state does what he wants.
He places his family members in important positions even if they have no obvious skills.
He appoints whomever he wants, fires whomever he wants, gives money to whomever he wants, receives lavish gifts, etc.
He does it with impunity, without being accountable, without suffering consequences, without giving a damn about what those below think.
The potentate does not differentiate between state coffers and his own.
The potentate considers the country to be his own playground.
The scandal is permanent, except that it is not a scandal in the eyes of the potentate and his court, who believe that they are entitled to it … because they make the law.
Usually this lasts until the fall of the potentate.
Conversely, in genuinely democratic regimes, when a scandal becomes too large, those responsible are forced to resign.
There are consequences, there is a price to pay for turpitude.
Clearly, Canada is a democratic, serious country, enough anyways to consider itself to be very good and to set an example of virtue around the world.
Nothing would be further from the truth than associating Canada with a banana republic, right?
We might say, it’s still funny…
Justin Trudeau was snowboarding in Whistler and teaching high school drama.
He is catapulted as prime minister only because his name is Trudeau, rather than Tremblay or Trépanier.
His skills for the job? He doesn’t even know the meaning of the word.
His family is taking advantage of the largesse offered by all the regime’s courtiers who want to be well looked after by him, such as the Kielburger brothers or the Aga Khan.
The former pays his family, the latter lends him his private island for small family vacations.
The regime’s number two, Bill Morneau, takes trips unrelated to his job, half paid for by the agency where his children worked.
And all these beautiful people seem to consider that this is due to them quite naturally.
They are almost outraged that one dares to question them.
The Kielburger brothers claim to be victims and blame the bad media.
Justin tells us: what do you mean, I have the cause of young people so much at heart that I did not realize that WE Charity was paying my family.
Morneau took out his personal checkbook.
Justin Trudeau will be questioned by MPs today.
He’ll probably apologize and maybe shed a little tear.
In the banana republics, when you need a scapegoat, you throw an insignificant under the wheels of the bus, never the real culprits.
If Trudeau or Morneau save their heads after that, it will mean that between Canada and Santa Banana, there isn’t much of a difference in the end”.