Covid-19 pandemic: Is Canada the third world of the West? How come so-called third world countries are being more thorough than us in their fight against the coronavirus?

How come all the countries of the world, from New Zealand to others… to tiny bankrupt Lebanon were thorough with their travellers returning home? And we have not?

Look at Lebanon, even if you will not understand the language!

English text here:

The Lebanese government developed a QUICK plan to bring over 21, 000 citizens stuck abroad (some lost their jobs in Africa or Saudi Arabia… etc. Others from Europe, will be brought back in the next couple of days). One man sadly died in Ghana.

A Lebanese airliner paid for people’s tickets (the government is considering paying students’ tickets who will come soon).

See the video link above. Look at the thorough medical testing upon arrival to the airport.

Immediately after testing, travellers were taken to hotels to be quarantined, until the test results. First night for free. Then, if no place to go to (no homes), they can stay longer at excellent rates. However, they STRICTLY do not have the right to leave the hotel for 24 hours until their test comes back negative!

They were provided with meals in their rooms. Public health teams were awaiting them at the airport to take all the needed information.

Look at the gloves and masks everyone is wearing and full protection to medical teams.

Bravo to Lebanon for being that “covidwise”!! It is reassuring for Bambi to watch.

Why aren’t we as thorough in Canada, by the way?

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