Noha from Chicago: thanks for dedicating today’s mass for the repose of the soul of Robine Fiani-Azar

Thanks to Roula for sharing a picture of our mom, which was taken in Beirut, Lebanon,
November 7, 2022 (Robine’s last birthday)

Robine is lucky to have had close ties with her wonderful cousins who live between Chicago in the United States of America and Latakieh in Syria. Indeed, Bambi has always been inspired by this family love. In turn, she loves her mom’s cousins with all her heart ❤️. We are truly blessed to be a family united by love and care with friendships across the generations of cousins.

Today, Nuha honoured her cousin Robine by dedicating a mass service at her St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church in Northlake, Illinois. On page 7 of the following bulletin, one can read the following: “For the reposed in Christ our beloved departed, Robine Feani by Nuha Ferraye “. Bambi would like to thank Nuha from the bottom of her heart. She is also grateful to the priest of her church for the prayer.

At her mom’s funeral in Beirut a few days ago, Bambi was deeply moved when she saw Marouma, Amal (Nuha’s sister) and “Sousou” (Nuha’s niece). They came to say good-bye and pay tribute to their beloved Robine all the way from Syria. Indeed, they started their road trip to Beirut at 6 AM in order to make it on time for the funeral service, which was at 2 PM. They spent 2 hours at the border, if Bambi recalls well. Much love to them ❤️, along with a big hug.

To conclude this post, Bambi’s heart goes to Nuha and to all her immediate and extended family. At her mom’s funeral, she heard a lot of “El Massih Kam” [Christ is Risen]. Bambi replied “Hakan Kam” [Truly Risen]. May your/our beloved Robine be in a better place, welcomed by this Jesus she believed in all her life, and may her memory be eternal.

“C’est la vie”: Thank you Mika!

She does not know about you, but Bambi adores Mika. His wonderful song talks about life and death, absurdity, the living or aging process, love, and shared humanity. It raises deep questions, while even mentioning Lebanon, and defying the fear of living. The music is fun and the clip is sub-titled in English. Thank you Mika. Your song made Bambi think of her last week of August (between Athens and Beirut). What a surreal vacation time filled with BOTH joy and sorrow while being mixed with the essence of life… LOVE.

Dr. Jordan Peterson: why does the selection of the judge investigating the Beirut explosion appear to be more independent than the judge hearing his case?

We learned recently from an article by Mr. Joseph Chiummiento, published in the National Post, that “a judge who had publicly supported speech-restricting rules opposed by Peterson” was “assigned to hear the case” (

How logical and how fair is that? We are not longer hiding the level of moral, mental, political, intellectual, and so-called professional corruption in Canada. Doesn’t it shock you, whether you agree with any point raised by Dr. Peterson or not, that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) is “concerned” with the “manner” and “tone” of his comments? Why this level of censorship in our country?

Sadly in Lebanon, Judge Tarek Bitar has been regularly threatened since he was assigned to investigate the August 4 Beirut explosion. One is left to wonder why the Lebanese Judicial system managed to appoint an impartial judge whereas Canada seems to be more biased?

Good luck to Dr. Peterson in his appeal, hoping the Court of Appeal is less pre-determined.

Did you know that today was the “National Feel the Love Day”?

Some declared days (no clue by whom) are highly important, raising awareness about this health condition or that historic event. Others seem odd or funny like today’s National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day, which coincides with the National Feel the Love Day.

Well, thankfully, love comes in all forms and all shapes. When it comes to maternal love, it starts before our birth, with our mothers bearing us in their womb for 9 months, and continues beyond their death. We keep feeling their never-ending love even if we miss them beyond words of any language.

Bambi and her sisters recently and abruptly lost their mom. Bambi knew that her mom chose her name and expected her birth, even when many told her she will have a baby boy. Without the convenience and reassurance of an ultrasound, Robine intuitively replied “it is a girl” (coming after two girls) “and her name is Bambi”. Now, with her death, Bambi discovered that her mom had two watches: one for Lebanon and the other for Canada. If this is not love of all her children, what is it then?

Just like the official name of this ending day, Bambi feels the energy of her mom around or within her. She also has vivid memory of the love of her larger family, friends, and all the community who came, in a large number, to pay tribute to her mom, to support her dad, and to give sympathy to their daughters. Back to Canada, Bambi was overwhelmed with the love of her circle of friends as well as her colleagues who kindly expressed their condolences with kind gestures of all sorts, calls, emails, beautiful flowers, cards, food or even the traditional coffee. Just now while preparing this post, past 9 PM (time to sleep), a delivery of flowers from dear friends arrived from Hamilton, Ontario. Wow, Bambi is speechless… Again, if this is not love, what is it then?

Death is part of life and the past ten days were a condensed version of this truth. Luckily, there is love in the equation of life and death. Thanks to love for transcending death. Thanks to music too to express love and gratitude. Bambi thanks everyone and sends her heart to all and prayer (with love) to the skies. Yes, to those we love who left us and this God (le bon Dieu) she happens to believe in deep in her heart. Life is tough at times. Yet it is always beautiful with our infinite capacity to chose and live by love. Love for others, love of oneself, which makes us take care and move forward despite the deepest sorrow.

Bumping into singer Patrick Fiori on an Air Canada airplane from Europe to Montreal

She does not know why, but Bambi often bumps into famous people on airplanes, in hotels, or in pastry shops.

Well on her way back home from the Middle East, through Europe, she bumped into Mr. Patrick Fiori. Indeed, with a heavy heart (grieving her mom), upon getting out of the aircraft washroom, she bumped into Mr. Fiori. He was waiting to visit the same place she was leaving.

Bambi was too happily surprised that she only managed to get one word out of her impressed mouth. She said “WOW” twice in a row. Mr. Fiori replied: “Je vous en prie” 🙂 [it means: you are welcome]. Poor guy who must have thought he met the craziest deer on earth in the skies. Anyhow, despite her deep sorrow, seeing this much talented international Marseille-born singer made Bambi’s day (unless it was evening time in her jet-lagged brain?).

To end this brief post on a musical note, and if you wish, you may listen to Fiori singing in Corsican (his mother’s native language) and French. One of his French songs, which Bambi likes, is about Armenia (where his dad originally comes from).

From Bambi to her dad across the miles

Bambi’s dad is FULL of courage mixed with an inspiring love for his family. This song seems to be written by Grégoire specifically for him as he navigates his grief journey. It is entitled “Je t’envoie mon courage” [“I send you my courage“]. Merci papa ❤️. Thank you for being who you are. We all love you so much. Please take good care.

Thank you: with her angelic voice, Ms. Zeina Farah honoured Robine Fiani Azar at her funeral

A few months ago, this blog featured Ms. Zeina Farah’ musical talent. Of course, there will be another post on Zeina’s songs, both joyful and spiritual ones.

This being said, a BIG thanks to Zeina for the Byzantine chant prayers at the funeral of Robine, Bambi’s mother. May her memory be eternal.

Ms. Farah’s pure voice, in which she put her heart and soul, was surely heard in heaven. Indeed, what a beautiful tribute to Bambi’s mom. Thank you.

In conclusion, Bambi will leave you with a Greek Orthodox Arabic prayer entitled “Ayouha l moutaraddi“, which is performed by Zeina. Bravo to her!

Ms. Roula Azar-Douglas: isn’t her tribute to her mom beautiful?

Roula, Bambi’s eyes are filled with tears, reading your beautiful tribute to your mom. Thank you!

Published in L’Orient Le Jour on September 1st, 2023

Roula’s French article, shown above and published in the L’Orient Le Jour today, can be found here: Below is a quick English translation, thanks to Mr. Google Translate, Bambi’s loyal friend:

To Robine Fiani Azar, my mother

Writing to you, I’ve done it hundreds of times, Mom, but never publicly. As you take off, I speak to you one last time, just to see your name printed in black and white before the eyes of the whole world. You who lived your life discreetly in the shadow of us all, you deserve the light.

I’ve missed you for a while now, Mom, long before your sudden departure, when my sisters and I and all your grandchildren were out of the country.

I’ve missed you for a while now, Mom, ever since this country tried so hard to drain you of your energy, your serenity, your joy of living, gradually killing you on a daily basis without mercy. Tired, you were, exhausted. From the explosion of August 4, 2020, the collapse of the pound, the shortage of medicines, the heat that the generators’ electrical supply was no longer able to adequately combat…

I miss you already, mom. Nothing will be the same without you. Now I must learn to live in your absence, to reinvent myself without your gaze. I also have to imagine new ways of communicating with you, of telling you that I love you, of feeling your presence, of seeing myself with your eyes.

I miss you already, mom. Nothing will be the same without you.

Your eldest“.

In conclusion, following Roula’s heartfelt tribute to our mom, Bambi would like to share two beautiful pictures of her parents, Antoine and Robine. These will be followed by: (1) words of wisdom transmitted to the family by Olga with love (Ontario, Canada); (2) a soothing Arabic song by Fairuz from the sweet Greta (Québec, Canada). The lyrics of the latter, which is entitled “I believe“, appear at the end of this post in English (; and (3) a prayer in French from Smith (Ontario, Canada). Lovely musical discoveries. Bambi will surely re-listen to these spiritual songs once back home. Thank you. Many thanks to all those who kindly shared poems and wise or sweet words (including you Sita from out of the Netherlands) 💜.

Robine and Antoine in Canada.
Robine and Antoine in Lebanon.

I believe (taken from:

“I believe that behind the peaceful seeds

Heavens prosper

I believe that, behind the fierce night waves, there’s a bright lamp up high

I believe the the heart thrown in sorrow meets tenderness

I’m full of faith

I believe that, behind the hurricane air, there are lips that recite the prayer

I believe that, in the silence of the enclosed universe, there is someone who listens to me

If my eyes ever aspire to the sky, the lights clear and the tunes get higher

I’m full of faith”.

Robine Fiani-Azar: her memory will be eternal in so many hearts…

Ce n’est qu’un au revoir” Mama Habibi: Bambi did not expect to tell you “may your memory be eternal” now… but life and death always seem to know how to surprise us with their apparently mysterious timing. In the end, despite our DEEP sorrow, it is simply your time to leave our world now.

This post is the toughest EVER, but Bambi insists on trying to pay a tribute to her mom to the best of her capacity, even if she is speechless now. Indeed, her jet lagged brain has been confused by wonderful celebrations of love (Mabrouk again Michael and Stéphanie ❤️; Robine’s pride and joy), which went hand in hand with a bitter process of acceptance of an imminent death. Not any end of life since it is her own mom’s death… Yes, the finality of the one who has given life to the groom’s mother and to her two sisters, including Bambi.

May the memory of Robine Eliah Fiani be eternal…

Robine Fiani-Azar, Bambi’s mom gave her, and her sisters, roots and wings. If Bambi loves personal freedom, it is because of her mom. If Bambi is grounded, as much as possible, it is because of her mom. If Bambi followed her dreams in her personal and professional life, it is due to the agency fostered by her mom (and dad). If Bambi believes in romantic love, it is because of her mom and dad with their 64 years together as a couple, including a 57-year-long married life. If Bambi (and her spouse) adjusted to three recurrent miscarriages, while growing through this life journey, it is because of her mother’s wise advice and outlook in life. Same for her censorship saga, thanks to her mom and dad’s continuous love and support. Last but not least, Bambi’s biggest source of inspiration in life, especially her reproductive one, was again her mother, Robine. The latter unfairly lost her first newborn (who would have been Bambi’s brother). Earlier in her childhood, she went through adversity, especially at age 10 with the loss of her own mom (with her baby-fetus). Yet, Robine never complained, never saw herself or forced others to see her as a victim. Instead, she preferred to live her life with dignity and agency, in addition to love.

Talking about love, here is how Mr. Georges Abou Araj, Robine’s 50-year-old dear neighbour (owner of L’Objet, the store across from her balcony) described her. His original French follows the quick English translation:

“An angel has left us. Yes, an angel left us. Robine was my neighbour for more than half a century and, day by day, I had the privilege of her friendship. Never during all this period did I see her revolt even when the situation had become intolerable. I got to know her in the hard days, she was always the same lovely, decent, helpful, and always selfless human being.  In life I have met many people but Robine has always known how to rise above the little things. A true “lady”. Robine has always been an angel, and today she is an angel among angels, she has regained her place in a better world. Everyone who knew her, I’m sure will miss her. My sincere condolences to Tony to his daughters and their families and to all who knew and loved her”.


Un ange nous a quitté. Oui un ange nous a quitté Robine a été ma voisine pendant plus d’un demi-siècle et de jour en jour j’ai eu le privilège de son amitié. Jamais durant toute cette période je ne l’ai vu se révolter même quand la situation était devenue intolérable.
je l’ai connu dans les jours difficiles, elle a toujours été la même personne adorable décente et toujours serviable altruiste et désintéressée. Dans la vie j’ai connu beaucoup de personnes mais Robine a toujours été la personne au-dessus des petitesses. Une vraie ” lady”. Robine a toujours été un ange, et aujourd’hui elle est un ange parmi les anges, elle a retrouvé sa place dans un monde meilleur. Tous ceux qui l’ ont connue, j’en suis certain vont la regretter. Mes sincères condoléances à Tony à ses filles et leurs familles et à tous ceux qui l’ont connu et aimé
“. GAA

Many thanks to Georges for his deeply moving public words (on social media), which moved the heart of Antoine who is grieving his beloved wife. In turn, Bambi allowed herself to share them with her readers, as a tribute to her mom.

From this superb tribute, Bambi now wants to share a beautiful video at the very end of this post. The latter shows what Robine’s most caring daughter AND friend, Roula Azar-Douglas, did to honour her parents in Athens, 2-3 days ago, as the mother of the groom (in addition to taking care of Robine until her last breath across the miles…). She read a meaningful and powerful text to Michael and Stéphanie, which was carefully chosen by his grand-parents. Through her excellent reading (and pronunciation) in standard Arabic, Roula reminded the bride and groom, along with their guests, of the meaning of love. Those deep words, by Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), were taken from The Prophet (available publicly at; English is followed by Arabic; just like Fairuz’ song, which Robine was very fond of).

In conclusion, as Father Joe (the wedding’s priest) said: love is about creativity, sacrifice, word/act, as well as resurrection (or hope of life). He was talking about romantic love (+ Christ’s love). Well, today, it is Robine’s and Antoine’s love to us all and to each other. It is also our love and gratitude back to them. Antoine’s incredible sacrifice to allow his daughter to keep enjoying her son’s wedding. Roula who did the same with her own son. Robine who has been the ultimate example of a reserved (or private) yet most powerful love… to us all. Bambi thanks her family and especially her mom. She loves you beyond words and death. Fly in peace mom. Your memory will be eternal … in all our hearts.

Then said Almitra, Speak to us of Love.
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,

So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself
He threshes you to make your naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.

But if in your heart you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor,

Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.”

And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

 Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
 But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
 To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
 To know the pain of too much tenderness.
 To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
 And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
 To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
 To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;
 To return home at eventide with gratitude;
 And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.”

Arabic lyrics now…

2. المحبة…

حينئذٍ قالت المترا: حدثنا عن المحبة.


إذا المحبة أومت إليكم فاتبعوها,

وإن كانت مسالكها صعبة متحدرة.

إذا ضمتكم بجناحيها فأطيعوها,

وإن جرحكم السييف المستور بين ريشها.

إذا المحبة خاطبتكم فصدقوها,

وإن عطل صوتها أحلامكم وبددها كما تجعل الريح الشمالية البستان قاعاً صفصفاً.


لأنه كما أن المحبة تكللكم, فهي أيضا تصلبكم.

وكما تعمل على نموكم, هكذا تعلمكم وتستأصل الفاسد منكم.

وكما ترتفع إلى أعلى شجرة حياتكم فتعانق أغصانها اللطيفة المرتعشة أمام وجه الشمس,

هكذا تنحدر إلى جذورها الملتصقة بالتراب وتهزها في سكينة الليل.


المحبة تضمكم إلى قلبها كأغمار حنطة.

المحبة على بيادرها تدرسكم لتظهر عريكم.

المحبة تغربلكم لتحرركم من قشوركم.

المحبة تطحنكم فتجعلكم كالثلج أنقياء.

المحبة تعجنكم بدموعها حتى تلينوا,

ثم تعدكم لنارها المقدسة, لكي تصيروا خبزاً مقدساً يقرّب على مائدة الرب المقدسة.

كل هذا تصنعه بكم لكي تدركوا أسرار قلوبكم, فتصبحوا بهذا الإدراك جزءاً من قلب الحياة.

غير أنكم إذا خفتم, وقصرتم سعيكم على الطمأنبنة واللذة في المحبة.

فالأجدر بكم أن تستروا عريكم وتخرجوا من بيدر المحبة إلى العالم البعيد حيثما تضحكون, ولكن ليس كل ضحككم; وتبكون, ولكن ليس كل ما في ماقيكم من الدموع.

المحبة لا تعطي إلا ذاتها, المحبة لا تأخذ إلا من ذاتها.

لا تملك المحبة شيئاً, ولا تريد أن أحد يملكها.

لأن المحبة مكتفية بالمحبة.


أما أنت إذا أحببت فلا تقل: “أن الله في قلبي”, بل قل بالأحرى: “أنا في قلب الله”.

ولا يخطر لك البتة أنك تستطيع أن تتسلط على مسالك المحبة, لأن المحبة إن رأت فيك استحقاقاً لنعمتها, تتسلط هي على مسالكك.

والمحبة لا رغبة لها إلا في أن تكمل نفسها.

ولكن, إذا أحببت, وكان لا بد من أن تكون لك رغبات خاصة بك, فلتكن هذه رغباتك:

أن تذوب وتكون كجدول متدفق يشنف آذان الليل بأنغامه.

أن تخبر الآلام التي في العطف المتناهي.

أن يجرحك إدراكك الحقيقي للمحبة في حبة قلبك, وأن تنزف دماؤك وأنت راض مغتبط.

أن تنهض عند الفجر بقلب مجنح خفوق, قتؤدي واجب الشكر ملتمساً يوم محبة آخر.

أن تستريح عند الظهيرة وتناخي نفسك بوجد المحبة.

أن تعود إلى منزلك عند المساء شاكراً: فتنام حينئذ والصلاة لأجل من أحببت تتردد في قلبك, وأنشودة الحمد والثناء مرتمسة على شفتيك.

Roula reading Gibran Khalil Gibran’s text on love (chosen by Robine and Antoine for the bride and groom, our dear Michael & Stéphanie)

A surprise to Claire: happy birthday!

Notre chère Claire, c’est à ton tour de te laisser parler d’amour…” . Yes, Bambi is singing now. Lucky you, along with the readers of this blog, because you can’t hear her frog’s voice! Happy Birthday to you dearest Claire from Bambi, Louis, and all the family “tribe” in Canada, Lebanon, and… Greece as well :). Bambi and your nephew, who love you beyond words, wish you a wonderful day!
